Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 544: See Through Selfishness (Part 2)

The strength gap between the two sides is huge, and they were forced to retreat as soon as they contacted Murongxuan, but before he took two steps, Teacher Xu kicked him directly to the ground again, and was embarrassed.

Putting the beam sword on the cockpit of Murong Xuan mecha's chest, Mr. Xu said slowly: "Is that how you little ghosts greeted the teacher? It hurts my heart to find you all my hard work. "

The students finally saw that the special plane was "Dark Night", and after hearing Teacher Xu's voice, they all put down their weapons. The arrival of Teacher Xu made them breathe a sigh of relief. They no longer need to hide in the hangar in fear.

Teacher Xu looked at the students coming out from the rear bunker, counted more people than Chen Feng and Pan Yuguo, and sneered: "So many kids are concerned about the safety of the hangar, and they have all been replaced by a generation of mechas. Are you planning for something in advance?"

"Don't dare, we see that there are a lot of mechas in the Buddha Laya country here in the hangar, so we came together." In front of Teacher Xu, Murongxuan certainly couldn't admit his careful thoughts: "Change to a generation machine. The first is also because our second-generation mecha is too badly damaged and can no longer fight. After the replacement, it will still have at least some combat effectiveness."

"Haha, forget it, I don't bother to investigate these things, you can go back with me." Teacher Xu waved her hand, completely ignoring what Murong Xuan said, and asked the students to leave behind him.

Murongxuan closed his mouth in due course. He knew that his plan had been seen through. Any more words would only cause Teacher Xu's plan, and he silently followed.

The other students followed suit one by one, lining up one after another, and the formation looked like a snake.

The mecha of the Buddha, Ye Kingdom was reluctant to see it. You guys left so blatantly that they did not put them in their eyes, so a modified machine took the lead and jumped out to block in front of Teacher Xu, dancing the long knife in his hand. Want to get off the hook.

In the process of searching for the students, Mr. Xu was successful, no matter whether he was blocking the normal mech or the modified machine, he eroded and fired violently to attack indiscriminately.

The modified machine knife flower was not finished, it was submerged by countless beams, and it was instantly beaten into a piece of debris. Even the mecha group behind him was beaten, and the one who was beaten was crying father and mother.

Knowing that this leading mecha is not easy to provoke, the Fo La Ye country mecha turned the target to the next generation of mechas. With the advantage of the mecha, you can always find some dignity.

Before they could launch an attack, nearly a hundred mechas poured out of the hangar, which was a fierce attack on the Fo La Ye national mechas, and they were caught off guard.

There were a lot of mechas on both sides in the hangar. Later, the Southwest Military Region had no surplus troops, and the Folaye country was cut off for reinforcements, maintaining a delicate balance after a long battle.

Now the emergence of the Southwest Military Region’s reserve forces has broken the deadlock. The Southwest Military Region’s mecha in the hangar has the upper hand for the first time, and has received Guan Yuzhen’s command.

Seeing that the Fo La Ye national mecha was completely suppressed, Teacher Xu did not take any more action to lead the last wave of students back to the command room.

Let Murongxuan lead the students into the command room. Teacher Xu did not leave "Dark Night". He contacted Guan Yuzhen and said, "Now that the advantage has not yet reached our side, I will go to another small channel for reinforcements. You will let them give me Keep a way."

"There is work." Guan Yuzhen calmly responded and gave an order as long as "Dark Night" goes wherever he goes, and let his promise be free.

With the addition of Teacher Xu, the last passage finally had no Folaye mechas to pass through. The mechas of the Southwest Military Region led by him also began to counterattack upwards, blocking Folaye’s last chance to invade the underground area. .

The Fo La Ye national mecha, who was still fighting in the underground area through the passage before, didn't know what had happened, but felt that the pressure was increasing, the companions around him were less and less, and he became more and more dangerous.

With Langba and the promise of two super pilots fighting on the front line, Guan Yuzhen devoted all his energy to the command, and accurately issued various orders to mobilize troops to destroy the enemy and support friendly forces. The situation in the underground area began to improve.

Even the Southwest Military Region had spare capacity to support the main channel where Teacher Lang was located. Ye Qi went to implement his plan. Teacher Lang blocked the largest channel alone. The pressure on his body was beyond imagination. Guan Yuzhen decided to help him after several thoughts. A handful.

The addition of the new force just right alleviated Teacher Lang's dilemma, giving him a rare opportunity to take a breath and recover a little bit of the physical strength and energy consumed by continuous combat.

In the main channel, the mechas of the two sides followed each other. The huge space of the channel allows each mecha to do its best. The competition is extremely fierce, and there are casualties from time to time.

Teacher Lang couldn't bear to watch the casualties of the young pilots, and went back to the battle to help the Mecha of the Southwest Military Region gain an advantage. Like Teacher Xu, he began to push upwards.

Ye Qi succeeded in getting into the Fo La Ye country’s mecha. His mecha was snatched from Fo La Ye country by Teacher Lang. The enemy could not easily see through the chaos, but he didn’t have the first time to implement it. Plan, but rest against the wall for a while.

After a long while, Ye Qi re-secured the spear. After fighting with Brahman Kaul, he always felt that he had difficulty concentrating, and he didn't know where he was spending a lot of attention.

Pushing away the crowded mechas next to him, Ye Qi walked out of the main aisle. He wanted to detonate the mechas where the enemies converged to eliminate the possibility of the opponent's surge test pressure.

On the way, Ye Qi encountered a special modified machine, which also had a long spear in his hand, and went up against the mecha group like him.

"Hey, I said brother, what are you doing?" Ye Qi didn't know the communication channel of Fo La Yeguo, and simply greeted him through the speaker.

Perhaps because they were all holding long spears, the modified machine responded positively to Ye Qi's greeting: "I want to go up and report what happened in the underground area, brother, you?"

"Me?" Suddenly asked by the other party, Ye Qi casually made up a reason for himself: "The battery of my mecha is not enough, I need to go up and add it."

Ye Qi's answer made the other party happy, and expressed contempt for him: "You are too careless. If you change to the situation I was just now, you will definitely not be able to run away."

Ye Qi caught the key words in the other party's words and asked: "In your situation? What have you encountered? Are you going to report this?"