Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 410: Arrived safely (top)

Unfortunately, he never had a chance to shoot the beam again. The beam rifle thrown by Mr. Lang directly penetrated the chest of the mecha. After a while, the mecha shook and fell vertically to the ground. Obviously it was dead and could not be killed anymore. .

The mecha that was cut into a "machine stick" by Teacher Lang saw no chance, and immediately chose to explode. In the violent explosion, the mecha fragments were scattered everywhere.

I went to look for the mecha that was shot down first. It was long gone. I should have fled the scene after seeing a bad situation. Teacher Lang also had some guesses about the identity of the three mechas, and ignored the burning flames. The mech fragment returns to the queue.

"Teacher Lang, don't you want to take a look? Are you back now?" Zheng Zhirong has the closest relationship with Teacher Lang and asked on the public channel.

"It's not in school now. The apprenticeship ceremony has already been held. Outside you can call me Master." Teacher Lang corrected Zheng Zhirong's address to him before beginning to explain: "There is no need to see it. I killed one and the other blew away, and someone will deal with it later."

Zheng Zhirong actually wanted to ask another question, and he continued to ask: "Master, how do you see that the cockpit of that mech is on the chest? Isn't that many mechs now have their heads changed?"

Teacher Lang gave a cold smile, and controlled the mecha to fly to the front of the team to continue to lead the way: "This is the experience. After you have experienced more in the future, you can also see the position of the cockpit from the status of the mobile phone, and you I should see it, I am not afraid to tell you that these three mechas are all from the Creation Organization."

Zheng Zhirong confirmed the guess in his heart, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "It's really them, what do they want? They have been asking us for trouble since yesterday."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Feng asked the question he had at the beginning: "Mr. Lang, why did you not drive the'Lone Wolf', but ride the second-generation mecha like us?"

"The'Lone Wolf' stays in the school to upgrade weapons and cannot be used for the time being." The formal internship is about to begin. Teacher Lang knows everything about these students: "We are going to the Southwest Military Region as an internship. It is not to cause a war. Driving a special plane will break the balance in the past, and it is easy to cause an overreaction from Fo La Ye country. Using the second-generation mecha is the best choice."

After answering all the questions, Teacher Lang asked the students to pay more attention to the surrounding environment: "I don't know what the purpose of the creation organization is. In short, this internship journey is not so stable. All of you should be more vigilant."

After experiencing this small-scale pursuit, there were no accidents in the back of the group. The terrain became higher and higher, and the external environment gradually became desolate. Finally, they successfully arrived at a military base in the Southwest Military Region.

This military base is not the same as the architectural style of the war fortress of Langya Mecha Academy. Most of its buildings are buried underground, and nothing can be seen from the outside. Only a few facilities are exposed on the ground, and most of them are It is a huge fort, and there are some flat passages.

Under the leadership of Teacher Lang, the students slowly descended the mechas and landed in front of the military base. Dozens of mechas came from the military base and surrounded them with beam rifles, warning them not to act rashly.

Chen Feng looked up and saw that these mechas were all first-generation mechas, and pilots who wanted to replace them with second-generation mechas might have been sent to the front line, leaving only these weaker generation mechas to take charge of the defense of the base.

As the team leader, the responsibility of communication naturally falls on Teacher Lang. He stepped forward to sign up for his identity: "I am Langba from Langya Mecha Academy. I lead my students to support me. I have communicated with your commander Guan before coming. , Please report it up."

"Please wait a moment, I'll go in and report." A mecha that looked like a leader came out of the mecha surrounding Chen Feng and the group. After saluting Teacher Lang, he turned and walked into the base.

Within a few minutes, he walked out of the base again, signaled all the mechas to put down their guns, and walked to Teacher Lang to extend his hand: "Commander Guan is waiting for everyone in the battle command area inside, please come with me."

A group of mechas followed his guidance into the military base, and Chen Feng had the opportunity to take a closer look. From the inside, this military base was another scene. The inside of the military base was all made of reinforced concrete, and various thick load-bearing columns showed it. It can definitely resist a super-high-scale blow.

The underground space is clearly divided into several areas, and each area is separated by iron gates, so that they can be connected to each other when necessary, so that all combat troops can move efficiently. In addition, the underground space cannot be seen at a glance. As he progressed deeper and deeper, Chen Feng estimated that this military base might have been dug down nearly a kilometer.

There are soldiers running around constantly in this military base. The entry of this batch of mechas from Langya Mecha Academy has not affected them at all. From their perseverance faces, it can be felt that these are soldiers of a hundred battles. Influenced by the outside world.

The mecha leading the way was introduced to the teachers and students: "The battle command area is in front of us, and the living area and training area are on the right. Now we first go to the hangar area on the left to park the mecha before going to fight. See Commander Guan in the command area."

"Okay, trouble you." Teacher Lang was very kind to the soldiers, thinking of his past in the army.

When Chen Feng walked into the hangar, he was shocked by the huge building. Chen Feng roughly counted that the hangar was divided into at least 20 floors, and each floor was placed with hundreds of mechas. It's a war machine!

Seeing so many mechas parked in the hangar, and this was only seen in this military base, there must be other bases in the entire southwestern defense line, Chen Feng realized that the intelligence collected by You Jia and the actual situation There are big errors, and the format here is by no means as simple as the reports they have seen.

The mecha leading the way stands on a platform similar to an elevator. This platform is much larger than an elevator. It can accommodate at least a hundred mechas at the same time, and the surrounding area is empty without a closed structure. This is for emergency situations. You can let the mecha take off or land freely.

The mecha walked to the console of the platform and summoned the teachers and students of Langya Mecha Academy to come in: "The empty spaces on the upper floors are full. I will take you to the 25th floor underground to park the mecha."

"No problem." Teacher Lang asked the students to step onto the platform in the order they came. The students also gave him face and completed it perfectly without causing any commotion.