Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 360: The combat power soared (middle)

"Huh~ This feels great!" Chen Feng reached the top of the mountain without being hit by the blocked mecha for the first time, standing there with a lot of emotion, and the three mechas next to him stopped attacking because of the end of the test. , It looks a bit like Zhongxing Pengyue.

Before Chen Feng could feel the hard-won comfort for a while, Mr. Xu’s voice came through the communicator again: "It seems that I still underestimated a few of you. I forgot to tell you that the difficulty of the AI ​​I trained before is normal. , Now I can finally change to the difficult level, enjoy it hahaha~"

Through Teacher Xu's words, Chen Feng realized that the other five students had also reached the top of the mountain smoothly. As a result, this gave Teacher Xu an excuse to increase the difficulty of subsequent training.

Chen Feng shook his head and restarted the new training.

Turning to look at the three mechas next to them, they are standing there quietly, and they don't look any different from before, but according to Teacher Xu, the so-called difficulty must not be easy to handle.

Chen Feng started the mecha again and rushed forward, and the three mechas next to him responded quickly. Their action patterns did not change, but the efficiency was very different.

Originally, the light beams emitted by the two long-range attack mechas could not really threaten Chen Feng. It is common for them to be empty or irrelevant, but this time they repeatedly hit the place where Chen Feng must be saved. There are two threat coefficients that have risen linearly.

The mecha responsible for melee harassment also caught up with Chen Feng's pace. Chen Feng saw that its output was clearly the same as his own, but the speed was one point faster than his own, and even punched each other with full force to attack him. The mechas are slightly disadvantaged.

"Is there a problem with the maneuvering skills of the mecha, and I can't fully utilize the combat effectiveness of the mecha?" Chen Feng immediately realized his shortcomings. These three mechas should have fully explored all the potential of the second-generation mecha, otherwise they would not May make myself so embarrassed.

This time Chen Feng couldn’t be as calm as the first time. He fleeed and climbed to the top of the mountain. However, the training results did not unexpectedly show overtime. Chen Feng hammered the lying board behind his lower body, from success to The feeling of failure is really uncomfortable.

Under the full chase and interception of the three mechas, Chen Feng's mecha was scarred. He clearly resisted most of the attacks that he could withstand, but he still couldn't break through their pursuit within the prescribed time.

When other conditions are the same, the only reason for this result is the deviation of operating skills.

Chen Feng manipulated the pilot’s reclining board into a riding style, so that he could concentrate on operations and thinking: “The synchronization rate of the interceptor mecha set by Mr. Xu is the same as our own. Why do they use the same amount of power? Faster than me and stronger than me? Next time I have to observe their actions."

The picture before him returned to the starting point, and Chen Feng, whose cockpit switched to a riding style, focused his attention on the three mechas next to him, instead of going all-out toward the mountaintop goal.

After careful observation, Chen Feng found that the mecha chasing him had changed from a gangster who was fighting on the street to a martial arts person with a good knowledge of martial arts. His moves were clever, and his actions contained charm, which was stronger than his frizzy operation. Do not know how many times.

Since discovering the New World, Chen Feng has settled down to learn their operations, trying to incorporate his own skills.

During this process, Chen Feng became more and more aware of the profound control skills that Mr. Xu had shown to everyone in class. The movement trajectories of these three mechas vaguely looked like Mr. Xu, but they were still far away from him. difference.

But even when there is a big gap, they can still push themselves into a hurry. If they change to Teacher Xu, they can only catch it by themselves.

While feeling the strength of Teacher Xu, Chen Feng still didn't let go of the learning of mecha manipulation skills. As the observation went deeper, his mecha actions gradually became smoother, and the number of attacks dropped significantly.

Teacher Xu has never directly taught the students how to manipulate mechas in the simulation class. He adopted the method of stocking for the teaching, and let the students experience everything in the simulation training. The average person may not accept it.

Fortunately, the students of Langya Mecha Academy are strictly selected. These people in the Fighter A department can't help but have a high synchronization rate and strong adaptability. They can consciously learn from the classroom and apply them to their own improvement.

Therefore, the mecha manipulation skills of these students have grown rapidly under harsh conditions. This makes Teacher Lang, who has always been famous for its harshness, nothing to say to Teacher Xu. Teacher Lang does not like Teacher Xu’s teaching method, but With such a good effect, he could only adopt a silent approach.

With difficulty and difficulty, the three stations actively operated and flew brightly. Chen Feng sighed that it was better to learn a lot, until the bell rang outside the classroom, he did not reach the top of the mountain again within the time limit.

When Chen Feng walked out of the simulation cabin, he saw Hong Hung Bin's expression on his face, which was obviously unsuccessful, while the expression on Pan Yuguo's face was very subtle. It was an attitude of eagerness to rise to the next level.

Teacher Xu drank the last sip of wine in the wine gourd. He calculated very accurately, and he always drank a whole pot of wine right after class.

"I just did a test on the six little ghosts who came back. From the results, everyone can train under the enclosure of three mechas from the next class." Teacher Xu wiped the wine stains on his mouth and raised his hand. , Announced a long-planned plan.

Chen Feng caught the classmates behind him and asked in detail, only to realize that after switching to a new simulation cabin, all the students in the class had achieved their original training goals one after another, and it was inevitable to increase the difficulty of training.

But what is the AI ​​difficulty of these three mechas? Chen Feng raised his head and looked at Teacher Xu, waiting for him to continue.

Teacher Xu did not disappoint Chen Feng, ignoring the students’ comments and spoke again: “Except for the six little ghosts who have just returned from Tianqing City, everyone’s training difficulty is normal. The difficulty of the six little ghosts is particularly special. difficult."

"What surprises me is that Pan Yuguo's little ghost has made great progress. Even the difficulty can't stop you. Only you among the six little ghosts have successfully reached the goal." Teacher Xu's fascinated but biting gaze cast on Pan Yuguo. , The outstanding performance of this student made him wonder whether to make him more difficult.

Pan Yuguo has been suffocating since President Pan told him that he was not the most likely to obtain the fragrant Zhu Guo in the mind of the **** of war.