Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 437: Night Attack (Part 2)

It is a pity that Chen Feng was awakened by a stronger sense of anxiety after not sleeping for a while. Waves of this sense of anxiety impacted his mind, reminding him that something would happen.

Chen Feng did not hesitate to turn on the mecha's operating system and looked around. It was midnight. Both the army of the Southwest Military Region and the army of Fo La Ye Country fell silent, leaving only the guarded troops patrolling the periphery. , Looks harmonious and peaceful.

"No, my uneasiness is not in the front." Chen Feng stared at the junction of the two sides for a while, and made sure that his strangeness did not come from there: "This feeling comes from the back!"

Chen Feng turned the direction of the mecha and looked at the vast plain behind, because the outside was all black without light. The darkness swallowed the light and couldn't see his fingers, let alone see anything.

Looking at the inky black plain, Chen Feng was even more sure that the source of his strong feeling was this land full of darkness and unknown.

Chen Feng moved to the edge of the camp. With the vision system of the mecha itself, I couldn't see the farther scene. Chen Feng thought that the new second-generation mecha had an infrared sensor in the vision system, and opened it with the mentality of giving it a try. .

The changing picture in front of him made Chen Feng feel a little uncomfortable. It took a while to master the usage. The world he sees now is colorful. The green ones are stationary objects, and the red ones are warm or inactive. Objects in motion.

After confirming the meaning of each color, Chen Fengzhong looked at the plain outside and turned the infrared sensor's power to its maximum. Sure enough, he found something unusual.

In the distance, there was a group of red light spots surrounded by them, and they were approaching their camp at an extremely fast speed. All the light spots were floating in the air, no wonder they couldn't hear the sound or feel the vibration of the ground.

Chen Feng didn't get the news that there were reinforcements from troops, and he didn't even see the troops welcoming these uninvited guests. Are they the people from the Buddha La Ye country to come for reinforcements?

Thinking carefully, Chen Feng didn't dare to delay any longer and shouted on the No. 5 communication channel: "Night attack! Teacher Lang, classmates, wake up and drive mech defense!"

"Chen Feng, you are crazy! What are you yelling about?" Xu Xin's sleeping Zhengxiang was awakened by Chen Feng's yelling, and he cursed without being angry.

Chen Feng didn't have time to refute him, and continued to shout in the communication channel: "There are troops approaching us in the outer plains. I don't know where they came from, so please be alert."

Teacher Lang was the first to complete the action of being awake and driving the mech under Chen Feng's reminder. He manipulated the mech to come to Chen Feng. After turning on the infrared sensor, he saw the same picture as Chen Feng and understood that this student was not aimless.

"All backed up and lined up, and the mechas that used the sniper rifle retreated to the end. The students who had participated in the Academy Tournament followed me. Everyone was on guard!" Teacher Lang's prestige is not comparable to Chen Fengneng's. The students did so obediently, even Xu Xin dare not say anything.

As the students gathered, Ye Qi's voice came from the communicator: "What's the matter? An enemy sneak attack?"

Ye Qi was still repairing his modified machine at the maintenance class. He didn't know the situation of the teachers and students, so he could only ask Teacher Lang for information on the scene.

Teacher Lang told Ye Qi what he saw, and said his judgment: "There are a lot of mecha troops approaching in the outskirts of the plain. Seeing that this posture is not good, you'd better remind Laoguan and let him send a plane. A came to support."

"Understood! I will rush over!" Ye Qi immediately realized the seriousness of the situation, cut off the communication and immediately went to Commander Guan to report the situation. At the same time, he asked the maintenance team to remove the peripherals of his modified machine first, and he had to rush over. Support teachers and students.

Chen Feng and the others moved very fast. They gathered together within a few minutes, but the troops approaching outside were faster and had rushed to a distance visible to the naked eye. There were dozens of mechas, all of them Dark black painting.

They attacked from afar through the darkness. They originally wanted to take advantage of others to create greater chaos, but it was a pity that they were sensed in advance by Chen Feng and ruined the perfect plan.

Among them, three mechas rushed forward. The black-robed mecha that Chen Feng had glimpsed before was in the line, but he was not in the center, but was closely behind the next mecha. The two The mecha looks the same, a common style of the Genesis mecha.

Seeing that the plan failed, the mecha that took the lead twisted his neck and ordered: "Disperse the attack, you know what to do."

"For this azure and clear planet!" The mechas next to them shouted in unison, and they scattered freely to attack the teachers and students of Langya Mecha Academy.

Teacher Lang looked at the three mechas rushing in the front, and understood that tonight I encountered a tough one. The black robe-clad mecha should be the "ghost" that Ye Qi said, and the only thing alongside him could be Yun Yang is now, but who else can be ahead of them? Could it be the leader of the creation organization? But the leader actually drives an ordinary standard mech, is this too unreasonable?

Regardless of whether the mecha rushing in the front is the leader of the Creation Organization, Teacher Lang feels that he has to stop him. If possible, it is best to drag the "ghost" behind him with Yun Yang, so as to give it to the students. A safer environment.

Teacher Lang raised his beam rifle and shot at the "Ghost" and Yunyang on both sides, trying to force their two mechas to approach the middle mecha by attack.

"Ghost" and Yunyang saw through Teacher Lang's intentions, instead of moving inward but hiding out, the three mechas became more and more separated, apparently trying to spread out and attack.

"How can you get what you want!" Teacher Lang closed his gun and changed his sword, and was about to rush forward and kill the "Ghost" first. According to Ye Qi, this person's attack was strange and the students might be hard to resist.

The mecha headed by the Creation Organization also didn't want Teacher Lang to do what he wanted. Several jumps came to the mecha of Teacher Lang, and the beam sword in his hand slashed down, not giving him a chance to move forward.

Teacher Lang raised his sword to block it, and the huge collision between the two sides caused their mecha arms to shake violently, looking like they were evenly matched.

Teacher Lang's heart trembled suddenly. The Creation Organization actually had such a master. The strength demonstrated by the attack just now was completely beyond his own, and he was afraid that he could not take care of the students behind him.

"You fight in groups, don't be alone, pay attention to the two mechas in front, one is called'Black Robe' and the other is called Yunyang, and beware of their self-destruction!" Teacher Lang could only say a word to the students. He concentrated on dealing with the leader mecha that had been pestering him. He wanted to solve this superpowered opponent as soon as possible and then rescue the students.