Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 432: Battle of the King of Machines (middle)

Chen Feng believed that he could not hold up several times under the attack of Commander Guan. The two huge shields hovering in the sky carried a huge howling sound, and every time he flew by, he felt irresistible.

Brahman Kaul was able to launch a counterattack under such an offensive, and there was no panic in his movements, and he still maintained the brisk dance-like feeling. The long knife in his hand ignored the loud noise of the huge shield, and firmly issued his own sweet ear. sound.

Of course, Guan Yuzhen couldn't let Brahman Kaul fulfill his wish. He threw the other huge shield that had just returned to his side again, and at the same time, the thrusters behind him were fully opened, and he rushed forward with a hungry tiger attacking the sheep.

Guan Yuzhen's subsequent attacks gave Chen Feng a sense of deja vu, and confirmed to Nangong Mengdie in the blocking camp behind him: "Mengdie, why do I think Commander Guan's tricks are similar to your boomerang attack?"

"It's very similar, he's very powerful." Nangong Mengdie stared at the battle between the two special planes intently. She could most feel the similarities between Guan Yuzhen and her fighting style, and was eager to learn more skills from it. .

"Unexpectedly, Laoguan has made a breakthrough here in the Southwest Military Region in recent years." Teacher Lang's voice appeared on the communication channel and said to Nangong Mengdie: "Nangong classmate, maybe you don't have to wait for the chance to meet the Martial God in the future. There is a master who is good at boomerang attacks."

Ye Qi also intervened. While expressing surprise at Nangong Mengdie’s use of boomerangs, he confirmed their conjecture about Guan Yuzhen: "Nangong classmates will use boomerangs? We, Commander Guan, have studied the use of giant shields for a long time, and finally did it. A set of attacks similar to a boomerang came out, but unfortunately I can't learn it."

"After this battle is over, when I have time, I will talk to Laoguan, and see what he wants." Teacher Lang said that she couldn't be anxious. For Nangong Mengdie to learn from Guan Yuzhen, she must have a matching performance. .

It only took a little time for several people to talk and exchange, and the battle between the first two special planes changed again.

Guan Yuzhen has rushed to the bottom of Brahman Kaur, hiding himself under the shadow of a huge shield. With such a light movement by his huge mecha, it is shocking. The key point is that Brahman Kaur is tired of circling. The giant shield did not notice Guan Yuzhen's actions.

Guan Yuzhen patiently adjusted her position below, looking for opportunities for attacks. His efforts paid off. "Jaling Pinga" was in the air and had nowhere to borrow. After several consecutive attacks, he shifted under tremendous force. Close to the direction of Guan Yuzhen.

Wonderful opportunity! Guan Yuzhen was not soft-hearted, and instantly rushed to the sky and came behind Brahman Kaur. He punched right out of the back of the target "Jaling Pinga", leaving layers of dust spreading outward on the ground. This was caused by the huge air wave.

Brahman Kaur realized the changes behind him, and did not care about the two huge shields in front of him, forcibly reversed the direction and slashed with his backhand, trying to destroy a more threatening attack.

Guan Yuzhen did not change his actions because of Brahman Kaul’s counterattack. He still insisted on hitting the armpit of the twisted "Kaling Pinga" with the momentum of his right fist. Even Chen Feng, who was far away on the front, heard the sound of armor cracking. .

Guan Yuzhen was successful with a single blow, but he didn't feel better. He was cut several times with Brahman Kaul's long knife around his right arm. The armor was chopped into several pieces and fell to the ground. The area of ​​his right arm was reduced by a large circle.

Injuring one thousand enemies and self-inflicting eight hundred, Guan Yuzhen knew that it was not easy to win the Brahman Kaul. He had already predicted the damage to his mecha. With the momentum of upward punching, he grabbed the opponent's shoulder blade with his left hand. Completely control her in his own hands.

Brahman Kaul didn’t want to be controlled by Guan Yuzhen. If two special planes shorted her body, her small body would definitely suffer. However, the “Xuanwu” who wanted to grab her was in front of her, and behind her was a huge shield circling on both sides. She must choose to take the damage from either side.

The lighter of the two is the lighter of the two. Brahman Kaul has a very clear mind. Being hit by a giant shield will damage at most some armor, which will not cause much damage to the function of the special plane. If it is caught by Guan Yuzhen, it will be completely impossible to get rid of. .

He said silently in his heart: "Give me the ‘Jaling Pinga’ to hold on!" Brahman Kaul drove a special plane back quickly, and never gave Guan Yuzhen any chance to control her.

Two huge shields hit the back of "Jaling Pinga" one after another, and a huge explosion sounded again. It should be that the armor behind the special fuselage and the propellers protected by it were destroyed.

Seeing Commander Guan safely gaining the upper hand, Chen Feng waved his hand excitedly: "It's so handsome! We are going to win!"

"Don't be happy, your opponent still has a back move." Teacher Lang's eyesight was too far beyond Chen Feng, and he could see that Brahman Kaur still had spare power and might not be defeated in this way.

Sure enough, although the thruster of "Jaling Pinga" was damaged, it still turned on the rest of the other thrusters to fly higher and higher, firmly ascending not to let "Xuanwu" approach her.

And Guan Yuzhen’s "Xuanwu" is after all too big and too heavy, and the propellers equipped can’t support him to fly into the sky too high, and the speed drop is also very serious. It can hit the opponent so quickly because of the force on the ground. As a result, it is no longer able to catch up with the "Kaling Pinga" whose propeller is damaged.

"Jaling Pinga" is still rising, and it seems that there is no meaning to stop. Chen Feng can't think of what she wants to do. Many of the thrusters are broken and they fly to high altitudes that are not conducive to mecha combat. What medicine does this female general buy in the gourd?

Ye Qi yelled, "Not good! Commander Guan, be careful!" He had been in the Southwest Military Region for many years, and he knew very well how the female aircraft emperor attacked, and she was going to play a trick in this posture.

Guan Yuzhen reacted more quickly. When Brahman Kaul was ascending, he thought of what his opponent would do. He lifted his hands left and right to retract the two huge shields and landed on the ground. With the help of the weight of "Xuanwu", the speed was even faster.

As soon as Guan Yuzhen landed, two huge beams flew up into the sky. These two beams were stronger than the attack fired by the beam sniper rifle. The key is that they will last through the sky and the earth for a long time, and they are still output type .

What the **** is this? Chen Feng opened his eyes in horror and looked towards the sky. If the two light beams had hit him just now, both Ye Qi and Ye Qi would have died here, and there was no possibility of survival.

Adjusting the vision system of the mecha, Chen Feng saw that these two beams were shot from the towering twin peaks of "Jaling Pinga". It turned out that the structure of this feminine feature is not a display, but a big killer with terror. .