Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 275: The Academy Tournament begins! (on)

President Hu of Jiangnan Mecha Academy was standing at the door as if waiting for someone. He immediately walked over when he saw President Pan appeared and said, "President Pan, my students have made a lot of effort to participate in the college competition. You See if you can give them a chance to show their strength?"

"This is easy to say." It was just a gesture of Principal Lao Pan who decided on the beauty of adulthood. He turned his head and told the six students behind him: "Students, the College Tournament is a national stage. I hope you can respect your opponents and give them a chance to show off. Features, can you do it?"

"President Pan, rest assured! We can do it!" The students responded loudly. They had no grievances with other Mecha academies, and they didn't mind letting their opponents perform first while ensuring victory.

President Hu didn't expect President Pan to be so talkative and directly agreed to his somewhat unreasonable request. After all, doing so would affect the time it takes for them to win, and it would also reduce the world's judgment on the strength of Langya Mecha Academy students. He was grateful: "Thank you, I thank you for my students."

Principal Pan patted Principal Hu on the shoulder, indicating that his students are still watching: "President Hu doesn't have to worry about it. We have the same position for worrying about our students. Let me see the strength of your students."

The students of Jiangnan Mecha Academy saw their President Hu being humbled on the Langya Mecha Academy, thinking that he had been making things difficult, and immediately surrounded him: "Although we are not your opponents, you should not insult our principal. !"

"What the hell? How can we insult your principal, please can you clarify things before we speak." Hongshui Bin is not happy anymore. What do we mean by these menacingly rushing over here for a good conversation? .

The students of Jiangnan Mecha Academy didn't believe what Hong Bin said, so they watched President Hu waiting for him to speak.

Principal Hu and Principal Pan were upset by their students when they reached an agreement. It was when they were dumbfounded: "What are you doing here? Students like me are not sensible. Please don't be offended by Principal Pan."

Principal Pan shook his head, and was angry because his breath was not that simple: "Nothing, it's a good thing that your students love you so much, I envy it too late."

The leader teacher accompanying Jiangnan Mecha Academy hurried over to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, we students are too impulsive, don't you hurry up and say sorry?"

These students also realized that something was wrong. If there was an unpleasant one among them, how could the two principals talk so peacefully, and they bent down to apologize: "I'm sorry, I disturbed you."

"No need to say I'm sorry, a good performance for a while is the greatest comfort to your principal." Principal Pan looked at these students who care about the principal with love, then turned his head and said to Principal Hu: "We will leave soon. See you on the field."

"Principal Pan walk slowly." Principal Hu sent Principal Pan to the door, returned to the students and said what he had entrusted to Principal Pan just now: "This is the way it is, you have to do your best, so that even if we lose in the first round, No regrets."

Only then did the students of Jiangnan Mecha Academy understand what happened, and admired their principal even more: "President Hu, you have been wronged, and we will work hard to absolutely satisfy you."

A group of Langya Mecha Academy got on the school bus and started to the competition venue. Chen Feng received a call from You Jia on the way: "Chen Feng, our school is watching your game. Let me tell you another good news. We are participating in the modified mecha project. The team members will go to Azure City in the next few days, and they will be able to watch your game live soon.

"That's great, you are welcome to come over~ but most likely you won't see me playing." Chen Feng said he was happy that You Jia and the others were coming, and then worried that they would not be able to see his game when they came.

"Isn't it said that the game system has been reformed this time? It is said that the substitutes will have more chances to play." It seems that the changes in the Academy Tournament have been spread out, but You Jia is still not sure about the details.

Chen Feng chuckled and explained to You Jia: "That is when the previous scores are tied before the substitutes can play. Do you think that with the strength of our Langya Mecha Academy?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, You Jia finally understood the new rules: "Well, it turned out to be like this. I've been happy for you for a long time. But it doesn't matter, we will still go to the scene to cheer for you, maybe you I really have a chance to play."

"Then I will honor your auspicious words~" Being able to talk to You Jia before the start of the race made Chen Feng feel good, sitting in the car silly.

Chen Feng’s strange behavior made Hongshuibin suspicious. When he approached the phone that turned out to be You Jia, he immediately grabbed the phone: “You Jia, I’m Shuibin. Le, are you here to cheer us on?"

The object of the conversation suddenly changed from Chen Feng to Hongbin. You Jia immediately adapted to it: "Yes, I just told Chen Feng that we are going to go to Azure City in the next few days, so you can perform well."

"Great! If you can come to watch our game, I will be able to play better." Hong Bin nearly jumped up happily, and the people next to him felt even more excited than Chen Feng.

"Give the phone to Mengdie, I have to say a few words to her." Now that you have spoken to two people, You Jia wants to simply communicate with everyone you know.

Nangong Mengdie took the phone and talked to You Jia some whispers among the girls, because she was covering her mouth and no one else could hear what they were saying, and then Nangong Mengdie handed the phone to Zheng Zhirong: "You Jia will also tell you Two sentences, Yu Qi has been waiting for a long time."

Zheng Zhirong excitedly took the phone and talked to You Jia and started to grow up with He Yuqi's sons and daughters. The sweetness of the newly married couple made everyone roll their eyes.

Just when Chen Feng couldn’t help but want to get his phone back to stop Zheng Zhirong’s sweet words, Nangong Mengdie’s phone also rang, and Hongshui Bin took a look: “It’s actually Lin Xian, this kid doesn’t want us to find you first. Sure enough, it's a matter of color and friend."

Nangong Mengdie glared at Hung Hung Bin with an angry look, and changed to the corner to sit down and communicate with Lin Xian. Their conversation was very brief and soon Nangong Mengdie sat back again: "Lin Xian asked me to help him tell you. Come on, Chen Feng's phone is occupied by the two and he can't speak."

It turned out that Lin Xiancai called Nangong Mengdie’s phone, and Chen Feng sat next to Zheng Zhirong: "I said if you have something to do with your own mobile phone, what do you mean if you have to use mine? And why do you have something to say, yesterday? I think you guys have been talking for a long time?"