Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 317: Prepare for each (on)

Speaking of the wisdom of Dugu, Principal An was even more angry. He thought he could turn his feet on the face of the flood bin who didn’t know where he was facing, but he lost without fighting back and was forbidden to appear in the college for hegemony. In the game, I lost my face.

But in order to be able to determine Hou Shengxin's probability of winning, Principal An still asked An Xuri to go to Dugu Mingzhi to call in: "You tell him to come in."

Dugu Mingzhi followed An Xuri to the desk of Principal An, lowered his head and dared not look at Principal An's eyes. He was so embarrassed that he had no face to face the principal who had always admired him.

Seeing Dugu Mingzhi’s performance, Principal An felt a little bit painful in his heart, and forgave him softly, “Hey, I don’t blame you for your business. Now you tell me Hou Shengxin, with your cooperation, for using double swords How sure is Chen Feng who attacked?"

Dugu Mingzhi lowered his head and replied: "Student Hou Shengxin has no chance of losing when facing most opponents who use double swords. Moreover, according to our information, Chen Feng is only instructing their Jihuanglang teacher. After learning the technique of double swords, he didn't learn any particularly advanced sword skills. It is impossible for him to break through Hou Shengxin's defense."

Principal An also has another worry. If he can't convince him, he still can't make up his mind to promote this game: "But the information also shows that Chen Feng will also use double guns to attack. You have ignored this."

"You have only used two guns to attack Chen Feng once, and you know how difficult it is to use the two guns. There are not many people in our school who can use them well. This Chen Feng can't be so strong. We The most important thing is his double sword ability." Dugu Mingzhi retorted, he didn't think Chen Feng could use the two beam rifles to a very strong point.

It is necessary to practice double swords and double guns. How can anyone have so much time and energy, not to mention that double gun skills are notoriously difficult. Everyone here dare not pack up a ticket and say that they can use it well. .

Principal Ann is still hesitant. He does not want any changes in this game. What he needs is a 100% guarantee of victory.

An Xuri took a step forward and posted to Principal An’s ear and said: “Father, there is no absolute certainty in the world. Student Hou Shengxin has the highest winning rate in this game. You can’t let go of this opportunity!”

Hou Shengxin knelt on one knee, put his right hand on his chest and promised: "Principal An, I will definitely win, if you don't, come see you."

Dugu Mingzhi then bends down deeply. The defeat in the finals has become his nightmare. He is thinking about washing away the shame all the time, and this game of Hou Shengxin is the best opportunity: "Please Principal An to complete this game. We need a victory so much, Hou Shengxin can do it."

An Xuri was blowing in the ears, and two students were determined in front of him. Thinking about the difficulty of practicing the double gun technique, Principal An’s swaying eyes gradually became firmer: "Well, since you all want to compare, I don’t want Langya The Mecha Academy went back with victory like this, and I will call President Pan after you complete it."

The shop that Principal Pan was looking for was not large. Chen Feng came in and saw that there were very few people inside, but everyone was immersed in the food in front of them, and no one raised their heads because of their entry.

The shop manager inside saw Principal Pan greeted him immediately: "It is rare that Principal Pan came here. I heard that you brought your students here to participate in the college competition, but I have waited for you to come to my store for almost a month."

"Haha, it's not because I was worried about the performance of the students on the court, and I didn't want to walk around." Principal Pan gave him a warm hug. It seems that the relationship between the two is very strong: "Come and introduce you, these two are Teachers He Yixin and Wang Congwei of our school, these are my students, some of them participated in the competition and some came to do academic research. Everyone, this is my old friend Lao Xiao and the owner of this shop, he It’s not easy to cook now, and today I will let you eat your food."

"Yo, welcome, you are worthy of being the teachers and students from the famous Langya Mecha Academy. They don't look like ordinary people. They are handsome men and beautiful women. Principal An must be jealous of you." Old Xiao invited everyone to come in and sit down. Next, there happens to be a large empty table that can accommodate a large number of them.

"Principal Pan, what do you want to order?" When everyone was seated, Old Xiao asked Principal Pan what kind of dishes to serve.

Principal Pan first looked at everyone and asked everyone if they had any restrictions. After getting a negative answer, he said, "Just follow the dishes I ordered in the past. You know my tastes, and make a few more specialty dishes. Today, we have a lot of portions. Do a little more."

"Okay, wait a while, I'll make you satisfied." Old Xiao responded with confidence, and went to the back kitchen to go busy.

Hong Hung Bin turned his head and looked around, and was impressed by the elegant environment: "Do you think these diners are not affected by us at all, or are they tasting the food on their own? Is this restaurant so delicious? "

Principal Pan admires the owner of this store very much, and he has repeatedly promised that he will never let them down: "The dishes made by Lao Xiao will definitely make you linger. The diners who come here are all here to enjoy the tranquility brought by the food, so it is usually Will not react to changes in the outside world. I heard that you often go to Mr. He Yixin's home to have a meal. His wife's cooking skills are also amazing, and the two of them are estimated to have a good fight.

"Principal Pan is overwhelmed. My wife just likes cooking. I usually mess around with food at home, and I can't get on the table." Teacher He quickly waved his hand, and his wife couldn't bear the praise of Principal Pan.

Principal Pan was dissatisfied with Teacher He’s answer, and started to teach with a straight face: "Teacher He Yixin, don’t be humble. Even the greedy ghost, Mr. Xu, runs to your house and said that your wife is not good at cooking. Talking nonsense."

"Teacher Xu? Principal Pan, are you talking about Teacher Xu in our simulation class?" Chen Feng thought for a long time as if only Teacher Xu fits this image, and Teacher Xu has never told the students his real name. Came out.

"Oh? You don't know the name of Teacher Xu Nuo?" Principal Pan was also surprised, and then he thought of another person: "Then Teacher Lang Ba didn't tell you his name?"

Sure enough, several students from the table fighter Class A shook their heads like a rattle, saying that they had never heard their real names.

Principal Pan reluctantly covered his forehead and sighed slightly: "Hey, these two teachers are used to keeping their names secret in the military, and their personalities are somewhat unusual. They often don't pay attention to introducing themselves when teaching. Counselor Wang, you can give The students make it clear, lest they don’t even know who the teacher teaches them until they graduate."