Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 332: Reversal (on)

Principal An learned well this time. Although the students' performance on the court has basically won the game, he did not provoke Principal Pan this time. Instead, he said with a slight regret: "It's a pity that Chen Feng has met. Completely restrain his opponents in fighting style."

"That's not necessarily, maybe it will stimulate his potential." Principal Pan was sitting tightly, without showing any nervous expression.

Principal An couldn’t understand Principal Pan’s words, and the following competitions were almost spent: "Principal Pan meant that Chen Feng might still win?"

"If you don't force yourself, he will never know how far he can reach. Maybe he should thank your students." Principal Pan smiled lightly with his long beard, and said something that Principal An could not understand.

Principal An shook his head and simply stopped talking to Principal Pan. He only hoped that Hou Shengxin could win the game quickly and there would be no more accidents.

Repeated heavy punches caused Chen Feng's mecha to suffer a huge loss, and at the same time Chen Feng adapted from the confusion: "There must be something to do, or else I really will lose."

Chen Feng didn't want to lose the game just like that, and while Hou Shengxin was closing his fist, he waved the beam sword of his left hand and pierced his mecha's eyes, attacking the place where he must be saved and wanted to force Hou Shengxin to stop the offensive.

Sure enough, Hou Shengxin, who was holding the winning ticket, didn't want to damage the mecha too much. He raised the huge shield on his right hand to block it in front of him. Chen Feng's beam sword just left a string of sparks on it, and could not cause any damage.

It didn't cause effective damage, but Chen Feng's goal had been achieved. He controlled the mecha's feet to fly into the air forcefully, kicking out with the retracted feet, directly kicking on the huge shield held in front of Hou Shengxin.

The sudden huge impact made Hou Shengxin's footing unstable, and his right hand was kicked against the face of the mecha. The whole mecha stepped back a few steps, and even his left hand released Chen Feng's right arm.

Chen Feng's right arm regained his freedom, but the beam sword was still inserted into Hou Shengxin's mecha, but Chen Feng couldn't control that much at this moment. He controlled the thrusters to reverse force and pushed the mecha away from Hou Shengxin. .

Hou Shengxin would definitely not agree to leave Chen Feng out of his control like this. He threw out the huge shield on his left arm while retreating, and attacked the left foot of Chen Feng’s mecha. He wanted to take Chen Feng’s left foot. Cut off his ability to move!

Chen Feng couldn't dodge in mid-air, and tried to swing the beam sword with his left hand to face the huge shield that was flying in. Now, he can only minimize the damage.

When he was attacked by the giant shield in front, Chen Feng couldn’t support both beam swords, not to mention that there was only one beam sword now. Chen Feng’s beam sword hit the giant shield and flew out of control. Still flying towards the left foot of his mecha.

Fortunately, the blocking of this beam sword still played a role. The direction of the giant shield's attack was affected, and it slanted across the left calf of Chen Feng's mecha and flew back, instead of the original crosscut.

For this reason, the position of the left calf of Chen Feng's mecha also received a major blow. The armor in the place where it was rubbed by the giant shield was gone, and a burst of sparks erupted, which obviously could no longer be used to support the mecha's explosive action.

Chen Feng controlled the mecha to gently place his left foot on the ground. After feeling the situation, he took a breath: "Fortunately, it can still support the mecha's standing, but it can't be used to exert force."

Hou Shengxin reattached the flying shield back to his left arm, pulled out the beam sword inserted in his chest, and then forcefully broke it into two pieces with both hands and threw it aside. Feng shouted: "You can give up, so you can be more decent."

"You are dreaming! The game has just begun!" Chen Fengxin is like a mirror. The series of battles with Hou Shengxin before him are not meaningless. He has already seen that this opponent has poor flexibility, especially when facing multiple attacks. The handling was not smooth, just because the area that the two shields could defend was too large, which concealed his fatal shortcomings.

After thinking about it carefully, it is true that Hou Shengxin could not be too strong, otherwise how could he be arranged on the bench? The reason for not arranging him to play in the Academy Tournament is probably to hide his shortcomings and not want to be seen through by the Langya Mecha Academy too early.

Seeing that Chen Feng was unwilling to give up Hou Shengxin, he felt relieved. He was really afraid that his opponent could not bear to surrender directly. In that case, he would not be able to play himself in front of all the teachers and students: "If this is the case, then I can only take you Unloaded eight pieces!"

Hou Shengxin's actions and words ignited the passion of the scene, and the audience shouted in unison: "Stopping eight pieces! Unloading eight pieces!"

The teachers and students of Langya Mecha Academy were very angry, but they were helpless. The only thing that could stop them was Chen Feng's performance.

Chen Feng turned a blind eye to the reaction of the off-site audience. He felt the pocket watch left by his parents on his chest, thought about the text message sent by You Jia on the phone, and then looked at the lucky bracelet given by Nangong Huadie on his wrist, and silently said to himself: " I can't lose, I can't let them down! I can't let myself down!"

"Let's start the final battle!" Chen Feng broke the boat and grabbed all the two beam rifles on his back in his hands. Since his left foot cannot exert force and both beam sabers have been released, he can only use the thruster auxiliary machine. A flew for a shooting battle.

Chen Feng's actions caused Hou Shengxin's ridicule: "Don't you think it's too late to try to use the double gun now!"

"Not later, you won't be able to laugh anymore." Chen Feng controlled the mecha's feet to jump into the air forcefully. Just such a simple action caused another explosion in the left foot. It seems that the left foot is in the situation. It's already very bad.

Hou Shengxin was helpless to Chen Feng who was in the air, and stood on the ground yelling: "If there is a kind, you can come down and fight with me. What's the point of killing time?"

This allowed Chen Feng to discover another weakness of Hou Shengxin: he could not fight or was not good at air combat, otherwise he would have directly controlled the mecha to fly up with his temper, and it would be impossible to stay still on the ground.

Chen Feng, who discovered this mystery, would not come down easily. Seeing that the mecha had a large amount of power remaining, he decided not to land under the conditions sufficient to support the mecha's flight.

Chen Feng raised the two beam rifles in his hand. After discovering the shortcomings of Hou Shengxin’s poor flexibility, he has been thinking about how to use it. In close combat, Hou Shengxin’s large shield made his double sword attacks futile. , Now switch to two guns to attack different areas separately.

Sure enough, Chen Feng found that his thoughts were right. The combination of two beam rifles is not only as simple as one plus one equals two. The beam of light like a tide flies towards Hou Shengxin, making him parry him again. No more calmness before.