Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 512: Demigod (Part 1)

Ye Qi was exhausted, but Brahman Kaur did not fall into the hole to kill him. She looked at the direction of the Southwest Military Region base and muttered to herself: "Failed, we did not kill Guan Yuzhen today. What will happen to the next battle?"

"Senior Ye Qi!" When Ye Qi was wondering what Brahman Kaul was doing, Chen Feng's anxious shout came from behind him.

Ye Qi turned around, and it was Chen Feng, Pan Yuguo, Murongxuan, and the students from Langya Mecha Academy who were swarming towards him. It seems that Commander Guan has been successfully escorted to the base, and the students have rushed to support him.

"Haha, it seems that your sneak attack plan today has failed." Ye Qi smiled bitterly, his mouth was full of blood from a bitten tongue, and the severe pain in his body made his voice unable to maintain the loudness of the past: " If you want to kill, kill, I can't fight anymore."

"It doesn't make sense to kill an ace pilot. Your ability is very special. Let's talk about it when you grow up." Brahman Kaul is not a bloodthirsty person. Since she can't kill Guan Yuzhen, she no longer cares about Ye Qi's desire to return. Next to my brother.

Ye Qi followed Brahman Kaul's actions and looked at Brahmin Yapeng. Teacher Lang was struggling to support his offensive, and the state of the mecha was a bit more miserable than himself.

This raised Ye Qi's heart again. Now Commander Guan's safety has been guaranteed, but it would be unacceptable if Teacher Lang had a problem.

"Don't worry about me, go help Teacher Lang." Ye Qi directed the students to transfer to rescue Teacher Lang, and wanted to drive forward by driving the modified machine.

Ye Qi ran for a few steps until a mecha next to him fell to support him: "It's useless for Senior Ye Qi to use your mecha in the current state, so why don't you join me in supporting them in the distance."

The pilot of this mecha was Chen Feng. The left half of his mecha was smashed under the attack of Brahman Yapeng, and his combat power was extremely limited, and he was able to appreciate Ye Qi's situation at this moment.

"Yes! Chen Feng, you shoot with me, and you must never let Teacher Lang have an accident!" Ye Qi slapped his confused head, trying to open his eyes a little tired from overuse, and decided to launch a long-range attack with Chen Feng.

Ye Qi still didn't know what happened to his body. He couldn't see the eyes on the center of the eyebrows, and did not bring any visual weirdness. It made him think that he was a sequelae of overuse of his eyes, and he forced his eyelids to shoot. Beams of light.

Many students snatched Teacher Lang back from the front of Brahman Yapeng. Brahman Yapeng did not kill these students. He also feared that if he killed the students of the Duolangya Mecha Academy, it would attract a fierce counterattack from the Ancient Godlan Republic.

The student team protected Teacher Lang to retreat to the base. Chen Feng and Ye Qi put away their beam rifles and retreated with them. The Southwest Military Region was defeated in this war.

The mecha troops of the Buddha country did not have as many concerns as the Brahman Yapeng. They didn't have to be inconvenient to take action. They chased after the retreating mechas of the Southwest Military Region and attacked them. What's more, they surrounded the student team and didn't want them. Have the opportunity to return to the base.

At this time, the students’ synchronization rate advantage played a big role. Even in the retreat, the mecha they were driving was still far more powerful than the chasing mecha. After several counterattacks, they successfully repelled the opponent. In the end, Fo La Ye Guo The mecha troops of China are afraid of making trouble with them.

After resisting the opponent’s offensive, the students of Langya Mecha Academy also took the initiative to help the difficult mechas around them. Teacher Lang directed them to attack separately in small groups and rescued many trapped by the Fo La Ye country mecha units. The friendly army who lives.

In the Southwest Military Region, after paying a great price, the pursuit finally came to an end.

In the command room of the Southwest Military Region, Murong Nanbo is counting the number of mechas that have returned to the base. His face is extremely ugly from flushed to iron blue, and his hands are shaking uncontrollably. If he doesn't care about the image in front of others, he might want to Smash everything in front of you clean.

"The perimeter of the base has been lost. Next, Fo La Ye Country will definitely launch a fierce attack on our underground area. We need to think about how to deal with it." Ye Qi rubbed his tired eyes vigorously, reminding Murong Nanbo to consider the next step.

The battle with Brahman Kaul took a lot of his mind, and the eyes that appeared suddenly put a great burden on his body. Now he can still support him in the command room, because he thinks it is for the entire military area. The soldiers must persist.

Unexpectedly, Murong Nanbo did not listen to Ye Qi's advice, but insisted on the casualty rate: "Think about what next step? Our casualty rate is more than half you can't see it? Does your mecha still have combat effectiveness? Our damage is so severe, how can we continue to fight this battle?"

"So we have to consider how to deal with this situation. The people of Buddha Laye will not miss this opportunity." Ye Qi tried to calm Murong Nanbo. Now is the most critical time. They can no longer waste time because of quarrels. .

Murong Nanbo counted on the remaining combat power, feeling increasingly desperate: "Our base is completely surrounded, and there are less than half of the mechas that can fight. Even if I send out all the remaining 100 spare mechas, it will be just a drop in the bucket. ,"

A few conversations with Murong Nanbo made Ye Qi's head more uncomfortable, but he still insisted on persuading him to turn his attention to the following battle: "We have not completely defeated, there will always be a way."

Others in the command area did not dare to get out of the air. Watching the two commanders arguing, the unfavorable battle situation made the inside of the base panic. Then seeing the deputy commander who lost his cool, some people were already thinking about how to deal with themselves after the base was breached. .

At this time, a hoarse and steady voice came into the command room: "Yes, there is still a chance, don't lose confidence."

The people in the command room are not unfamiliar with this voice, but the master who followed this voice has fought for many years on the land of the Southwest Military Region.

It can be said that as long as this person is in them, they will have infinite confidence, and this person is the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Military Region, the backbone of Guan Yuzhen.

Guan Yuzhen just woke up under the treatment of the doctor, ignoring the suggestion to let him take a break, rushed to the command room non-stop. He was concerned about the situation of the whole battle and wanted to return to the war as soon as possible.

Ye Qi and Murong Nanbo stopped talking and rushed to the door together to meet Guan Yuzhen who had just walked into the command room.

Seeing that Guan Yuzhen's spirit was not as vigorous as in the past, Ye Qi stretched out his hand to support Guan Yuzhen's left hand and helped him walk to the center of the command room: "Commander Guan, why don't you take a break? We can handle it for the time being."