Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2250: Troubleshoot

Seeing that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin returned to the hangar again, even You Jia followed. The maintenance team responsible for overhauling the two special planes stopped their work and leaned over because they saw the expressions on the faces of the three. Obviously there was something, but they didn't find any problem with "Candle Light Youying".

"How's the situation of'Candle Light Youying'? Did the inspection reveal any problems?" Hong Bin first asked them about the results of their inspections.

"No problem, everything is normal." The squad leader of the maintenance class replied. Although Hongshui Bin only drove out to practice for a short period of time, they still conducted a comprehensive inspection of "Candle Light Youying" and found no signs of damage inside.

"That's weird, why can't it be checked out?" Hongshui Bin touched his chin and became annoyed. The maintenance team responsible for overhauling the special machine is a trustworthy person. They said that if there is no problem, it must be impossible to check it out.

"Why? Is there a problem with "Candle Light Youying"?" The squad leader of the maintenance team heard the off-string noise of Hongbin. He turned his head in disbelief to look at "Candle Light Youying" parked behind him, unable to think of where he was negligent. Not checked.

The squad leader glanced twice and then suddenly waved his hand: "Check again on'Candle Light Youying', it must be a comprehensive system!"

"Yes!" All members of the maintenance team started to take action. They checked all the parts of "Candle Light Youying" and used all the testing equipment they had on hand. Finally, they found the problem. "Report, some parts appeared. Happening!"

The squad leader took a deep breath. If the problematic "Candle Light Youying" of Hongbin's driving hits out of danger, who can take responsibility? So he ran over quickly, and asked his subordinates to clarify the reason: "Say! What is going on?"

"There are hidden faults in many parts of'Candle Light Youying'. These hidden faults can't be detected easily and have little impact on the battle, but it is easy to burst out when encountering evenly matched enemies.'Candle Light Youying' almost One-third of the components have such problems, and we are negligent if we fail to check it out!" The maintenance team simply admitted the mistake.

No one thought that "Candle Light Youying" would have such a malfunction. After all, it hasn't had a big problem since it was built. Hongshui Bin drove it to defeat one strong enemy, and its performance is called perfect.

The maintenance class uses a normal level of detection intensity for "Candle Light Youying". Generally speaking, as long as the special machine does not break down, it will not conduct all-round inspections. It took a full two hours to find out these problems today. .

It’s no wonder that Hongshuibin repeatedly felt that "Candle Light Youying" could not meet his own needs when practicing with Chen Feng. This has never happened before: "Why does "Candle Light Youying" have such a problem? It can be fixed. Yet?"

"Please give us a little more time, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!" The monitor can't answer for the time being. At present, they are only checking out the problem and have not figured out the cause of the problem. Further action is needed. .

"I'm here to help. I participated in the creation of'Candle Light Youying'. Maybe I know the key to the problem." You Jia took the initiative to ask Ying to join the maintenance team. She nodded to Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin and walked over. Among the crowd on the opposite side.

The purpose of bringing You Jia here is to better check out what is wrong with "Candle Light Youying". Now that the problem has been found out, she needs her assistance to solve it. Therefore, Chen Feng is very supportive of her: "Please, please. Completely repaired."

Hong Hung Bin also followed You Jia to "Candle Light Youying". He has been driving this special plane for some years and has had a very deep feeling for it. He stretched out his hand and stroked the right foot of the special plane with many thoughts, for fear that he would never again. Can't drive it.

Chen Feng guessed what Hongbin was thinking, and slowly walked to Hongbin and patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, You Jia is one of the designers of "Candle Light Youying". The preparation class here is the top class. Fix it for you."

"I hope so, I am willing to believe in You Jia!" Hongshui Bin raised his head and watched You Jia enter the cockpit before handing it over to her.

In order to find out the cause of the damage to the "Candle Light Youying" component and find a way to repair it, You Jia and the maintenance team all became busy. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin stayed in the hangar without any help, and they bid farewell. Then left there.

Fearing that Hongshuibin would think about it when he was idle, Chen Feng took Hongshuibin to the simulation room. The newly upgraded "world-breaking" data had been imported, so they could use the simulator to practice again.

Even if it can't fully simulate the feeling of actual combat, it can still make Chen Feng familiar with the new fighting method. After fighting against Hongbin for an afternoon, he has more experience in the use of the new beam rifle.

But Chen Feng also found a very serious problem, that is, after Griffin's double gun fighting technique, his energy consumption for the beam rifle has increased a lot, the amount is almost 1.5 times that of the previous one. Can't afford such consumption.

This is the next difficulty that You Jia will overcome. Chen Feng first writes down the needs and waits for You Jia to finish the "Candle Light Youying" before telling her to avoid affecting her most important renovation work.

After You Jia got involved, the speed of the maintenance class was greatly accelerated. She led the maintenance class to quickly find out where the "Candle Light Youying" was faulty and needed to be repaired, and also found the culprit that caused the damage.

For this reason, You Jia also specially found Hung Hsui Bin to apologize. It turns out that the "Candle Light Youying" will become like this is related to her previous misconsideration: "Shui Bin, sorry, we didn't expect you to be able to drive it when we designed it. The frequency and rapidity of these components have caused many internal components to bear more than planned pressure, and over time they age too much and become weak."

You Jia called the situation in which Hongbin could not fully exert his strength in the battle as incapacitation, which means that "Candle Light Youying" was unable to complete the instructions from Hongbin because the output power of the special machine itself was reduced by a bit after the aging of the components.

It is not difficult to deal with this problem. You Jia asked the Royal Academy to create a brand-new component. After replacing the "Candle Light Youying", it will be completely new, and the current components use more advanced technology to make its kinetic energy stronger.

The most important thing is to find out what kind of pressure will be caused by Hongshui Bin driving "Candle Light Youying", You Jia can more targeted strengthen the bearing capacity of each component, at least to ensure that there will not be similar in ten years The problem.