Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 493: Successfully repelled (below)

Two days later, isn’t it the maximum period that the technical staff expects the "Absolute Guard" to last? Murong Nanbo said something big: "If the Buddha keeps attacking, the "Absolute Guard" will be destroyed two days later. What can they do? Use it? Besides, I still think that Buddha Laye will retreat soon, and there is no need to let the people from the Southeast Military Region go for nothing, right?"

Murong Nanbo wanted Guan Yuzhen to suspend his request for assistance from the Southeast Military Region. The army of the Fo La Ye Country attacked. If the Southwest Military Region alone turned the tide to repel the opponent's offensive, this would be a great contribution. He did not want to have foreigners. Come and get a share.

"Let them speed up." Guan Yuzhen ignored Murong Nanbo's suggestion, patted Ye Qi on the shoulder and walked into the elevator.

Seeing that Guan Yuzhen ignored him and insisted on sending reinforcements from the Southeast Military Region, Murong Nanbo's face was a bit uncontrollable, and some angrily accused Ye Qi: "What are you doing, our Southwest Military Region can handle things on its own, why should the Southeast Military Region do it? The people on the side come and intervene, do you understand the current situation?!"

"I understand too well, Fo La Ye Country has no intention of retreating at all. It may launch another onslaught. The deputy commander is too full to say that it is not good." Ye Qi got Guan Yuzhen's Shangfang sword and didn't care about it. What did the deputy commander say, he just needs to be responsible for contacting the Southeast Military Region to speed up.

" you know how great this contribution is? It can allow our Southwest Military Region to surpass the Southeast Military Region from now on!" Murong Nanbo was so angry that Guan Yuzhen didn’t even dare to take him. In the eyes, are they so indifferent to fame and fortune, don't they care about credit at all?

Murong Nanbo was already overwhelmed with greed, Ye Qi kindly explained to him, and then turned and left: "Deputy Commander Murong, let me give you a word, no matter how great the credit is, we will have to win. If we lose, we are all sinners. "

"Could it be possible that the Buddha, Ye Kingdom, can't come back, you are really too careful!" Murong Nanbo still didn't want to give up this easy-to-reach great contribution, but it was a pity that Ye Qi had already left, and his words floated in the hangar in vain. Listeners.

After the teachers and students of Langya Mecha Academy came back, they were quickly taken away from the hangar by Teacher Lang. They did not participate in the conversation with several base leaders, and even less heard Murong Nanbo's desperate desire for credit.

Murong Nanbo looked at the elevator next to him viciously. That was where Guan Yuzhen and Ye Qi took to leave: "They definitely don't want to see our Murong family re-emerge. This Liangzi is considered to have been settled."

This assault response to Guan Yuzhen’s operation went smoothly. In addition to the consumption of some energy for the mechas of the teachers and students, the mechas themselves did not suffer any major blows. There is no need to transfer to the maintenance area for major repairs. Only the mechas and weapons need to be supplemented with energy. That's it, so Teacher Lang took the students to the training area to sum up their experience.

"After the fight just now, Fo La Ye country should not attack again for the time being. Use this time to think about your experience and experience in the fight just now. If there are more battles afterwards, these experiences will help a lot." After passing in the Southwest Military Region and these With close contact with students, Teacher Lang said more and more, carefully teaching students how to do it now.

The students separated from each other according to their words, and each recalled their own performance and the actions of the enemy. Although the internship has passed for three months, it is the first time that they have encountered such a large-scale battle. Everyone is inevitably a little uneasy and just takes the opportunity to settle down. .

After the students fell into their own thinking, Teacher Lang slowly walked to Chen Feng and watched this student, who had risen rapidly from the end of the class to the forefront, and had outstanding performances, he was heart-warming. Like it.

Chen Feng was still thinking about the blow that made the gap. All the cooperation was so perfect, and he had to think about it carefully and try to do it again in the future.

With full concentration, Chen Feng didn’t notice Teacher Lang’s approach. He didn’t wake up until Teacher Lang sat down beside him and spoke softly: "Your performance is very good. The most difficult thing in the battle is to find the opponent’s flaws. How did it do it?"

"Hello, Teacher Lang." Chen Fengcheng nodded in fear, lowered his voice and dared not alarm the students next to him: "In fact, I was thinking how to find a breakthrough under the strict defense of Fo La Yeguo until I saw that the station was blocked. The protected mechas, as well as the protected area of ​​the big shield in their hands, can attack from unexpected places and get a further opportunity for breakthrough. But I didn’t expect the effect to be so good, so I would just tear it apart The line of defense."

"That mech is in charge of the perimeter line of defense command. I originally wanted to kill him first, but you preempted it. If you have a good vision, you must stick to this observation, understand?" Listening to Chen Feng's words, Teacher Lang was more certain This student has a natural sensitivity in grasping the situation and warns him to use it flexibly.

Chen Feng was ignorant of what Teacher Lang said. After all, he was not like Teacher Lang in the war for many years, and he couldn't comprehend Teacher Lang's meaning: "Oh, I will pay more attention."

Teacher Lang didn't say more about other things. If he said too much, it would help Chen Feng grow up. As long as Chen Feng remembers what he needs to pay attention to in the future.

This evening, the main base of the Southwest Military Region was calm. Fo La Ye Kingdom did not launch an attack on the base. Their pilots were exhausted after a long journey and most of the day’s attacks. The special plane "Jaling Pinga" was destroyed by Guan Yuzhen. , It is the time to recuperate, and it is rare for both parties to have a little peace of time.

But the command areas on both sides were brightly lit. When most of the personnel fell asleep, the people inside were full of energy, analyzing the battle situation and studying the future direction.

In the Southwest Military Region, Murong Nanbo was very arrogant. Fo La Ye Guo really slowed down the offensive as he said. Seeing that their long-distance raids were about to return without success, he couldn’t help feeling proud. .

"Commander Guan, don't we really need to stop the reinforcements from the Southeast Military Region? Fo La Ye Country obviously can't support it. We only need to consume them until they retreat on their own." Murong Nanbo did not give up the idea of ​​persuading Guan Yuzhen. Trying to persuade Guan Yuzhen to give up asking for help, so that the Southwest Military Region can fully take the credit of repelling the offensive of Fo La Ye.

Guan Yuzhen didn't know how many times he had rejected Murong Nanbo, but this time he refused without any haste. He couldn't hear any emotion in his tone: "No hurry, I'll check again tomorrow."