Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2272: stand by

Commander Ma has to protect the future of the Quran God Republic at all costs. This moved Chen Feng and Hongshuibin very much: "You don't need this. We will take our own responsibilities and will never let the people down."

"Then you can't just talk casually, and you can't make them feel that you are not confident. You must pay attention in the future." Commander Ma told the two to be cautious. Infinite zoom.

I also learned experience from Commander Ma. Chen Feng silently remembered in his heart that the older generations of the Qur'an God Republic are very reliable. They are willing to contribute to the country and protect promising young people. They are worthy of their respect. .

After basically determining the follow-up strategic direction, Commander Ma took the two to the command room. They wanted to mobilize the upcoming battle and tell everyone involved in the battle what they should do.

The people in the command room are looking forward to it. They have been in a state of excitement since the leaders of the Saint Gama Empire announced that they would launch an offensive. They are gearing up to fight each other to let them know how powerful they are.

Seeing the excited expressions on these people's faces, Commander Ma smiled and shook his head: "Is it going to be a war and you are still so excited?"

"That is, with the smile of the'Gun God' returning, we will have a contest of absolute strength with the Saint Gama Empire. This is the most important battle since we set foot on this land!" Everyone laughed. , They are full of expectations.

"But I want to give you a wake-up call. The Gun God is still the most powerful pilot in the world. We have inherent disadvantages when we encounter him, so we have to be prepared for failure." Commander Ma can't Let these people be blindly arrogant and remind them that at present, the Quran God Republic is still a challenger, and these commanders must not lose their minds.

Once the commander can't see the pros and cons of the battlefield clearly, the people fighting below will be more confused. At that time, the wrong order will cause extremely huge losses, so the people in the command room must first arrange their thoughts.

In the solemn voice of Commander Ma, the warm atmosphere in the command room slowly calmed down. Everyone was reflecting on their own practices, and found that they had been dazzled by the victory of the landing battle, and did not release the Saint Gama Empire. In the eyes.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. The Saint Gama Empire is recognized as the strongest country, and there is also the most powerful God of War. If you despise the opponent, you will suffer a big loss.

Seeing everyone regained their composure, Commander Ma began arranging the deployment of the battle and stated his core policy: "Our main purpose is not to win, but to let our people get tempered, so that we can be We can perform better in battle. This time the Saint Gama Empire will surely attack with the power of the whole country, and we must always be ready to evacuate."

Sure enough, in the end Commander Ma still said negative words, but now the people in the command room are very calm. They know that they have not overthrown the Saint Gama Empire, so no one raised objections.

Now that the main policy has been determined, everyone will act in accordance with this line of thinking. They will focus their campaign on defensive counterattacks instead of actively attacking the Saint Gama Empire at first.

The people in the command room are more intelligent, so they can understand what Commander Ma meant, but many pilots below couldn’t understand it. When the order was passed to them, many people questioned: "Why do we Can’t we go out and attack them until the Saint Gama Empire comes over? They want to regain the coastline, and we still want to go inland!"

Commander Ma brought all the doubts to himself. He took the initiative to tell the pilots that this was his decision, and reminded them that they should not be dizzy because of the temporary victory. There is still a gap in the strength of the two countries. The dominant power is not on his side. .

However, Commander Ma’s words did not succeed in persuading them. The pilots felt good about themselves. They always felt that the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire were paper tigers, and as long as they were serious, they would be able to easily defeat the opponent.

Even these voices of opposition still spread back to China. Many people took the opportunity to attack Commander-in-Chief Ma, saying that he was sorry for the responsibility of the military minister of the Qur'an God Republic, and entered the spirit of others to destroy their own prestige. Lu Ji.

The population of the Qur'an God Republic is very large, and it is inevitable that there are some black sheep. They always want to find opportunities to rise to the top. Among them, the commander Ma, who is in a high position, is a very eye-catching target.

"Look, this is the public opinion that the early bird has to face." Commander Ma sat calmly in his office, showing Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin one by one the content of impeachment and indictment against him. They know the sinister heart.

"So you can't express your opinions easily at any time, especially when it is negative." Commander Ma continued to teach the two of them. He must teach them his own experience without reservation. "Look at the previous three war gods, they You never openly express your opinions in front of others. You just need to do your best to get things done and don’t get caught up in public opinion.”

"Teached!" Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin bent down deeply. Fortunately, Commander Ma blocked all the rumors for them this time. Otherwise, Chen Feng would go out and say that, I am afraid that many people will tell him Trust collapses.

"People's hearts are separated by the belly, especially when there are so many people in our country. Those young people think that our old guys are blocking their way and will spare no effort to attack us whenever I have the opportunity. So I am used to it and let them Come on, my old bones can hold on for a few more years." Commander Ma has become accustomed to these attacks, and this is also his responsibility.

The vigorous opposition in the Qur'an Republic did not last long, because the leaders were very aware of Commander Ma’s contribution to the country and knew that their country had no advantage over the Saint Gama Empire, and Commander Ma’s decision was truly beneficial. .

These older generations have a very good relationship with each other. The leader personally called Commander Ma and told him not to worry because of domestic opposition, and he fully supported his decision and would fix those activists.

Sure enough, the leader personally appeared on the platform for Commander Ma, saying that he believed in Commander Ma and said that all his decisions were all approved by him. This made the opposition a lot lower. After all, the leader represents the whole The authority of the country.