Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2248: Time flies

Griffin was fortunate that he was here in time, but seeing Smith still wanting to ask questions, he couldn't help but spray at the other side: "I can help you if I want to be the limelight, and all the battles on the coastline are left to you. how about it!"

Smith didn’t dare to agree. He would know that the landing battle around the coastline would be very difficult. There is no difference between letting him be responsible for killing him alone. He could only say cheeky: "This still has to rely on the'Gun God'. Can't live."

"Knowing that you are still acting alone, if you destroy the overall battle deployment, you will be the sinner of the Saint Gama Empire!" Griffin's content became more serious. He must have several opportunities to shock Smith, otherwise he will not Knowing that Smith would do anything out of the ordinary in the future, it would be too late to try to make up for it.

After all, Griffin had just saved himself, so Smith behaved quite submissively, and he kept nodding his head to indicate that he would not commit another crime.

Griffin was not convinced of Smith’s promise. After all, this guy had too much black history in the past. After returning to the hangar, he reminded the Secretary of the Army to pay attention to monitoring Smith’s every move and avoid the same situation again. .

At first, Smith knew he was in a bad position and he was cooperating with the surveillance, but a few days later, he revealed himself again. Once he found someone following him, he would expel them with a stinky face, and he didn't cooperate with the military minister's arrangement.

Griffin and the Minister of Military Affairs have no good way to deal with this. Smith is the second **** of war in the Saint Gama Empire, and there is a very big gap with others in strength, and Griffin cannot pay attention to him all the time. , So I can only let it go.

He successfully repelled Smith's sneak attack and fought Griffin for several rounds. Chen Feng's dazzling performance allowed him to establish a very good image in the army. Chen Feng could feel the fiery eyes of others watching him.

"Brother Chen Feng, you are now a big red in the base. Everyone wants to follow you as an example." Nangong Phantom Butterfly walked closer to the ordinary pilots. Knowing what they thought, they even ran over to tell Chen. Feng Ting.

"Unfortunately, the result fell short in the end. If the'gun god' did not appear, Chen Feng would definitely have revenge." Hongshui Bin felt unwilling for Chen Feng. The chance that night was very good, but it was disturbed by Griffin.

Chen Feng is quite open-minded. He believes that there will be better opportunities: "Smith’s threat to us is diminishing day by day, and we can kill him in the future. What we have to consider is how to deal with the "gun god" and lose. Give him many times."

"It's difficult, it's almost impossible to catch up with him in terms of strength." The Hongbin frowned. Even if he didn't want to admit, their strength was still too far away from Griffin. "Even if we encounter adventures, it is estimated. No way."

"The'Gun God' is not an existence that can be dealt with by a few people. Perhaps we can help. In the future battles, we will pay attention to see if we can provide assistance." Nangong Mengdie is also making suggestions for the two. Since they cannot reach Griffin's level in a short time, they can shorten the gap between the two sides in other ways.

Chen Feng didn't really want to do this, because multiple people besieging Griffin one will make him feel uncomfortable, and he feels a bit of using the number advantage to deceive others: "Besides, I don't want to do this unless I have to."

The future combat strategy has not yet been determined. Chen Feng has received another task from Commander Ma. This time he is asked to **** the supply fleet from China. The islands in the Pacific do not have the ability to be self-sufficient and need to transport daily necessities from the country. .

Also in order to prevent the destruction of the Saint Gama Empire, Commander Ma sent a large number of ace pilots to help with transportation and protection. They repelled many enemy ambushes, but the effect was not very satisfactory.

Since the Saint Gama Empire was just harassment, it did not send a large army, and the scale of the battle was not too large. Such a small fight would not have much influence on the Republic of the Quran God, but the Saint Gama Empire knew that it was impossible. The fight was won, so all the attacks were on the transport ships, resulting in the sinking of many transport ships, and the consumption of transportation increased a lot.

In the battle, the transport ship was too large to change direction, so it was difficult to avoid the attack. After a few beams, it became a pile of scrap iron, and it sank into the bottomless sea with the cargo. Among.

Sufficient supply is related to the result of the subsequent attack on the Saint Gama Empire, so Commander Ma can no longer let this situation continue. When there are more supply operations, another top pilot will be added. After they take control, the situation will improve. a lot of.

Chen Feng can spot the incoming enemy in advance, and attack them before they cause damage to the transport ship. The protection and supply fleet can move forward with relatively little obstruction, and the efficiency of transportation is greatly increased.

The Saint Gama Empire also made changes accordingly, sending its own demigods and machine kings to participate in the attack. In short, the Quran God Republic should not be too contemptuous. As for why neither of their two Gods of War joined, it was because Griffin could not surrender himself to attack. Smith lost his trust after repeated failures, and the Saint Gama Empire easily did not want to use him.

The fight for control and anti-control of the Pacific Ocean lasted for three years. The two sides continued to send mech troops to attack each other. Although the Saint Gama Empire still failed to **** the island back, it largely contained the opponent’s impact on its own territory. .

It’s not that Commander Ma doesn’t want to hit the territory of the Saint Gama Empire, but before the islands are stabilized, it is easy to be seized by the opponent. Therefore, his decision is to be stable, and to protect the possessions first. .

Many things have happened in the past three years. Among them, Chen Feng took You Jia’s mother and son to Gunkanjima. Because of the protracted war with the Saint Gama Empire, he could not return to the country, so he had to work hard for his family to come over to relieve his lovesickness. .

To be with his father, Chen Xinghai can go anywhere. Anyway, he is tired of staying at home. He can exercise with Chen Feng and experience the fighting atmosphere on the spot, which is very helpful for his future growth.

As for You Jia, there is even more reason to come to Gunkanjima, because Chen Feng needs to "break the world" after practicing new skills. There is no such talent on Gunkanjima. You Jia can come here to help him perform the most suitable amount. Build.

Chen Feng's transformation requirement for the "world-breaking" is to increase the artificial muscles of the wrists and elbows to enhance the flexibility of close combat combat and the strength when exerting force, and then make some subtle adjustments to the beam rifle.