Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 356: Second-generation mecha simulation cabin

"Cultivating relevant talents in the field of mecha?" Counselor Wang answered without thinking, even more inexplicable about this question.

"Yes, the mission of our Mecha Academy is to teach and educate people. We must do everything possible to help students make progress and promotion. This time the transfer of classmate Hongbin Bin is the most important opportunity in his pilot career. As a Mecha Academy I can’t just consider the self-interest of my school. I have to weigh the significance of this decision to him and to our country.” Principal Pan further improved Counselor Wang’s answer.

Counselor Wang is thoughtful, and the conclusions of looking at the problem in different positions are different. If you look at the problem from the perspective of Principal Pan, he should indeed agree to Hong Bin’s request: "So as long as it is beneficial to the students, we must Do you want to give your full support?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, but we have to follow the student's own decision. We can give advice, but as long as he decides everything, his decision shall prevail." Principal Pan nodded slowly. These are all he wants to teach slowly. The experience for Counselor Wang: "Besides, after the transfer of school, Shuibin will not be regarded as a student of our Langya Mecha Academy? No matter how he performs in the future, it will not be able to erase the fact that he has studied in our school. , Then don’t pay attention to such students."

Counselor Wang never complained. The conversation with Principal Pan gave him a better understanding of the principal: "I seem to understand."

Principal Pan ended the conversation with a wave of his hand. Some things can only be done at the end: "It may be that the busyness these days has made your mind rigid. Today I approve you to rest. Go back and settle down for a while. You will encounter many things."

Counselor Wang said goodbye and left. He has a lot of ideas to go back and think carefully: "Thank you, Principal Pan, I'm leaving. Please also take a good rest."

Looking at the magnificent school scenery outside the French windows, Principal Pan let out an inaudible sigh. It was not heartache that Hongshui Bin was transferred to another school, but for the sake of the future of the students, as the principal, he must bear the pain of giving up.

After Hongbin left the principal's tower, he took the school bus to the teaching building. The class this morning was a simulation class. I wonder what kind of surprises the cynical Teacher Xu will give them these returning students.

As a result, he had a pleasant surprise before he saw Teacher Xu, Hongbin. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that the familiar simulator in the classroom was completely changed. The originally vertical oval cabin has now become horizontal. The semicircular shape is like a dormant warehouse.

Apart from Chen Feng, Zheng Zhirong, and Nangong Mengdie, there were no other students in the classroom. Hongshuibin rushed to Chen Feng, wanting to know what happened from him: "What is Chen Feng?"

"I don't know. We just arrived in the classroom." Chen Feng was also at a loss. He was studying the new thing in front of him with the other two. He didn't dare to move his feet when facing the new thing, so he didn't have it yet. Clues.

Zheng Zhirong looked up and looked around, trying to find someone who could explain to them: "Something must have happened in the school when we went to the Azure City competition. Wait for the other students to come and ask them later."

"I think I might know what's going on." Nangong Mengdie circled the new device, vaguely guessing its purpose.

Chen Feng immediately realized the possibility: "This is the simulator classroom. Is this our new simulator?"

"New simulator? You mean this is the second-generation mecha simulator?" Zheng Zhirong didn't believe it and looked for the entrance on the new device. Unfortunately, after searching around, I didn't find how to get in: "If it is a simulator, there should be an entrance. Well, and only a few months after the release of the second-generation mecha, the military is not enough. Can it be deployed to our school so soon?"

"Not necessarily. When we set out to participate in the Academy Tournament in Tianqing City, didn't President Pan said that the Mecha Academy will gradually be replaced with a second-generation mecha? This is probably a simulator of the second-generation mecha. "Hung Hung Bin took a few shots of the casing of the new device, and felt that the material was very strong and fit the characteristics of the cockpit.

Chen Feng became more and more convinced that he was right. Such a large object cannot be a display in the simulator classroom: "Phantom Butterfly told me on the phone that it will be very different after going back to school. This is probably what I said. ."

"My sister also told me that it seems that this is really the simulation cabin of the second-generation mecha." Nangong Mengdie concluded with certainty, and combined with Chen Feng's words, she could not think of other possibilities.

Faced with the brand new simulator, the four people were confused, and finally waited until a classmate came into the classroom, but it was Pan Yuguo who was unable to explain to them how to use this simulator.

Pan Yuguo showed a keen interest in this new simulator. He said hello to Chen Feng and went to one of them to study for himself.

Only after Pan Yuguo watched it a few times, Mr. Xu also came to the classroom. Normally Mr. Xu would not come here so early, but today is uncharacteristically.

"Oh, aren't these the heroes we returned from victory? How do you feel? How do you feel about winning the championship?" Teacher Xu glanced around the classroom, and raised his hip flask to the students who were studying new equipment. , As if to toast to them.

Although his mouth is still the same, Chen Feng can feel the concern of Teacher Xu for them. Today, I will come here early today because I want to see them earlier.

"It's right to win. This is in line with our strength." Pan Yuguo replied to Teacher Xu coolly. He is not a joker, and he can't tell Teacher Xu all the way.

Teacher Xu's wine gourd was half held in the air, squinting at Pan Yuguo, as if he was stimulated by his answer: "It's just a championship in the college competition, and I will be arrogant when I come back. It looks like a simulation class for a while Come on, I have to make your training more difficult."

"It doesn't matter, it just happens that I don't think the original training is difficult." Pan Yuguo shrugged and was still checking the new equipment, and did not back down with Teacher Xu.

Chen Feng and the others, who have suffered the unreasonable disaster, are not happy. Every time Teacher Xu increases the difficulty, it will make people miserable. Every time they have to push people to the limit, they just won't want to be too embarrassed.

Zheng Zhirong begged Teacher Xu for mercy: "Teacher Xu, we are not disrespectful to you, let alone being arrogant and domineering. Can you raise your hand and not punish us?"

"In my opinion, you are a group. Rather than begging for mercy, it is better to think about how to pass the training for a while." Teacher Xu walked through Zheng Zhirong, preparing to step onto the console and sit down.