Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2290: Be vigilant

Out of his understanding of the Saint Gama Empire, Commander Ma believed that the opponent must have a way to reverse the disadvantages, so he still felt that the three hundred mechas were not enough, and reminded all the machines of the machine king and above. Teacher, I hope they will be more careful.

Chen Feng's hunch did not work this time. Although he also thought that the Saint Gama Empire would take action, he could not sense the timing and location of this crisis. He could only say that it was time to adapt.

Most people think that what is most likely to happen is the battle between Chen Feng and Hongshuibin against Griffin, as well as Smith's side, because both of them have a sudden burst of strength, and it is uncertain when they will launch a shocking blow.

The three of them are the most promising young pilots in the Republic of the Qur'an God. If the Holy Gama Empire wants to deal with them, it is the most meaningful. Not only can they win the final victory in this war, but also attack the future of the Republic of the Qur'an. potential.

Chen Feng, Hongbin, and Pan Yuguo encouraged each other and warned each other to pay attention to them in battle. If there is a change outside the situation, they should immediately notify others. As long as the support is appropriate, it should still be resolved.

After silently raising his vigilance, Chen Feng came to the deck above the base and looked out. The Saint Gama Empire’s mechas were stationed in their own territory, so this sea area was very safe and quiet. With the help of the night, you could see fish leaping out from time to time. water surface.

The last few days of the war did not seem to affect the fish schools in the sea. Apart from being scared away during the war, they returned to the familiar sea area when there was no one, and played indulgently in the dead of night.

Since science and technology have become more advanced and people have occupied more and more land and oceans, Chen Feng has rarely seen so many animals in groups. For a while, he was obsessed with watching them, and his eyes were chasing after them. Move has been chasing outward.

It wasn't until the school of fish disappeared into the distance that Chen Feng slowly retracted his gaze: "Hey, I hope our battle will not harm too many animals. They are also very pitiful."

In every battle, Chen Feng could see animals dying tragically in the flying gunfire. Their corpses floated to the surface and then shattered by the falling mecha. It would make people feel very uncomfortable to observe carefully.

"Brother Chen Feng, this is nothing we can do. Unless we can stop fighting forever, innocent people or things will always be affected." At this moment, Nangong Huandie came over, and she happened to be on the deck to ventilate. Chen Feng sighed slightly.

Chen Feng beckoned and exchanged Nangong Phantom Butterfly. During this time, everyone was busy with the war and rarely had a chance to chat. Today, I can just take this opportunity to say a few words: "I heard that you have performed very well recently. Shoot down 30 units. Is there a mech?"

"Already exceeded~ In the last battle, we shot down six more platforms, now it should be 33~" Nangong Huandie stood on tiptoe and turned around in front of Chen Feng. She proudly told Chen Feng that she had been in these days. During the attack, elaborate on each battle.

Chen Feng listened to Nangong Huadie with a smile and was very happy for her. Everyone has grown up a lot since Langya Mecha Academy graduated, and they can become unique characters no matter where they are placed.

I just don’t know how many of the partners will finally break through to the level of the machine emperor. For now, Chen Feng believes that both Nangong Huandie and her sister Nangong Mengdie are very likely. Maybe they will get it after the end of the war. That opportunity.

When Chen Feng had a lively conversation with Nangong Huandie, Hongshui Bin and Nangong Mengdie and others also walked up. It turned out that everyone wanted to come out and watch the wind, and relax their nerves that were tense because of the war.

With so many people together, there was even more chat. Everyone chatted until late at night without knowing it. With the occasional school of fish leaping on the sea, Chen Feng seemed to be in danger, almost forgetting the war. Troubles.

Finally, Ji Ling took the lead to react. A cold wind blew his black robe. When he was finishing the black robe, he saw that the time on the phone was already two in the morning and reminded everyone: "It's too late, I see Don't stay on the deck anymore."

"Yeah, let's get down, everyone. The sea breeze outside is quite big and catching a cold is not good." Chen Feng felt a bit cold on her body when Ji Ling said. The cold wind on the sea at night is thorough. If we continue to talk, maybe everyone Got sick.

Everyone left the deck and returned to the base. There were many people working all night in the brightly lit area. In order to defeat the Saint Gama Empire, everyone's efforts may be needed. They may not be able to participate in the battle directly, but they cannot do without them.

"Even if it is to live up to their efforts, we can't lose." Chen Feng looked at so many people working while others were sleeping, and felt everyone's determination to win and felt that she would never fail them.

"Yes, I hope we can deal with the layout of the Saint Gama Empire without any major accidents." Hong Bin remembered the explanation of Commander Ma, and once again wondered what the Saint Gama Empire would do. He was not willing to be confused. Lose to the opponent.

"What's wrong? Is the Saint Gama Empire planning something?" Nangong Mengdie heard the overtones in the words of the two, and then think about the number of Mechas in the Saint Gama Empire on the battlefield. There must be some. Fraud.

Commander Ma’s explanation is not something that needs to be kept secret, so Hong Bin told everyone, and finally said that it is not clear what the Saint Gama Empire wants to do, and that his side is currently focusing on raising the alert.

Nangong Huandie walked to Chen Feng anxiously. She didn't want to see Chen Feng's accident: "Brother Chen Feng, you must be careful. If the Saint Gama Empire acts, it will not be easy. Your opponent is the Gun God. The most dangerous."

"I'll be careful. Actually, the combination of Shui Bin and I will not lose too much to the Gun God. It is very difficult for him to attack us. The Saint Gama Empire may not want to attack us." Chen Feng told Nangong. Although the Phantom Butterfly can rest assured, he is not so easily defeated, the Saint Gama Empire's actions are likely to be launched against other people.

In order to help the motherland win, Zheng Zhirong said that he would pay attention to this matter: "I will also help you pay attention. More people observe and believe that the plan of the Saint Gama Empire will be exposed sooner."

"Haha, then please everyone." Of course, Chen Feng would not refuse the kindness of his friends, because it was indeed beneficial.

After everyone separated and returned to their room, Chen Feng shouted to Hongbin: "I think my master or Yu Country is the person who the Saint Gama Empire wants to do. We'd better pay more attention to them in the following battles, and we must not let them get into trouble. ."