Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2526: Joy begets sadness

The black beam rushed out of the barrel, but the direction of its attack was far from the previously aimed direction. It was because the skew of the plasma gravity compression gun made it fly to the wrong place, and I don’t know where it will end up. .

The people in the Plasma Gravity Compression Gun were very depressed but helpless. Their base was completely bent and broken in the explosion. No matter how many mechas came over, they couldn't support them, and they could no longer move when they lost their mobility.

Was he stripped from the battlefield like this? Just when the officer was extremely depressed, he found that the area where the black beam flew was a bit unusual. Wasn't that the place where Griffin fought with the two gods of war?

"No, the "Gun God" may be dangerous!" The officer grabbed the communication device and wanted to contact Griffin to make the other person more vigilant, but no one answered the communication request. He thought it was his own problem and dialed again.

There was still no response this time, and the officer was even more panicked. He used his hands and feet to climb in front of the monitor to zoom in. He wanted to see the situation in that area. As a result, he saw that Griffin's special machine was missing by half, the culprit. It is the black beam.

"Oh my God!" The officer was so scared that he let go of the monitor and sat on the ground. Not only did his attack fail to destroy the Ditejia city wall, but he also killed his strongest combat power. He didn't dare to imagine what would happen next. What? They all have to be buried.

Chen Feng only felt that he couldn't see anything in the dark, and all the noisy voices had disappeared. What happened? Chen Feng would not understand for a while, the only thing that can be determined is that neither he nor Hongshui Bin was pursued by Griffin.

Darkness comes and goes fast. Because the plasma gravity compression gun collapses quickly, the black beam does not have enough energy to support it for too long. After a few seconds, it dissipates in the air, except for the residue along the way. Nothing left.

Chen Feng supported his body with his hand and looked forward, and saw that Griffin had only half of the special machine left, and there were scattered objects that had been squashed and concentrated into thin flakes, which were compressed by plasma gravity. Caused by shelling.

Judging from the current situation, the plasma gravity compression cannon launched an attack outside, and then somehow a black beam flew to the area where it was, and finally hit Griffin by accident.

"I'm going! So cruel, the plasma gravity compression cannon killed the'Gun God'?!" Shuh Bin was also staring at all this with dumbfoundedness. He couldn't believe that the Saint Gama Empire actually beat his own people. What is the operation?

"Let’s first confirm how he is going." Chen Feng drove "World Breaking" to move forward, not to mention what kind of operation the plasma gravity compression gun did. They all had to figure out what Griffin did. Did he die in shelling?

Chen Feng and Hongshuibin approached forward together. Chen Feng noticed that one side of Griffin's machine was not completely pierced, but a part of it was lost like himself. Its head still exists in the body, only at an angle. I didn't see the problem just now.

It seems that Griffin is still alive. Chen Feng immediately made a defensive posture. Seeing that Hongshuibin was still moving forward, he reminded: "Shuibin be careful. I think the special plane of the'Gun God' should be able to move. He was attacked."

"Is he still able to act? Oh, I understand that he suffered the same injury as you, right?" Hongshui Bin was taken aback and approached more cautiously, "I'll take a closer look. What can you do? Floating cannon help me."

"Okay!" Chen Feng controlled the floating cannon to fly into Griffin. Just when he wanted to see Griffin's situation through the floating cannon's monitoring system, the special plane moved again, and it stood up and turned its head to face. Two special planes close by.

Chen Feng and Hongshuibin both stopped and waited. Even if the injured Griffin's combat effectiveness is still at the top, they still don't have enough confidence to ignore each other. Only by giving enough caution can they ensure that there will be no accidents.

Griffin didn't mean to attack the two of them. He seemed to be very confused about why he was suddenly shot. He also looked in the direction where the black beam was flying. The area where he was fighting was obviously not suitable for shelling. Why did the black beam appear? Here.

Through the wide passage exposed by the destruction of the black beam, Griffin saw the fallen plasma gravity compression cannon, passing through the destroyed base of the cannon and the scattered mechas around, he guessed that the opponent was suddenly attacked by the enemy , And then because the base was destroyed, the attack was in the wrong direction, and the black beam flew to his side by accident, causing him damage.

Fortunately, Griffin noticed the sudden emergence of a black beam in time, and within a ten-thousandth of a second he turned his body to protect the most important head, but even so he still failed to escape the danger, almost half of his body was destroyed this time Under attack.

Griffin hurriedly adjusted the output of the special plane in the cockpit, and shut down all the damaged devices. This would prevent the special plane from exploding, but the current capabilities of the special plane have been greatly affected. It is not suitable to continue fighting.

Griffin looked at the two enemies in front of him. He had the intention to fight again but was unable to return to the sky. After a shot of the plasma gravity compression cannon, all his advantages were completely wiped out. It would be very dangerous to stay and wait for the opponent to react.

Therefore, seeing Chen Feng and Hongshuibin staying in place cautiously, Griffin directly drove the special plane to the channel that was bombarded by the black beam without saying a word. He drove the power of the propeller to the maximum, and moved towards him at the fastest speed. The front line flew away.

Flood Bin was shocked and hurried to chase forward. This was the first time Griffin showed timidity in front of them: "Quickly catch him!"

In the past, Griffin chased behind his **** to show off his power. Now he has a chance to chase him. How could Hongbin give up such a good opportunity. He chased after him with "Candle Light Youying" at the moment he spoke, never letting go. Liffin left.

Before Chen Feng had time to stop Hongbin, he saw him rushing behind Griffin. Griffin seemed to be deliberately waiting for Hongbin to catch up. When Hongbin had just caught up, he immediately turned back. Slashing hit the opponent by surprise.

Flood Bin couldn't stop the car and hit the light from the gun head. He was so scared that he yelled and slammed into the ground forcibly, but in the end he was chopped on his back by Griffin and smashed with a dog-eating gesture. Sank on the ground.

Hongbin was no longer visible on the surface, indicating that he had fallen into a very deep underground. He temporarily increased his advancing force and was cut by Griffin. He couldn't stop and almost didn't hit his head.