Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 471: Stick to the base (middle)

It wasn't until Ji Ling saw that they were stagnating and pushing back and forth, and he issued another order to change the situation: "Anyone who breaks the mecha in the base can also be promoted half-a-half, and those who hesitate will all be transferred later Go to Africa!"

For thousands of years, the African region has been synonymous with barrenness. No one is willing to live there for a long time. Ji Ling's order is like a reminder to the pilots of the Creation Organization, forcing them to select three as soon as possible. Personally attack Chen Feng.

The remaining mechas were waiting for an opportunity nearby, and as long as Chen Feng left the original position, they would attack the base.

Regarding the actions of the Mecha Group of the Creation Organization, Chen Feng was anxious in his eyes. What he wanted to see most was that the other party struggled for a while, but unfortunately things went against his wishes, and soon three planes flew out of the mecha group. A, divided into three directions and started rushing towards him.

"What a quick response! Zhirong, help me stop them!" Chen Feng didn't want to step away, and asked Zheng Zhirong in the base behind him for support, hoping to eliminate all the three mechas.

Ye Qi was entangled in the "black robe" and Yun Yang and couldn't get out. The defense of the entire base was in the hands of both of him. Zheng Zhirong raised his gun again and aimed at the rushing mecha and responded loudly: "Go!"

The light beams shot out from the gap in the gate one after another, but this time Chen Feng did not follow Zheng Zhirong’s shooting, but drew out the beam rifle to shoot together, because if he leaves the position, he may never come back again. He must firmly block it. Living on the road to the base does not give the creation organization a chance to break into the base.

The beams flying across the air caused great obstacles to the three mechas. Zheng Zhirong’s modified beam rifle was very powerful, and Chen Feng’s shooting skills went to a higher level. Even if they took out a beam rifle, it would be difficult for them to strike back. Close.

The three mechas were repulsed in embarrassment. Yun Yang was mad as he watched. He avoided Ye Qi's spear and stepped back and commanded: "Shoot together! What are the people behind standing stupidly doing?!"

The mechas of the Genesis Organization woke up like a dream, and they took out beam rifles to attack Chen Feng in front of the base. In fact, they had always wanted to do this, but the attack angle was blocked by the assault mecha, and they couldn't achieve it.

Dozens of times as many attacks as Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong's beams flew in. Chen Feng did not have the confidence to be able to withstand such a dense attack, retreating into the base and letting those beams hit the gate.

The original gate of the base was completely destroyed by Ye Qi, and the temporarily welded floor could not withstand the offensive. It was riddled with holes, and many attacks flew into the base, causing the hidden scientific researchers to scream. .

Chen Feng pushed back to Zheng Zhirong, the two of them worked together to prop up a huge shield to resist, and took time to fight back, at least not allowing the mechas of the Creation Organization to attack as they wished.

This huge shield was found by older scholars helping Ye Qi when they were preparing for defense. It is said to be imitated with the special plane "Xuanwu" as a template, but no one in the base can use it smoothly, so it has been left on the base. Here, Ye Qi handed it over to Chen Feng, who happened to be used by Chen Feng to resist the attack that flew into the base.

The two personnel shot at each other for a while. The welded floor was completely destroyed, but the gate remained unchanged. This is a base built by the Creation Organization with a lot of energy. Even if the outer mecha group is hit for more than a long time, it will not be strong. Something.

The stalemate is favorable to Chen Feng and the others. They hide behind the giant shield and are extremely safe. They can occasionally threaten the mecha of the Creation Organization. Hold on for a while and believe that Teacher Lang will arrive soon.

Ji Ling and Yun Yang tried their best to delay Ye Qi's actions. The two of them were already strong. The foot of the Ye Qi modified machine was severely injured by Ji Ling and was inconvenient to move. Even if they did their best, they couldn't help them.

Ye Qi’s kung fu teacher inherited Guan Yuzhen, who taught him all his life-long learning, including his inner kung fu mental method "Xuantian Heart Sutra", which can greatly increase the strength and physical endurance, and is matched with the spear in Ye Qi’s hand. The power is even more powerful, so Ji Ling and Yun Yang must concentrate on the guerrilla attack, and they dare not fight head-on.

After a few minutes of shooting, the mecha group of the Creation Organization gradually realized that such an attack was meaningless. Although they kept pressing the mechas in the base to fight, the interlaced beams also blocked the penetration of their own mechas. The route of the base, this is not the result they want.

The number of mechas that fired was reduced, and the three mechas jumped out again and started to advance towards the base. The mecha groups behind them dispersed to find suitable angles to shoot, and their power was greatly reduced because they had to avoid their own people.

The number of the opponent's beam attacks decreased, and Chen Feng also jumped out from behind the huge shield, with two spears in his hand to intercept the beams flying to the base. With his current ability, the beam rifle was basically used to intercept long-range attacks.

Chen Feng came to the outside of the base, and the three mechas had already rushed very close, and the long-range shooting at the rear had become less.

It was finally about to usher in a hand-to-hand battle, and Chen Feng switched to a beam sword to confront them without fear. The blue veins on his forehead highlighted his inner unrest.

After several contests, the mechas of the Genesis Organization clearly realized that the mecha pilots occupying their base were not weak, and the three pilots they sent were those of the upper reaches. I still have some confidence in one.

Chen Feng didn't dare to leave the base gate too far. At this moment, he couldn't let him slack off. Using the most proficient Luoying Colorful Sword, he fought with the three mechas. The battle was very fierce.

The four mechas were entangled with each other, just like Ye Qi and the others, there was no chance for others to intervene at all. All long-range shooting stopped. Zheng Zhirong and the mechas of the Creation Organization watched their battle nervously, ready to launch support at any time.

Chen Feng felt tremendous pressure once he played against him. His synchronization rate is now 89. Although it is not weak, it is not top-notch. The synchronization rate of the three mechas of the Creation Organization should also be above 86. It is well matched.

The attacks of the three mechas were continuous, and the six hands were dangling in front of Chen Feng's eyes in turn. After a little relaxation, he would be in danger. Sweat dripped from Chen Feng's forehead, and some even flowed into his eyes to blur his vision. , He could only loosen the restraint of his arm and wipe it quickly, and then plunged into the intense battle.

The group of mechas behind the genesis organization is pressing forward step by step, and the four mechas are fighting in front of the gate of the base, and they cannot conduct long-range attacks.

Zheng Zhirong, who was also in the base, could not attack outside, and all their attack lines were blocked by these four mechas.