Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2716: Arm in advance

The defenders, who were already lacking in confidence, struggled with the protection of the city wall, but the enemy’s firepower was too fierce. Soon even the city wall could not withstand the artillery fire and became crippled. Was broken into pieces.

The city walls and heavy armors are rapidly depleting, but the reserve mechas behind them are getting less and less. Without enough troops, the defenders cannot re-consolidate the stormy line of defense. Finally, the enemy planes without top pilots lead the team. Break in.

"It's not good, the north defense line is lost, and the enemy has rushed in!" The message was uploaded to the commander's ears. At this time, the commander was still adjusting the deployment of troops and wanted to assist Brahman Kaul as much as possible. Other directions.

However, the commander’s mobilization had not been effective before he heard the news that one side of the line of defense had been lost. He was taken aback for a moment and hurried to make new adjustments: “Hurry up and transfer the troops to the north side to the east and west sides. The wall is lost, hurry up!!!"

The messenger just passed the commander's order, and then they heard several loud noises. The loud noise made them temporarily lose their hearing and could not hear any sound around them. It took a full five or six seconds before they gradually recovered. come.

As soon as the commander could hear the sound, he heard an officer around him pointing at the screen and yelling: "The walls on the east and west sides have also been breached... the enemy plane has already rushed in on the east side, and the enemy on the west side is still there. Continue to expand the scope of the gap outside!"

The voice of the officers spread to everyone's ears. Everyone in the command room knew that the city was over, and that the defense lines in the four directions of east, west, north and south were all lost. What else could they use to keep the enemy out of the city wall? Failure was only a matter of time.

"Time...Yes! Time is very precious to us. Even if we lose, we will hold back enough time. After the reinforcements arrive, the final winner will still be us!" The commander did not want to give up, because the fall of the city wall does not mean They lost.

The regrouped commander rejoined the command. He racked his brains to try to get the panicked defenders in the city to form a joint force, to destroy the incoming enemy aircraft with more combat and less combat, and to gain more time by weakening the number of enemy mechas.

However, Commander Ma would not let him get what he wanted. All the mechas that rushed into the city did not run around. Under his command, the defenders around the corner of the city wall were emptied first, and then the outside forces continued to destroy the city wall.

Commander Ma didn’t want to stay long in this city. They already had the three important towns of Di Teja, E City, and Buried Jincheng. It would not make sense to develop a small-scale city. The walls used to protect the city were destroyed. Just ruined.

As the gap on the city wall became larger and larger, more and more mechas of the Republic of Quran were swarmed in, gradually surpassing the size of the defenders in the city. Instead, they became the siege party with more attacks. The defenders fled.

The gap in the city wall gave the siege party a chance to enter the city and also gave the defender the possibility to escape. Some pilots of the Saint Gama Empire who had insufficient confidence took the opportunity to climb over the city wall and ran out. They knew that they could not win and did not want to be buried in the city. .

For these fled pilots, the commander of the defending army was extremely angry. They clearly still had the power to fight for the first time.

"Kill them, all those who flee, no matter what reason he has to kill without mercy!" The commander asked the fort in the city to shoot those pilots who dared to escape. He wants to kill the chickens, or all the defenders will learn to not chaos. Up.

According to the commander’s instructions, the city’s turrets adjusted the direction and locked the first few mechas that ran. The gunfire soon covered the area on their escape route. With bursts of gun smoke, these mechas were basically blown up. Up.

The tragic deaths of these pilots shocked the guards in the city. It turned out that the fate of the fugitives was so miserable. If they want to escape, they have to find a more suitable opportunity, otherwise they will die like them without any value. Will be scolded by others.

The emotion of collapse in the city was finally stopped. The commander was still struggling and asked all the troops to retreat for a certain distance to abandon the city wall: "Retreat to the second line of defense for defense. Don't waste it on the wall for nothing, come back and fight together. "

If you want to defend the city wall, you must pay an extremely painful price. If the defenders are all well-trained pilots, it may be possible, but there are so many suitable pilots in the Saint Gama Empire, let alone gather them together. Out.

There are still many new pilots in the city who have not experienced much battle. They are almost scared when they see such a tragic battlefield. The original strength is still not 30%, and when they encounter an enemy, they will collapse and make little contribution.

The commander’s heart was about to break as he watched the pictures coming back from the front. How could he suffer from these crooked melons and cracked dates? Kabvon still had a lot of commander-in-chief, and the additional manpower he sent in advance did not help. The corresponding role.

"Hehe, few can fight, and the rest are cumbersome... I actually wanted to lead them to defend the city. It's ridiculous to want to come now~" The commander cried and laughed in his seat. Unless there is a miracle, the city absolutely Change ownership.

In order to end the battle as soon as possible, Commander Ma took the command plane to fly over the city. He observed the areas where resistance was most intense in the city, and once again mobilized his troops: "Mainly attack these areas, and you can relax in other directions. ."

Commander Ma wants to kill all the enemies who are stubbornly resisting. These people are loyal to the Saint Gama Empire. Even if they are captured, they will not change their hearts. It is better to solve them directly in the battle to facilitate better takeover of the city.

"Leave it to me, and promise that they won't have any chance!" Brahman Kaul took the initiative to ask Ying to accept the task. Now that her own mechas enter in all directions, there is not much need for her to stay on the wall to maintain the gap.

"Well, a quick fight, we have to hurry up and prepare to face the next wave of war!" Commander Ma recognized Brahman Kaul's approach and spread all the remaining mechas when the female machine emperor showed great power. Distributed in the periphery of the city.

The city will definitely fall into his own hands. Now Commander Ma is not thinking about how to attack the city but how to defend the city. According to time, the reinforcements of the Saint Gama Empire should arrive soon. Feng Shui turns to defend one side. Become them.

Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are working hand in hand against Griffin. The two have maximized their respective characteristics. Griffin is struggling to deal with it. The beam rifle in his hand is not as powerful as it used to be. He often uses double-gun fighting skills and still can't compete with them. s attack.

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