Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 494: Stalemate (Part 1)

Ye Qi couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to say: "Deputy Commander Murong, you are too impatient. It will take two days for the Southeast Military Region to come in for reinforcements. Tomorrow, we will observe the movements of the Fo La Ye country's mecha units. If they are true If we are going to retreat, we can stop the support from the Southeast Military Region."

Murong Nanbo was itchy to this Ye Qi who was always antagonistic to him, but he didn't have a good attack in front of Guan Yuzhen. He wanted to win Ye Qi with all his heart: "At that time, it was too late. How can they be halfway through the march? If it comes back, it will definitely come over quickly to grab the credit. By tomorrow, everything is beyond our control."

"Not necessarily, I think there is no obvious intention to retreat from Fo La Yeguo. It is not a good idea for us to stop the support too early." This is what Teacher Lang said. As the machine emperor, he was also invited to the command area by Guan Yuzhen. The four people discussed the next combat strategy together.

Even Teacher Lang and Ye Qi are in the same camp. Murong Nanbo has no hope of reversal at all, and no longer makes any suggestions. He is angry and sulking: "Since Lang Jihuang said that, then I said nothing. All follow the command of Commander Guan."

Teacher Guan Yuzhen Lalang’s intention is to use his mouth to block Murong Nanbo’s persuasion. Now the effect has achieved a grateful look: "Now the movements of the Buddha Laye country are unknown, all our bases are surrounded again, temporarily Don't act rashly, pay attention to their changes before making plans."

The meeting ended hastily, and Teacher Lang and Guan Yuzhen walked out of the command area side by side. Teacher Lang first spoke: "You are using me as a gunman. Before I came here, I thought there was nothing good. I guessed it."

"Thank you, I said that it is not good." Guan Yuzhen and Teacher Lang hugged each other heavily. The two had forged a deep friendship on the battlefield before. It was because Guan Yuzhen was lazy to ask him for help. It was also one of the reasons why Principal Pan Pai Lang led a team to practice in the Southwest Military Region.

After the two let go, Teacher Lang said with a serious expression: "But then again, your Southwest Military Region is not very peaceful. Why is the fighting so fierce?"

"The Murong family's idea of ​​returning to the top is immortal. The Southwest Military Region is their best pedal, but Ye Qi is the next commander in my optimistic view. The contradictions are irreconcilable." In front of Teacher Lang, Guan Yuzhen finally stopped holding the air. A lot of words were abnormally said to explain the complicated situation within the Southwest Military Region.

"Xiaoye is a good boy. I am very optimistic about his future as the commander of the Southwest Military Region. This Murong Nanbo is too easy to be proud of. The Southwest Military Region will only decline when he falls into his hands and become his private member for the Murong family." As far as people's eyes are concerned, Teacher Lang is quite good. He has seen him through several contacts with Murong Nanbo, so he never let the students contact the deputy commander too much, so as not to be used by him.

Guan Yuzhen’s expression is colder than that of Teacher Lang. He is sincerely thinking about the Southwest Military Region and does not want it to fall into the hands of the traitor: "Murong Nanbo has the support of the Murong family, and Ye Qi has no foundation. I am afraid that he cannot compete with it. ."

"I can't help much in this regard, but Xiao Ye used to be my student. I am obliged to help him if he has anything to help in the future." Teacher Lang patted his chest, letting this old friend rest assured that he would do his best to help Ye Qi If Murong Nanbo wanted to take over the Southwest Military Region, it would not be so easy.

"I believe in your words." This is what Guan Yuzhen waited for. Lang Ba went from speaking to accomplishing it, and Ye Qi finally had extra support. Then he returned to the topic of war: "Fo La Ye is very abnormal. , I’m afraid something will happen."

"This is also the reason why I helped you reject Murong Nanbo. What does Buddha Yeguo want to do?" Teacher Lang also smelled a conspiracy from the news in the past few days, but he still couldn't find it. That crucial point.

Guan Yuzhen raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. Over the years, he has served as the commander of the Southwest Military Region and is the strongest mecha combat capability. As he grows older, his energy is not as good as before: "Tomorrow is the key, everything will be clear."

Teacher Lang put his hand on Guan Yuzhen's shoulder with a slightly distressed hand: "Human spirit is always limited, so don't worry too much. My students and I will help you with all our strength. You should be very happy to have our high-end combat power. "

"Thanks to you." Guan Yuzhen smiled. The internship at Langya Mecha Academy was a win-win situation. It not only allowed the students to experience the war first-hand, but also brought important mecha combat capabilities to the Southwest Military Region.

Time moved forward. On the second day after the main base of the Southwest Military Region was surrounded, the mecha troops of the Folaye country once again came to the outskirts of the base. Judging from the weapons they are equipped with, they are about to launch another offensive. .

In the base command area, Guan Yuzhen, Murong Nanbo, and Ye Qi gathered together to pay close attention to the actions of the Fo La Ye national mecha, while Teacher Lang took the students to the hangar quickly, as the strongest in this base Fire fighting teams, they need to stay on standby at all times.

When the Fo La Ye national mecha troops were in place, they immediately began to attack. There was no nonsense at all. Such a determined posture made people feel the situation weird.

Guan Yuzhen then ordered the technicians to pay close attention to the "Absolute Guard". Although the attack behind Fo La Ye Country slowed down yesterday, sporadic shooting was still maintained. Therefore, the Southwest Military Region did not have time to lower the "Absolute Guard" to repair the scars on it. The depression caused by Kaul was clearly placed there and became the main target of the opponent's attack.

"This...they are going to fight?" Murong Nanbo wiped his eyes in disbelief, unable to believe that Fo La Ye Congress continued to attack recklessly.

What surprised Guan Yuzhen even more was that "Jaling Pinga" appeared on the battlefield again. From the outside, the special plane had been completely repaired. The scars caused by Guan Yuzhen yesterday were completely gone.

Brahman Kaul drove the "Kaling Pinga" that was repaired by the maintenance team all night long. The wonderful sound cannon on it had been completely repaired, and he went to the middle and rear of the unit silently, opening the wonderful sound cannon on his chest to continue attacking the "Absolute Guard".

This time her goal was no longer to attract Guan Yuzhen to attack, but wholeheartedly to break through the outer defenses of the main base of the Southwest Military Region. The station was quite far away, so Guan Yuzhen could not find any way to hinder her.

The Miaoyin Cannon’s precise and unmistakable strikes left the gap yesterday. Although the power was slightly reduced due to the distance, the "Absolute Guard" could not withstand the power of the Miaoyin Cannon. After damage, the defensive ability was greatly reduced. , Seeing will be breached soon.