Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2334: revenge

Closing his eyes and driving the distracting thoughts out of his mind, Chen Feng's feet made Li climb onto the elevator platform and enter the "world-breaking" cockpit. When he left the cave in his special plane, he found that the soldiers outside were standing in a very far area to isolate people See the possibility here.

After making sure that he was foolproof, Chen Feng lightly jumped into the water and headed towards the Saint Gama Empire. While advancing underwater, he found that the originally dark night sky had undergone strange changes. The color of the sky became more and more red, and finally became It's blood red.

Even the bright moon hanging high in the sky was emitting a weird red light, and the sea surface was covered with a layer of red light under its irradiation. If you don't look at it carefully, you think that the sea water has turned into blood water, which is really weird.

There is a vision in the sky. According to the ancients, there will be a very important event. Could it be related to his own attack? Chen Feng couldn't help but think so, maybe it was God who was called up because Smith was about to die.

The weird celestial phenomenon made Chen Feng more cautious. Who knows whether it means a good thing or a bad thing, it is best to be vigilant and do what can be done, to avoid failing the action due to his own negligence, and not to leave Smith any chance to escape.

Smith, who was chasing the defeated enemy army, also saw the vision of the sky. He thought it was God’s admiration for him, because blood red was his favorite color, and he was covered with slain mechas. The pilot's blood stayed all over the place.

"Cool!" Smith split the body of another mecha again, and he felt very happy with a long and comfortable roar, and defeated one enemy plane after another under the blood-red night, watching the bright red flowing out of it. Blood, nothing made him feel more comfortable than this, "Dare to come and invade Saint Gama Empire, do you think you are Chen Feng or Hong Bin?!"

Smith has a deep obsession with the two young war gods of the Quran God Republic. When killing enemy planes, he couldn't help but imagine them as Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin, imagining that the two were crying in pain in his own hands. appearance.

It’s a pity that these enemies are not Chen Feng and Shuibin. Smith can only have a good time in his imagination. It really made him meet two people. It is estimated that he is the one who loses. So Smith just pretended to be these weak enemies. Force it.

The pilot killed by Smith couldn’t answer him. The remaining pilots were scared and fled frantically. Smith felt as if he had returned to the feeling he had in the creation organization. Everyone was afraid of him. Seeing him, I just wanted to run away.

"It would be great if it weren't for Chen Feng and Hongshuibin." Smith couldn't help thinking like this. The reason why he has fallen to this point is that he has inextricably linked with these two young war gods. Without them, everything would be Become different.

Smith thought about it, and the action gradually stopped. The pilots he was hunting down saw the opportunity to quickly flee. Smith didn't chase them anymore and let the enemy planes escape from the territorial sea of ​​the Saint Gama Empire.

"The dark wounds of the'dead' have all been repaired, and the night is so special. If I meet them, maybe I can win!" Smith suddenly had a special expectation of himself, he had never wanted it like today. Actively seek to fight.

It may be because of the recent success of the war that Smith has a wrong perception of himself, and feels that he can fight Chen Feng or Hong Bin when he is in good condition, and the vision of the sky should be his approval from heaven.

Just when Smith was intoxicated, the sea below him suddenly surging violently, pulling him back from fantasy to reality.

"Who is it?!" Smith yelled in a stern tone, and was approached by the enemy without even noticing it.

And this also proves that the underwater enemy is very strong, otherwise Smith would not be able to detect it. The enemy finally surfaced in the eyes of Smith's attention. Isn't it Chen Feng who was still talking about him?

"Damn! I'm just talking, do you really have to come?" Smith's jaw was so startled that he was about to fall off. He just pretended to be blind to thinking about it, not really going to fight Chen Feng, God. This is joking with him!

Chen Feng didn't know what Smith was thinking. When he came to the territorial waters of the Saint Gama Empire, he happened to see the "dead" floating quietly on the sea. He was also worried that Smith was tempting himself to observe for a long time and found out that There was no ambush.

It seems that Smith was simply in a daze. Chen Feng confidently jumped out of the water and came in front of Smith. Now that the opportunity has appeared, he must make good use of it: "It's really God's help, Smith, today is your death date!"

The sudden encounter with Chen Feng made Smith panic, but at any rate, he was also a **** of war, and he carried the aftermath of day-to-day victories, so he would not be intimidated by Chen Feng: "Huh! Don't think you can kill me, this is the Saint Gama Empire. territorial sea!"

The underlying meaning of Smith’s words is that Chen Feng is fighting on his home court at this moment. Even if he can’t beat Chen Feng, reinforcements from the Saint Gama Empire will come and reinforce him. By then, Chen Feng will be besieged by countless mechas. Who Who will live or die is particularly unknown.

Since Chen Feng came here, he naturally prepared a perfect plan. He didn’t care about Smith’s threat: “If you want to expect others to come and save you, I advise you to give up. Shui Bin is lying in ambush on their way here. When the "Gun God" goes out, all reinforcements will be blocked by him."

Thousands of miles came to the Saint Gama Empire to launch an attack. Of course, Chen Feng could not have come alone. Hong Bin also drove the "Candle Light Youying" from the military headquarters to attack. After the two joined together, they set off together, and they separated after reaching their positions.

Although the two can work together to kill Smith faster and safer, Chen Feng wants to use his own power to personally kill the culprit of his parents, so Hong Bin went to ambush in the waters ahead to create a one-on-one battle environment for Chen Feng .

Smith is scared. If the reinforcements cannot arrive in time as Chen Feng said, then he can't count on others. In terms of Chen Feng's hatred for him, this battle will be his last time. fighting.

"I won't die! You can't kill me!" Smith roared loudly to build confidence for himself. Although Chen Feng's strength has surpassed him, he is not without the power of a battle. As long as he plays well, he still has hope of survival.

Regardless of Smith's actions, Chen Fengcai, with eight floating cannons flying into the sky behind him, took the lead in attacking with a beam rifle. He wanted to use his strongest skills to kill Smith to comfort his parents' spirit in the sky.