Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 495: Stalemate (middle)

The technician in the command room yelled nervously: "The'Absolute Guard' can't hold it anymore! Can I stop her!"

Murong Nanbo couldn't say a word. Yesterday he said that Buddha La Ye Kingdom would definitely retreat, and Guan Yuzhen ordered Guan Yuzhen to stop asking for help, but now the Buddha La Ye Kingdom is attacking with all his strength and even "Jaling Pinga" has been repaired. The face was sore, for fear that someone would mention it.

After stopping asking for help, immediately ask the other party to march in. Even the thick-skinned people can't do this kind of thing. It is a lifelong stigma. Murong Nanbo hopes that no one will think of him, and hides in the corner.

"It's too late, Brahman Kaur is standing too far behind, even if we rushed out and arrived in front of her, the'Absolute Guard' would have been breached." Ye Qi estimated the success rate of the attack and came up with a very bad result. in conclusion.

Guan Yuzhen didn't talk nonsense, and began to command the mechas in the base to prepare for combat: "Prepare to fight."

The situation was urgent, Murong Nanbo stayed aside and said nothing, Ye Qi did not allow him to take over the command: "Commander Guan, be careful, I will command from the rear."

"Leave it to you!" Guan Yuzhen nodded affirmatively towards Ye Qi, and boarded the "Xuanwu" that had been on standby with confidence. Then, no accident, the two sides would start a hand-to-hand battle, and all mechas in the base must be prepared.

Teacher Lang has taken the students to the central area. Their task is still to assist and support the emergency area, so they are the first group of people to board the mecha.

There are nearly a thousand mechas standing beside them, and under the command of Ye Qi, they will go to all directions to resist the attacks of Fo La Ye Country.

Because the Fulaye country is an all-round offensive, the mecha combat power in the main base of the Southwest Military Region is dwarfed, and loopholes are easy to appear. This loophole must be filled by teachers and students.

Ye Qi methodically directed some mechas to follow Guan Yuzhen. Because Brahman Kaul only attacked in one direction, that area would be the first to collapse and be attacked. It is not necessary for all mechas to be dispatched, and the remaining mechas must be used. To guard against the direction of "Absolute Guard" in other areas.

The situation is the same as they expected. With the continuous attacks of the "Jaling Pinga" wonderful sound cannon, the gap on the "Absolute Guard" is getting bigger and bigger, and other mechas nearby will be attacked quickly, and they will soon be broken.

Guan Yuzhen was unwilling to wait until the "Absolute Guard" completely collapsed before launching a counterattack. He believed that allowing the "Absolute Guard" to retain a little more integrity would help the situation later. He issued an order to Ye Qi through the communication channel: "Open the southern defense," We go out to fight."

Hearing Guan Yuzhen's words, Murong Nanbo, who was hiding from the side, had different opinions: "Commander Guan is this bad, isn't it? Our'absolute guard' can still last a while. Why should we rush out to fight them now?"

Guan Yuzhen didn't like to talk too much. There were not many people in the Ancient Godland Republic who were qualified to talk to him, let alone say anything to Murong Nanboduo, driving the "Xuanwu" silently to the "Absolute Guard" and waiting for the opportunity to attack.

Murong Nanbo was ignorant of Guan Yuzhen's face, and he couldn't hold back. He yelled at the base personnel who looked at him next to him: "What do you look at! Commander Guan is about to attack, and he hasn't made serious preparations for his position."

There is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey is the king, Murong Nanbo has a high reputation in the base, and with the full support of the Murong family, no one in the base dared to offend him, and did not commit his taboo to invest in his own work.

The technicians in charge of the "Absolute Guard" operated for a while, and they had been attacked by the Miaoyin Cannon and quickly lowered the steel fence in the south direction. Guan Yuzhen seized the opportunity to attack quickly, and the mecha troops behind him followed him and began to dispatch.

The mecha units in other directions have also taken up their weapons. It is conceivable that once the battle on Guan Yuzhen's side begins, the battle in other directions will soon come, and everyone is a little excited and uneasy.

Brahman Kaul stopped the Miaoyin Cannon after seeing the "Xuanwu" rush out of the "Absolute Guard". She knew that Guan Yuzhen's goal was her. The Miaoyin Cannon consumes too much energy for the special aircraft, and she must retain the strength to deal with the following Duel.

Seeing the emergence of "Xuanwu", there was some commotion among the mecha troops of the surrounding Buddha Laye Kingdom. They could not forget the scene of the defeat of "Kaling Pinga" yesterday. They had no desire to fight in the face of such a machine emperor.

Fortunately, there is not only one Brahman Kaur in the Buddha La Ye country. The mysterious man in the temporary base in the rear has boarded a golden special plane. This special plane is like a pure gold machine with a The crown is full of noble breath.

The special machine also held a golden Zen stick in his hand. The golden light was shining. The Brahman Yapeng smashed the ground heavily with the Zen stick, causing the ground to vibrate. The temporarily built base almost fell apart, and the mecha next to it staggered. He couldn't stand on his feet, and he didn't know how much the weight of this stick could actually cause such an effect.

"The southern mecha forces cover the actions of Commander Brahman Kaur to prevent the ancient gods from breaking through, and those who retreat make a decisive decision!" Brahman Yapeng took over the command of Brahman Kaur, and under his order, the mecha of the Folaye country was reorganized. Siege.

This is the advantage of having two pilot commanders. No matter which person can take over the command at any time, they are more fault-tolerant in the control of the battle situation, and because the pilots under their noble status dare not disobey orders. Act according to the instructions.

Guan Yuzhen, who was the first to bear the brunt, immediately felt the difference, and the mechas who had not dared to approach him at all gathered together again, and joined hands to test pressure against him.

"What has changed in the Buddha, Ye Kingdom?" Guan Yuzhen was vaguely disturbed, but because the base was surrounded by no more information, he could not make appropriate arrangements, so he could only see tricks.

After yesterday's battle, Brahman Kaur had a deeper understanding of the explosive power of the "Xuanwu" horror. He did not easily give Guan Yuzhen a chance to break out, and cautiously used the magic sound knife to fight with him, waiting for the support of Brahman Yapeng from the rear.

Guan Yuzhen didn't know that there was still a fighter emperor in the Buddha's army, wishing to fight Brahman Caldo for a while, so as to attract more enemy combat power and give the "Absolute Guard" more breathing space.

The mecha troops behind Guan Yuzhen collided with the mecha troops of Fo La Ye country violently. Although the pilots of Fo La Ye country did not dare to fight Guan Yuzhen, they were not afraid to face ordinary standard mechas.