Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2258: Win over

A few minutes later, I promised nothing, and I should almost be distracted and hit by other blocking mechas: "Well done, you have such a powerful skill. It seems that we have ignored you who were covered by Guan Yuzhen's light. ."

"Guan Yuzhen is Guan Yuzhen, he is him and I am me." The other party spoke very slowly, but he could hear that he didn't like being compared with Guan Yuzhen, "He is the'unbreakable shield', and I am Shengjia The'guardian' of the horse empire."

Promise is puzzled. The other party obviously has the strength and never took a step abroad: "Wilson, since you have such a strong strength, why have you stayed in the Saint Gama Empire instead of fighting outside?"

Wilson was the pilot pilot who drove the "Guardian". His life was very low-key. Many people only knew the name of the "Guardian" but didn't know who was driving it. The promise was also remembered after a long time. his name.

"I said, I am the'guardian' of the Saint Gama Empire. I just stop anyone who wants to invade our country!" Wilson has no idea of ​​attacking other countries. He has only one mission, and that is to protect the Saint. The territory of the Gamma Empire.

He promised to be in awe of Wilson. There are not many pilots in this world who limit himself to a small area like him. The key is that he has done the same thing. He has not participated in external battles for so many years. It is a guardian. The ultimate person.

But respect belongs to respect. Fighting still needs to be fought. He promised to come all the way to participate in the war and there is no time for personality cult. He raised his gun again and aimed at the steel barrier in front of Wilson: "Sorry, we must win today!"

"I will stop you!" Wilson cleverly hid himself, in any case he would help himself to repel the enemy's landing.

The Secretary of the Army of the Saint Gama Empire did not expect Wilson to hold back his promise, so that he could no longer hinder the blocking mecha. This unexpected joy made him very encouraged, and also used Wilson's deeds to inspire the whole Army, let them summon their morale to fight the enemy bravely.

St. Gama’s empire pilot was inspired by Wilson, and the interception firepower was strengthened a lot. Under the premise of protecting himself, he took advantage of various opportunities to attack, and he just shot back the enemy mecha that had just landed with great difficulty. Very good results.

On the main battlefield, the two sides were at odds with each other, and on Chen Feng's side, he gradually grasped the initiative. Using the combination of beam rifle and floating gun he launched hundreds of beams, even if Smith tried his best to destroy them, more and more.

At this time, Smith admitted that the instrument was indeed much worse than Chen Feng. It could only simulate randomly emitted beams everywhere, but it could not simulate the techniques used by Chen Feng. Many beams hit him and blocked his actions.

This is a trap set by Chen Feng. Some of the beams were originally used by him to destroy Smith. Once Smith hits it, it will directly cause a violent explosion. Several times, Smith was invincible and suffered a small loss.

Smith wanted to complain about Chen Feng's deceit, but the pace and initiative of the battle were in Chen Feng's hands. If he was distracted to speak, it would only make his surroundings worse, so he could only separate the beams seriously and destroy what was not inside. questionable.

Due to the distraction to find the difference in the beams, Smith's speed at destroying the beams was greatly reduced. As the number of beams around him increased, he realized that he could not stop Chen Feng from displaying the beam cage.

More importantly, Chen Feng has not used those two beam rifles that have been modified in the past to use new skills. Smith feels even more disturbed. The beam rifle cannot become like this for no reason. There must be something he does not know. occur.

Chen Feng didn’t want Smith to feel his latest tactics. He planned to keep this tactics against Griffin. It’s better not to use it for the time being when dealing with other enemies, so that he can fight against Griffin. Caught off guard.

As more and more light beams danced in the air, the beam cage was officially completed. Smith was trapped in the countless wave of light beams, unable to protect himself with all his strength. Is being hit.

Smith originally wanted to promote his strength by defeating Chen Feng, but in the end he was about to lose again to Chen Feng. Such a big gap caused his spirit to fluctuate sharply and his combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

Chen Feng found that Smith’s defense seemed not as airtight as before, and quickly urged the beam cage to attack him with a more ferocious attitude. All the beams became violent as if they were hit by chicken blood, and the angle and speed became more difficult. Defense.

With loud noises after another, the "Necromancer" armor could no longer withstand the blow, and cracks began to occur in the limbs.

Through the continuous blow of the beam, the limbs of the "dead" suffered the most fierce attack, so the armor on the limbs was the first to be damaged, and the subsequent beams would miss this opportunity and flew to the limbs without armor protection.

Smith had to use other body parts to withstand the blow. The giant sword of seven swords could not protect him at all. The light beam under Chen Feng's control could easily avoid the giant sword from attacking the "dead". The original powerful giant The sword became a decoration.

In the past three years, Chen Feng has improved his shooting skills to a new level through persistent training. Even Hong Hung Bin, who knows him best, can't handle the flying light beams, let alone Smith.

Smith tried his best to support, his eyes full of horror: "How come you have become so much stronger, this is impossible?!"

"If the speed of progress is not fast enough, what should we use to fight against the'Gun God'?" Chen Feng asked Smith, how could he take the initiative to attack if he didn't improve to a certain degree, "Maybe it would be a good start to take your flag today. ."

"Don't think about it! You are dreaming!" Smith was shocked and angry. There is no doubt that Chen Feng does have a chance to kill him at this moment.

Chen Feng stopped answering Smith, and concentrated on using the power of the beam cage. The beam hit the "dead" one after another, as if to destroy all the armor on its body and strip Smith completely.

Smith knew that Chen Feng wanted to embarrass himself in front of everyone. He would rather die than let Chen Feng succeed. Suddenly, he drove the "dead spirit" towards the direction of his troops, giving up part of the defense and letting the beam hit his back.

The dense light beam caused huge damage. After Smith flew for a certain distance, the armor behind the "Necromancer" was riddled with holes, almost all the propellers were damaged, and one of them was pulled out by the cable. .