Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 467: Ye Qi Yang Wei (Part 1)

"Looking for death!" Yun Yang finally waited until the beam sword returned to normal, and flew up again to fight Ye Qi, but this time he learned well, the advantage of launching speed did not give Ye Qi too much chance to hit the weapon, and play to his heart's content. Real strength.

The two mechas changed their offensive and defensive rhythms one after another. Ye Qi and Yunyang fought fiercely, and neither of them could do anything.

Ye Qi's spear power sinks vigorously, and every weapon contact will have the upper hand, switching to the cross-spear form from time to time, and the changing angle of attack at any time has repeatedly forced Yunyang into danger.

Yun Yang relied on his speed to surpass Ye Qi and kept dealing with him. While avoiding Ye Qi's attack, he could also take the time to launch a counterattack. He recruited him to point to Ye Qi's cockpit, which also made Ye Qi a headache.

Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong benefited a lot from watching their battles in the base. It turns out that mecha fights can also be carried out in this way. All kinds of strengths and weaknesses can always produce different effects.

As the battle between Ye Qi and Yunyang became fierce, the two mechas unanimously chose to give it a go, hoping to shoot down each other to improve their morale.

Yunyang gave full play to his speed advantage. Although he had fought with Ye Qi several times before, they were all touched off. The two did not have a substantial outcome. This time is a rare opportunity to show everyone. Strength, as long as he can defeat this "Southern Spear King", his reputation will be able to rise to a higher level, and it will be more than the spirit entrusted by the leader.

Ye Qi also has a reason not to lose. His two younger brothers are still watching at the base. There are also signal jammers and scientific research personnel that need to be protected. The Ancient Godland Republic will have a great deal of improvement in science and technology. Great help, he needs to defeat the enemy in front of him to increase confidence in Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong, so as to support the arrival of Teacher Lang.

Yun Yang completely abandoned his plan to break through Ye Qi’s interception and enter the base. He tried his best to compete with one of them. He drove the mecha to appear in front of Ye Qi. When Ye Qi was shot out, he appeared behind Ye Qi again. Ye Qi swung his gun back, and he appeared to the left of Ye Qi again, using his speed advantage to consume Ye Qi's spirit.

Ye Qi's hand movements are getting slower and slower, but this is not a decline in state, but he realizes that he can't keep up with Yunyang as fast as he can. It is better to lower the rhythm so that Yunyang can not easily drill. Come and drill.

Ye Qi's slowing down caused Yun Yang's pressure to increase greatly. The speed he was proud of was effective in front of this man, and he even slowed down with Ye Qi's rhythm. This was not his style.

Yun Yang realized Ye Qi’s plan, speeding up again, and wanting to regain control of the situation. Unexpectedly, at the moment he changed his speed, Ye Qi seized the flaw, switched to the cross-spear form, and slammed at the speed beyond the limit. Yun Yang's face.

Yun Yang was changing his speed and rhythm, unable to effectively dodge for a while, only waiting to raise the beam sword to meet him, thinking that as long as he took this blow, he would be able to do whatever he wanted.

But Ye Qi's real target was not Yun Yang's mecha, but the beam sword in Yun Yang's hand. He stuck Yun Yang's weapon with two spear blades and turned the spear to make it impossible to break free.

Yun Yang felt a burst of vigor coming from the beam sword. With his strength, he was almost out of control. He didn't want to lose face in front of the other mechas of the Creation Organization. He clenched the hilt with both hands to resist the terrifying power of Ye Qi.

"Yun Yang retreat!" Just as the two were fighting with each other, Ji Ling from behind shouted, asking Yun Yang to give up his weapon and retreat quickly.

Yun Yang felt a little bit in his heart, and realized that he was too irrational. He was obviously a speed-type person but compared his strength with a strength-type person. Isn’t that stupid, he quickly gave up the beam sword and pulled back, trying to retreat to the mecha unit behind. in.

Ye Qi sighed regretfully. He wanted to control Yun Yang firmly, and then use his own strength to slowly transform it into victory. Unfortunately, someone later reminded Yun Yang and let his perfect plan fail.

Although Yun Yang abandoned his sword and escaped, the mecha still took time to start, and it was flying backwards, which gave Ye Qi a chance to remedy it.

The spear in his hand spins rapidly, driving the beam sword abandoned by Yunyang to turn like a top, and finally throws it out with all his strength, and the target is the Yunyang mecha that has just started to retreat.

Yun Yang's speed is very fast, but the beam sword thrown by Ye Qi is faster, lightning and thunder usually reach Yun Yang's eyes. At Yun Yang's speed, he can barely tilt his head, and the beam sword rubs the machine. Fast through the top of Jia's shoulder and crashed into the mountain behind. The entire beam sword disappeared from the mountain, showing how powerful it is.

Yun Yang escaped the attack of the beam sword, but his mecha did not escape. He was still hit by the beam sword on his shoulder and a small half of his face. The armor on the outside was all damaged, revealing the lines and cockpit inside. I could still see Yun Yang's figure looming faintly. If Yun Yang wasn't fast enough just now, he might have gone to heaven by now.

Ji Ling rushed out in front of Yunyang to prevent Ye Qi from pursuing him. Chen Feng had been engrossed in watching Ye Qi and Yunyang's battle. Only then did he see him and the other mechas of the Creation Organization.

This mecha wrapped in black robe has been replaced with a brand new black robe, and the mecha is firmly wrapped inside. It is spotless, no longer embarrassed by his bursting beam rifle last night. Like that.

"This black-robed mecha pilot is really a weird person. Every time he keeps himself so clean and tidy, is there any quirk?" Chen Feng thought unkindly, this mecha is really special.

Zheng Zhirong sighed regretfully: "It's a pity, if Senior Ye Qi can take this Yunyang down, then we will be much easier."

"It's not that simple. Senior Ye Qi said that he had fought against Yunyang many times, but failed to solve him. The second in command of the Creation Organization on the southwest border will not easily die in battle." Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. , Zheng Zhirong's idea is too unrealistic.

"Why? How did you catch up to me? Obviously I am much faster than you, why can you always catch my attack?" Yun Yang lost a big face in front of everyone, but he wanted to know more. Why could Ye Qi persist for so long at a speed not as good as his.

Ye Qi didn't conceal it. He raised his finger and pointed his eyes, facing the vast number of opponents, trying to deter them as much as possible: "Although you are fast, your every move is under my watch."

"Can you detect the trajectory of the fast movement?" Ji Ling guessed based on Ye Qi's movements.