Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2300: Foreshadowing

Honghongbin's reaction was still very fast. He made targeted defenses before Griffin caused more blows, but it was a pity that he persisted for half a minute at most. The arms of "Candle Illuminated Youying" were still incapable. Avoid being cut by two guns.

The two guns swept across and slashed on the left arm of Hongshui Bin. The arm that had no armor protection broke instantly. Even the long sword in his hand flew into the sky. The whole body was shocked. Offset on the other side.

On the other side, Griffin’s other beam rifle also slammed, Hong Bin could not stop the momentum of the deviation, if he was hit again, his other arm would definitely not be able to keep it, and there would be no more Capital fought Griffin.

The good news is that Hong Bin was not fighting alone. Chen Feng was not far away from him. When he saw Hong Bin in a crisis of retreat, he quickly flew up. The beam rifle in his hand stabbed forward with all his strength to block Griffin. Another gun.

Hong Hung Bin seized the opportunity to control the retreat of "Candle Light Youying". Before Chen Feng was repelled, he drew a distance. The two stood side by side, panting and raising their arms at Griffin. They have reached their limit.

Griffin seemed to be able to hold on for a while longer. He steadily approached the two of them. He was not in a hurry to get the upper hand. Instead, he wanted to steadily defeat the two young men and then take over Smith to attack the enemy formation.

Griffin's pace was slow and firm, and Hong Bin couldn't help but swallowed his saliva: "This is bad, and we may be in danger if we continue to fight, but the main battlefield can no longer be disturbed. What should we do? "

Chen Feng didn't know what to do. They continued to fight Griffin forcibly. Their lives were not guaranteed, but if they chose to retreat, Griffin would definitely rush to the main battlefield, and all the previous efforts would be wasted.

"Don't fight with the'Gun God' anymore, come back!" At this time, Commander Ma's communication came over, telling Chen Feng and Hongshuibin not to forcefully fight Griffin. He didn't want to see Gulan. The future of the Republic of God dies here.

"But who did we retreat to stop the'Gun God'?" Hong Bin was not very willing, except for the two of them, no one was Griffin's opponent. He didn't want to see a large number of deaths and injuries to his pilot because of his failure.

Commander Ma insisted that the two return, and told them that the battle would not last too long: "Your safety is more important, and I have arranged a mecha team to attack the Lair of Saint Gama Empire. They will soon Retreating."

It turned out that when he was expelled from the coastline by the Saint Gama Empire, Commander Ma deliberately left a mecha team, allowing them to lurch in the deepest part of the base. The Saint Gama Empire didn’t demolish the base completely. Can't stop them.

This batch of mechas stayed in the base without any action. When they were hungry, they ate the dry food left in the cockpit. They waited silently for Commander Ma’s new instructions. The Saint Gama Empire would not be able to spot them if they didn’t move. Pay attention to the situation in the base.

Now that the battle between the two countries has entered a white-hot stage, Commander Ma felt it was time to use this early subordinate to let this mecha team leave the base to raid the Saint Gama Empire and destroy the most important area of ​​the enemy.

In this action, the survival rate of mecha teams fighting in a foreign country is very small. Even if they can save their lives from the enemy's defenders, they are likely to be strangled to death when the enemy army returns, so they all have the consciousness of death.

In order to resolve the crisis of his own mecha troops on the front battlefield, Commander Ma had to throw a bait to let this team go out to attract the enemy's attention, so that more pilots had a chance to survive.

"Sorry, I have no choice..." Commander Ma kept apologizing to them. His decision was to send these pilots to death. No amount of apology would make up for his debt to them.

No pilot blames Commander Ma, because they know their responsibilities. Since they are willing to stay in the Saint Gama Empire, they have already made a sense of sacrifice. It is their meaning to be able to contribute to the country.

Knowing that their side was in a very serious crisis on the Pacific battlefield, this group of pilots rushed out of the base without hesitation after receiving the order. After defeating the surrounding enemy aircraft, they advanced at full speed to the inland areas of the Saint Gama Empire.

While advancing, they attacked key buildings. This team of nearly 100 mechas made a fierce attack. As long as they saw a place worth attacking on the road, they would launch an attack. Their task was to cause damage and bring the enemy back, so they could not be merciful .

Soon there was chaos within the Saint Gama Empire. A large number of enemy mechas suddenly appeared in the homeland, and these mechas fought without mercy. Several important areas have been razed to the ground. .

The domestic crisis forced the Minister of Military to turn his sights back from the Pacific. He wanted to dispatch mechas to chase and intercept these enemies, but in order to ensure victory in the Pacific battlefield, a large number of Saint Gama Empire mechas have gone to fight outside. , The number of mechas remaining in the country is small, and it is difficult to organize an effective defense in a short time.

Such a wave of enemies was ambushed in his own territory. The Minister of the Army of the Saint Gama Empire couldn't help but admire the arrangement of Commander Chima. It seemed that the other party had already prepared for the possible danger, but it was a pity that he did not realize it in advance.

Wilson drove the "Guardian" towards the place where the commotion occurred, but because this special plane was indeed moving a bit slower, he didn't know how much damage was caused when he was in place.

The Minister of the Army of Saint Gama’s Empire hesitated. He was thinking whether he should stick to the battle in the Pacific or turn his head back to deal with the domestic crisis. Commander Ma is forcing him to make a choice. No matter how he chooses, it will be bad. result.

Just when the Minister of the Military Department was undecided, he received a call from the leader. The leader scolded him for disregarding national security. The mechas of the Qur'an Republic were raging in their borders, and many people have died innocently in the artillery fire. , And let them continue to attack, I am afraid the Saint Gama Empire will be reduced by half.

"If the people in the country are allowed to continue to be attacked and die, our approval rate will be greatly reduced. At that time, no one will be able to eat!" The leader severely warned the Minister of Military Affairs and demanded that he be All enemy planes were swept clean.