Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2523: Sleepy beast

"Understand, it only takes three minutes at most to let you see the power of the beam cage!" Chen Feng didn't know that now is his best opportunity, but unfortunately there are only nine floating cannons left, on the right side of "World Breaking" The body was destroyed and the right arm was lost, and the miniature beam cannon was not suitable for construction, so there were only ten weapons he could control, and the speed could not be increased.

The two guns in Griffin's hand kept falling on Hongbin's body. Hongbin basically had no counterattack and could only use the flexibility of "Candle Light Youying" to dodge to the greatest extent. Although it took a lot of shots, it didn't happen. Fatal blow.

Griffin also took the time to shoot a few shots aside, but when the beam cage was close to completion, his efforts were in vain. The beam shot out like a rock sinking into the sea did not cause any waves, and I don't know if it worked.

Griffin's complexion suddenly became very bad, because it showed that the formation of the beam cage was irreversible. He was about to usher in Chen Feng's most amazing attack. It is true that he had not been able to hold the beam cage once. Invasion.

Hung Hung Bin persisted for a while. The limbs of "Candle Light Youying" were covered with scars and almost could not support its body, but Hung Hung Bin had a smile on his face and did not worry about it because he understood the success. Not far from yourself.

Chen Feng condensed all the emitted light beams together, everything is no different from the previous beam cages. His eyes shined towards Griffin, who was still struggling and said: "I have been suppressed by you for so long. Now it is time for us to fight back. Up!"

Hearing Chen Feng’s voice, Hongshuibin immediately gave up the fight and retreated. Chen Feng would have no control over Griffin if he wanted to attack Griffin. If he didn’t rush out of the beam cage, he would probably be covered, too. If he was accidentally injured by his own person. It was too embarrassing.

As soon as Hong Bin retired Griffin, he had to face the attack from Chen Feng. The beam of riots instantly enveloped him. Under Chen Feng’s precise control, he attacked him from various directions, and he could hear from the outside. To the sound of armor being destroyed.

"His shooting skills have improved again!" Griffin clearly felt the pressure. Chen Feng's shooting skills were much stronger than before. You must know that this was done on the premise that he was missing one weapon. The beam cage was not only powerful. Not small but stronger.

This shows that Chen Feng's skills have also been amazingly improved. Griffin feels that this young man is becoming more and more dangerous. If he is given a few more years, he may no longer be able to suppress him, and the title of the world's strongest **** of war will Change of ownership.

Chen Feng controlled all the beams to attack Griffin. He wanted to light up all the beams in a short period of time, because he and Hsu Bin were not in good condition and could not engage in high-level battles for too long. If you let Griffin out of the two of them It's dangerous.

Chen Feng exploded the power of the beam cage for a short period of time, and Griffin, no matter how strong, could not prevent all the incoming beams. The beam came from all directions, he could handle half of it. On the special fuselage.

Listening to the explosions coming from the surroundings, Griffin’s face was like frost, and his eyes were like arrows to observe the beams that were shooting. Whether he could stop them or not, he had to figure out all the routes. How to plan in his mind Make the best response.

Then Griffin found a crucial turning point. Chen Feng was eager to realize the power of the beam cage, so even if the offensive is so fierce but it can't last too long, according to the current rhythm, it will be unsustainable at most five minutes.

So the most important thing for Griffin is these five minutes. As long as he can hold on, Chen Feng will no longer be able to perform the same moves, because it takes time to rebuild the beam cage, and the energy reserves of each weapon are not enough.

Griffin gave up some areas that were not necessary to defend. He shot and rotated with the two guns in his hands. Chen Feng had a beam cage. He had double gun fighting skills. He integrated the double gun fighting skills into the defense and made all the most dangerous beams. damage.

The more Chen Feng fought, the more he felt that something was wrong. Although it seemed that his offensive had caused a big blow, he saw from Griffin's actions that the opponent did not have the expected malfunction due to his attack, but the more he fought and the more courageous he successfully protected. Yourself.

"The situation is not so good, Shui Bin, you are ready, maybe he will rush out!" Chen Feng quickly reminded Hung Shui Bin to be ready for battle. Once the beam cage cannot hold Griffin, Griffin will definitely not let them go, Xin A round of battle is inevitable.

Hongshui Bin drove "Candle Light Youying" to stand in front of Chen Feng again, no matter his state is good or not, as long as Chen Feng needs him, he will definitely be there: "You can attack with peace of mind, as long as I can fight, he won't let him get in the way. you!"

"Just do your best, don't force yourself too much." Compared to defeating Griffin Chen Feng, Chen Feng is more concerned about the safety of Flood Bin. Now they still have the power to fight, but if they can't fight it, he hopes that Flood Bin can do it. Safety return.

Hong Bin pursed his lips and looked at Griffin who was being attacked by the beam cage. As the number of beams decreased, he gradually saw Griffin inside. The gunman looked a little bit ashamed, but he was still very close to losing his combat effectiveness. Great distance.

"How long can the beam cage last?" Honghong Bin confirmed the time of the beam cage to Chen Feng. He wanted to rush forward to stop Griffin as soon as the beam cage failed, so it was very important for him to figure out the time. important.

Chen Feng estimated the number of beams remaining on the field. Two or three minutes shouldn't be a big problem: "There is absolutely no problem within two minutes, but after two minutes I can't guarantee it. You'd better make sure you can attack at any time after two minutes."

"No problem, it's on me!" Hongshui Bin began to adjust. Even if he knew that he would be violently beaten by Griffin when he charged up, he would not shake his determination because he believed Chen Feng would make good use of the opportunities he created. .

Just as Chen Feng estimated, the beam cage trapped Griffin for another two minutes, but as the beam decreased, it became more and more unstable. Chen Feng's replenishment beam speed could not keep up with the consumption. Liffin is about to escape.

Flood Bin was ready to go, and when Griffin was about to break out of the beam cage, he slammed forward, used double draw sword technique to cut off the opponent's head, and forced Griffin back, Griffin If Fern hadn't opened the shield in time, his left hand would have been cut off.

The uprising of Hung Bin made Griffin more cautious. The tacit understanding of the two opposing teammates really wasn't enough. He could easily step into their trap again if he was not fully prepared, so he stayed in the beam cage and persisted for a while. The time is truly ripe.