Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 286: Complete victory (below)

The referee ignored Hong Bin’s urging, seeing that both of them had stood on the white spot and were ready, and then the game was issued.

Pan Yuguo's opponents didn't dare to be careless. Although the synchronization rate reached 85, he only felt huge pressure compared to Pan Yuguo's 92 synchronization rate, and there was no sense of pride in school at all.

Seeing Pan Yuguo keeps this symmetrical forward speed close to him, he can't do nothing, Pan Yuguo doesn't use beam rifle to do long-range attacks, doesn't mean he can't do it either.

So he picked up the beam rifle and pulled the trigger continuously at Pan Yuguo. All the beams flew towards the head of Pan Yuguo's mecha, which showed that his shooting ability was still quite good.

Pan Yuguo didn't make any evasive actions, so he raised the Tang Sword and swung it left and right, and even cut off the beam. The mecha continued to move forward steadily towards the opponent.

With such a strong response, the guests on the TV station could not calm down. Li Jiabin, who had a good impression of Langya Mecha Academy, shouted: "Have you seen it! Cut it off with a weapon directly on your hand." Beam, this is a fighting method that we haven't seen for a long time! The only thing we can see before is the Wushen receiving the beam with his bare hands. It is terrifying that Pan Yuguo can do this!"

"It's very powerful, so many beams can be cut all at once without falling, but his mecha is not affected in any way. It is very demeanor of the **** of war." Pan Yuguo's invincible performance has always been optimistic about the Azure Mecha Academy. Zhang Jiabin also had to obey.

The eyes of everyone in the lounge of the Azure Mecha Academy were on An Xuri. Pan Yuguo's outstanding performance made them worry about whether An Xuri could beat him in the final.

An Xuri couldn't turn a blind eye to their eyes. He pretended to be calm and drank his drink while saying, "What's the fear? No matter how powerful he is, if I have the ability to awaken, can he turn the sky upside down?"

"But..." Wu Zhifan couldn't let go of his mind, still felt that Pan Yuguo in the competition venue looked so invincible.

"Although we can't do what he did to cut the beam with a weapon and remain unaffected, we are not like this. Can this ability determine the victory of the game? No, as long as he launches a thunder blow when he is not ready , I'm still very confident to win." An Xuri is the leader among these students, and he must say that he can win and cannot make them lose confidence, but the slightly trembling drink in his hand highlights his uneasy heart.

Pan Yuguo's steady approach made the opponent's heart more and more pressure, the trigger in his hand was pulled faster, and the beam of light sprinkled on Pan Yuguo like running water.

However, his mind was already affected. The beam was not held on the head of Pan Yuguo's mecha, but covered Pan Yuguo's whole body, and the beam was ridiculously deviated and hit the beam shield, setting off ripples.

The messy light beam made Pan Yuguo's defense more handy. The Tang knife in his hand danced lightly and cut off all the light beams that could attack him. Those crooked attacks were completely ignored, revealing his strong self-confidence.

The wind splitting knife method really lived up to its name. It quickly blocked all threatening attacks. The audience saw that the distance between the two mechas was getting closer, and there was a vacuum right behind the Pan Yuguo mechas, those who beat them crookedly. All the beams passed through him and hit the beam shield.

Under tremendous pressure, Pan Yuguo's opponent gave up his plan to block Pan Yuguo with a beam rifle, and if he continued to fight like this, he felt that he could not help surrendering, so he might as well give it a go.

Released his grip on the beam rifle, he drew out the beam sword and rushed towards Pan Yuguo. The distance between the two mechas was already very close. Since the long-range attack is ineffective, try to take the lead in close combat.

Pan Yuguo still walked forward step by step according to the original rhythm, stopped the action of slicing the beam of light with his hand, holding Tang Dao obliquely to give the opponent the chance of first attack.

Of course, his opponent would not miss such a good opportunity. Picking up the beam sword was a fierce attack, and the sky full of sword shadows flew around Pan Yuguo's mecha, showing his excellent swordsmanship.

However, Pan Yuguo once again showed his intrepidity, and continued to advance unaffected by the sword shadow. The speed did not slow down at all, and he still moved forward at a uniform speed. No matter how hard his opponent tried, he could not stop his footwork.

The original goal was not achieved at all, and the opponent felt even more aggrieved, but he couldn't change the direction and start again. This was already a battle of dignity. He had to disrupt the pace of Pan Yuguo's advancement and let Pan Yuguo stop instead of avoiding it.

So he clenched his teeth with the beam sword in his hand to perform the most proud swordsmanship, but no matter what he did, he would be stopped by Pan Yuguo’s unhurried Tang Dao, whether he was a fictitious or actual move, a large-scale attack or a small attack. All range thorns are invalid.

I used all my energy to suckle, but I still couldn't stop Pan Yuguo's advancement. The opponent kept retreating and suddenly felt that the mecha had encountered a soft but strong obstacle and couldn't retreat anymore.

Glancing back, he realized that he was forced by Pan Yuguo to the edge of the beam guard on the field, and he could not retreat.

This is how aggrieved, he was suppressed by his opponent all the way to the limit, but he didn't notice it, even if he was facing Pan Yuguo, he still felt unacceptable, and he would desperately roar.

It's a pity that Pan Yuguo didn't give him a chance. With a swipe of Tang Dao in his hand, he knocked the opponent's beam sword into the air, and then gently placed it on the cockpit of his mecha: "You lose."

"I just lost like this?" His opponent still doesn't quite believe it, and he loses too smoothly. Who has ever seen someone be suppressed all the way to the edge of the field and then point to the key?

"Yes, you lose, don't be discouraged. Your performance is very good and will not make people look down on you." Pan Yuguo knows what his opponent is thinking. Anyone who is suppressed like this from the beginning to the end will be unacceptable.

This student is still a bachelor, and seeing that there is no chance to resist, he does not engage in the dying struggle: "Well, I give up."

Pan Yuguo would return to the mecha parking area of ​​Langya Mecha Academy when he retracted the Tang Dao. His opponent suddenly stopped him behind his back: "Wait, I have something to say."

"What are you talking about?" Pan Yuguo turned his head, still the unhurried rhythm before, making his opponent feel nervous.

"Um, it's not a special thing, just thank you." Taking a deep breath to relieve the pressure in my heart, the opponent said to Pan Yuguo sincerely: "Thank you for giving us a few opportunities to show our characteristics. We didn't defeat us at the beginning."