Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 608: Guan Yuzhen's true intentions

"If you have confidence, it will be all over to you." Guan Yuzhen turned around, wondering what Ye Qi had about the changes in the main base: "What do you think of Murong Nanbo's actions during my absence?"

In front of Guan Yuzhen, Ye Qi never concealed anything, and said whatever he thought of: "Although I am far from the main base, I have heard about what Murong Nanbo has done. During your absence, he changed the main base drastically. The personnel structure here has changed the deployment of troops, and now he has completely exposed his ambitions."

"And the second-generation mecha you prepared specifically for Langya Mecha Academy students was not assigned at all. I even rushed back to the base to confront him, but he didn't mean to repent at all. I heard this passage. Over time, Murongxuan’s military exploits skyrocketed, and he took all the people from the dormitory to replace the second-generation mechas. There must be a problem.” Ye Qi became more and more angry, and actively mentioned the topic Guan Yuzhen wanted to mention.

When Guan Yuzhen raised his eyebrows, the old **** was not at all angry, and asked Ye Qi: "What do you think should be handled?"

"These newly graduated students are very strong and cannot be wasted on driving the first-generation mechas. I think we should immediately allocate all the second-generation mechas so that they can exert their full combat effectiveness." Ye Qi said eloquently about this batch of mechas. The students have no selfishness at all, he just wants to fight for their best interests.

After talking about the distribution of mechas, Ye Qi will talk about the handling of combat exploits: “As for the combat exploits, I don’t think they can always be allowed to act collectively. This is a waste of their synchronization rate advantage. It is more reasonable to divide into teams for various operations. There are many things that can be exchanged, including various martial arts and mecha upgrades. It is unfair to others to concentrate in the hands of a small group of people."

"But I have given Murong Nanbo full authority to manage these students." After Ye Qi finished speaking, Guan Yuzhen said something that he couldn't understand.

Ye Qi couldn’t understand Guan Yuzhen’s words, so he repeatedly asked questions in the newsletter. This was the first time he questioned Guan Yuzhen’s instructions: “Why is this? Murong Nanbo is cooperating with Murong Xuan to suppress the development space of other students and expand his presence in the Southwest Military Region. Speaking right, Commander Guan, why do you let him do anything wrong?"

"Expansion makes people crazy, I want to see exactly where Murong Nanbo will go." Guan Yuzhen's expression was more serious than when he was in the command room, and he really didn't have any good feelings for this deputy commander.

For Murong Nanbo's small actions in the past to seize power in the Southwest Military Region, Guan Yuzhen saw everything in his eyes, but didn't say anything.

And Murong Nanbo did this not for the consideration of the Southwest Military Region, but to rejuvenate the Murong family, completely treating the Southwest Military Region as his own private property, which Guan Yuzhen couldn't accept.

Guan Yuzhen devoted all his efforts to the Southwest Military Region. He spent almost half of his life here. He also fought with several emperors of the Fo La Ye country before finally guarding this territory firmly in the hands of the Ancient God Lan Republic. Could Murong Nanbo be allowed to destroy it?

Guan Yuzhen's move is to make Murong Nanbo's ugly face more exposed to others' eyes. As long as others are not blind, they can see how much harm Murong Nanbo has done for himself. He will slowly lose support, let alone shake the stability of the Southwest Military Region.

After all, Ye Qi is the disciple whom Guan Yuzhen rescued and taught himself. After venting, he finally understood Guan Yuzhen’s good intentions, but still felt distressed for the students who were about to fall into the magic claws of Murong Nanbo: “But for students who really want to do practical things, They will suffer a lot of unfair treatment."

Unlike Ye Qi, Guan Yuzhen seemed quite confident. He actually had another intention to do this: "Lao Lang has always told me that there are a few very good seedlings in this group of students, and I hope I can take care of them. But no How to grow up through hardships and to become people who can shelter the country from wind and rain, they need such an environment. Whether they can be reborn from the ashes is up to them."

"You are right! We can't solve all the difficulties for them. Many things have to be faced by them. Thank you Commander Guan, I have been taught." Ye Qi suddenly brought her legs together and thanked Guan Yuzhen.

Regarding Ye Qi, who he grew up watching since childhood, Guan Yuzhen said that it was impossible without special care, and his tone changed to kindly and exhorted: "You too."

Ye Qi also showed an innocent smile. In front of Guan Yuzhen, he was always a small child. He put his right hand on his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I will take care of myself. I will also take care of everything here. Please Wait for me to triumph in the main base."

"Okay! Ye Qi, Murong Nanbo, take care of everything." When the communication was about to end, Guan Yuzhen still said a few more words out of concern for Ye Qi.

Ever since he grew up, Ye Qi hasn't seen Guan Yuzhen caring about him for a long time. His eyes flushed and he could barely hold back the tears. He carefully observed the upright man in front of him.

Guan Yuzhen was over half a hundred years old. Even if he was properly maintained, white hair still appeared on the temples. Ye Qi suddenly realized that he was not as young as he knew, and that this man had begun to grow old.

Feeling this, Ye Qi felt that he could not live up to Guan Yuzhen’s expectations of him. He emphasized and assured him again: "I will definitely. The Southwest Military Region will never fall into the hands of people with unpredictable intentions. People from the Murong family don’t want to use our Southwest Military Region. Nonsense."

Regarding Guan Yuzhen's return, the students also have many ideas, the most important of which is what impact Guan Yuzhen will have on the current situation of Murong Xuan's dominance?

Chen Feng was sitting on his bed thinking about the gains and losses of the recent period, and a voice came next to him: "Hey, Chen Feng, you said that Commander Guan is back, and Murong Nanbo must not be able to press us as before. Let us get the victory, right?"

Chen Feng turned to look, Zheng Zhirong looked at himself expectantly, as if he had great expectations for Guan Yuzhen's return.

"It's hard to say that Murong Nanbo has worked hard to create the current situation and won't let it go easily." Jumping off of his bed, Chen Feng believed that he could not be too optimistic. Everything would not be known until the dust settled.

Zheng Zhirong didn't get the answer he wanted, and pursued Chen Feng reluctantly, insisting on his own thoughts: "You are too careful. A person with such integrity as Commander Guan will definitely not let us be wronged."