Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 574: Big accident (below)

Just when President Pan couldn't help telling Pan Yuguo that he should go to the Southwest Military Region, Teacher Lang preemptively spoke: "I heard that the Zhu Timwen Federation has recently begun to attack my country’s coastline. The Southeast Military Region sent mechas to the Southwest Military Region for reinforcements. The troops are relatively weak, and I have not been very peaceful recently."

After hearing Teacher Lang's words, Pan Yuguo made up his mind in an instant. After all, he was still concerned about the safety of his relatives. He stepped forward and bowed to Principal Pan and said, "Principal, I have decided to go to the Southeast Military Region. Please forgive my selfishness."

Before Pan Yuguo made a decision, Murongxuan was very nervous. He clenched his fists and his ears were very high, for fear that Pan Yuguo would say the decision he didn't want to hear.

It wasn't until Pan Yuguo said that he was going to the Southeast Military Region, Murongxuan was completely relieved, and found that the palms of his hands had been punctured in tension.

The strangeness of Murongxuan caught Xu Xin's attention, especially when he found the blood slowly flowing out of Murongxuan's palm: "Student Murong, what's wrong with you?"

Murongxuan didn't care about the pain in the palm of his hand, on the contrary, he was ecstatic. If he weren't in the classroom now, he would almost laugh wildly: "It's okay, Pan Yuguo will not go to the Southwest Military Region. It is God's help for me, hahahaha."

Xu Xin thought about it carefully. Pan Yuguo chose to go to the Southeast Military Region to gain the most benefit from Murongxuan. Pan Yuguo is a target of the people's attention all over the country. His performance in internship has overwhelmed Murongxuan. If he also went to the Southwest Military Region, Murongxuan could only Live in his shadow.

But now Pan Yuguo does not go to the Southwest Military Region, so the strongest among the past students will become Murongxuan, who will receive more attention and will be of great benefit to future development.

After thinking about this, Xu Xin took Zheng Zhirong to congratulate Murong Xuan, as if the future star of the Southwest Military Region was already in their pocket.

"Hey, it doesn't matter, you want to return to your loved ones. It is human nature and understandable. I will return to the two commanders in a while." Since Pan Yuguo has made a decision, Principal Pan no longer speaks much and respects his choice. .

Pan Yuguo’s affairs were settled, and Principal Pan announced the departure time to all the students: "Now your belonging to the military area has been determined. It is very important for the people over there. If the school wants to teach you more knowledge, it’s too late, classmates. Let’s go back and pack up after class. I guess we will leave tomorrow."

One stone caused a thousand waves. The students learned that they were assigned to the Southwest Military Region were expected, but they were a bit uncomfortable when they heard that they were going to pass immediately. This ended the internship and returned to school within a few days. On the battlefield, they are not yet ready for this.

"Don’t worry, classmates. The Southwest Military Region is still safe now. Fo La Ye Country has no spare energy to fight back. You were probably responsible for the security of the base in the past. Commander Guan Yuzhen will not assign you too many tasks. It should be relatively safe. "Principal Pan is very clear about what the students are worried about and dispels their doubts about the situation they will face.

After speaking of comforting words, Principal Pan talked about tomorrow’s arrangements: “As for how you will go to the Southwest Military Region, you don’t have to worry. Commander Guan Yuzhen will send a special plane to pick you up and arrange for you new mechas after that. Remember, you will be outside in the future. It represents the entire Langya Mecha Academy, don't lose face."

After a few words, the students can accept it a little bit. Those who can be admitted to the Fighter A department of Langya Mecha Academy are still better than ordinary people, and there is not much resistance to stepping on the blood and fire battlefield again.

When the students in the audience changed from anxiety to acceptance, Principal Pan stopped staying and walked directly out of the classroom.

Counselor Wang nodded to the students and hurried to catch up. Teacher Lang asked the students to wait first and rushed out of the classroom to Principal Pan.

After Teacher Lang came to Principal Pan, he apologized first: "Principal Pan, blame me for talking too much."

"I'm not angry, but why do you have to say that more." Principal Pan asked Teacher Lang to relax. He didn't mean to blame, but he didn't want external factors to influence Pan Yuguo's decision.

Teacher Lang saw that Principal Pan really did not intend to blame him, but he still told Principal Pan his consideration: "I can see the hesitation of Yuguo classmates. He wants to go to the Southwest Military Region but does not want to disappoint his relatives. It is difficult to make a decision in the middle. It is better for me to help him and give him a reason to make up his mind. Moreover, the Southeast Military Region is indeed slightly under-strength after the dispatch of troops. Someone is urgently needed to help them. The return of Yuguo classmates will boost their morale. It's a good choice."

Principal Pan finally understood Teacher Lang’s good intentions. Teacher Lang still wanted Pan Yuguo to return to his relatives and reach the top on a better basis: "Yuguo is a good boy. Regarding his decision, it is inconvenient for me to say more. Thanks to you for today."

"I am their teacher. This is what I should do. As long as the principal does not blame me." Teacher Lang did not dare to accept Principal Pan's gratitude, so that Principal Pan didn't have to.

After the two had finished talking, Counselor Wang interrupted and said, "Mr. Lang, let's go back. The children have just learned about the future. They must be very confused now. You still need to go back and enlighten them."

Principal Pan also waved to let Teacher Lang leave, without having to accompany him: "Yes, Teacher Lang, you go back soon."

"Then I'm leaving, Principal Pan takes care. Counselor Wang can trouble you to take care of the principal." Teacher Lang understood what they said was reasonable, and got up and went back to the classroom after leaving.

Back in the classroom, Teacher Lang saw that many of the students inside were still at a loss and uneasy. Although they had internships in the Southwest Military Region, they were only internships. Suddenly they heard that they are about to pass and become The pilots of the Southwest Military Region will not be able to completely turn around for a while.

"Don't think about anything messy, will the Southwest Military Region be different in a few days later? You can get used to the real military life as soon as possible. It will not hurt you." Principal Pan is not there and Teacher Lang can enjoy it. Ideological education for students.

"The teacher is right, I will go back first." Murong Xuan is the most active student among the students. All the conditions for going to the Southwest Military Region are beneficial to him, so he is the least objectionable among all the students, Yulang The teacher greeted him and left the classroom.

Now that Murongxuan is gone, Xu Xin and Zheng Zhirong must of course hurry to keep up. Now they are completely tied to Murongxuan, and everything must be looked at by him, so that they can also have a powerful help in the Southwest Military Region.