Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 697: Final battle

Moreover, the Azure Mecha Academy was evened with the match point in their hands. It should be them who should be hit. Tan Xuanyuan didn't doubt that their mood over there must be worse than his own.

After calming down, Tan Xuanyuan began to walk towards the hangar and whispered as he passed by Nangong Huadie: "Thank you for waking me up. I will fight for you and dedicate the victory to you."

Nangong Huandie rolled her eyes and pretended not to hear. She was not interested in Tan Xuanyuan. What she said just now was just to relieve the pressure on everyone's hearts. She didn't want her student to lose to the Azure Mecha Academy. How to face Chen Feng.

Soon the two mechas of the last game appeared on the field. Tan Xuanyuan adjusted his mentality and pointed directly at the opposite student with an iron rod in one hand: "The ultimate championship will be born between us, and we will do our best. Play a game without regrets!"

And his opponent, the last hope of the Azure Mecha Academy, has not yet come out of the wailing in the rest area. Seeing victory in sight but suddenly slipping away from the fingers, no one will feel comfortable, absent-minded and casual. Nodded: "Okay, fight with all your strength."

"It's not that I said, even if I win in your state, it's meaningless." Tan Xuanyuan saw that his opponent was not in good shape. Not only did he not cheer, he took the initiative to clarify the opponent's confusion: "Don't tangle with the past, focus on the present!"

The opponent was moved by Tan Xuanyuan's words and raised his head to look at him: "Don't think that I will be merciful when you convince me. Our Azure Mecha Academy must win this game."

"Then give it a try, our Langya Mecha Academy also has the belief that we must win." Tan Xuanyuan retracted the iron rod and slammed it heavily on the ground, showing that he would not keep his hands.

"Are you ready?" When the two of them were about to communicate, the referee next to them asked whether they were ready.

Tan Xuanyuan and his opponent looked at each other and nodded together: "Ready."

"Okay, I announce the official start of the fifth game!" The referee immediately announced the start of the game and stepped aside to fulfill his accusations.

Tan Xuanyuan's mech was motionless, as if he was also an iron rod, standing on the ground, unchanging in response to changes.

Tan Xuanyuan’s opponent took out a weapon. He used a double gun, holding one in each hand. The second double gun was not the other double gun. Instead of two beam rifles, he used two thick long guns. Looks very domineering.

Chen Feng guessed that the two long spears in his hand should be able to be thrown when necessary. If a weapon of this weight is thrown out, it must be very powerful, and it is easy to not give him a chance to use it.

Seeing that Tan Xuanyuan did not move, his opponent moved, crossed his guns in front of his chest with both hands and rushed forward. The person who took the lead in the competition field was still easy to win. Since he decided to get rid of the shackles and let him go. Will exhaust all means to win,

The opponent was coming fiercely, but Tan Xuanyuan was still indifferent. The iron rod in his right hand was still standing on the ground, as if he was rushing to him with a domestic pet. There was no need to worry.

Tan Xuanyuan didn't start to act until the two sides were less than fifteen meters apart. He slowly raised the iron rod, held the iron rod in front of his chest with his hands together, and watched attentively at the opponent who was about to come in front of him.

It was just the last step. The opponent’s two spears pierced through the sky, and stabbed Tan Xuanyuan’s shoulders from left to right. At the same time, Tan Xuanyuan suddenly violently jumped to the five-meter-high sky, clenching one end of the iron rod with both hands, and slammed. It turned out to be hitting the opponent's cockpit with a single blow to defeat it directly.

Tan Xuanyuan’s opponent was prepared to counterattack when he attacked. After all, it was uncharacteristic to face his impact without moving. There must be fraud in it, so his hands did not fully control the double-gun attack, but left the maneuver. Spare power.

Sure enough, Tan Xuanyuan directly launched a big move, wanting to take away the victory directly, how could this make him do his wish? So the opponent immediately flipped his wrists and changed the two spears that were pierced forward to cross and lift up. It seemed that he was going to compare his strength with Tan Xuanyuan.

The two heavy weapons collided violently, and the loud noise made the audience cover their ears one after another. There was no way, the noise was so loud, they even suspected that their eardrums would be ruptured if they didn't do anything.

The TV station has also hurriedly implemented noise reduction measures to reduce the collision noise to a normal level, otherwise they will definitely receive a flood of complaints. This kind of supernova confrontation makes them love and hate, and love is sure to be loved by many people. Look, the high ratings can attract many sponsors. What I hate is that accidents are prone to occur during the live broadcast, and if the response is not good, there will be big troubles.

The weapons of both sides fought for a long time. Tan Xuanyuan fought with the increased acceleration from the sky, which could make his iron rod more powerful, and his opponent fought with two sturdy spears in his hand. breakdown.

The stiff persisted, and Tan Xuanyuan and his opponent were a little surprised. The opponent's strength was stronger than they thought, and it would be bad if the opponent discovered his flaws without changing.

Both sides turned on the propellers behind them at the same time, using the force generated by the propellers to urge their mecha to move forward. Sparks were constantly produced at the junction of the iron rod and the double guns, and the mecha arms gradually began to bend. It's the limit of the mecha.

If you increase the strength, I am afraid that the arm of the mecha will not be able to support it first. The students of the Azure Mecha Academy slowed down the output of the propeller, maintaining a slow increase and want to explore Tan Xuanyuan's bottom more.

Tan Xuanyuan is not as cautious as he is. Even if the mecha can't bear it, what he wants is the pleasure of hitting a hit. The iron rod must have a result, and he has opened the thruster under his feet and continued to add force. .

At this time, the balance of power between the two parties was completely broken, and Tan Xuanyuan finally suppressed the opponent in strength. The iron rod that had been parked in the air for a long time moved downward again, and swung toward the opponent's cockpit firmly.

When Tan Xuanyuan put on force, his opponent noticed something wrong, but if he suddenly increased the output of the thruster, he worried that his mecha couldn't stand it. He didn't specifically test the strength of the mecha before, so he eats today. A big loss.

However, he gained an advantage in the late action. Tan Xuanyuan was not too proud to continue swinging his iron rod. The opponent is the hole card of the Azure Mecha Academy. There must be other means that he did not use. He needs to see the iron rod hit the opponent. Peace of mind.

Tan Xuanyuan dominates and does not relax, making his opponent secretly admire that this is a problem that new mobile phone teachers can easily commit. Tan Xuanyuan can be considered very mature, seeing the iron rod hit the opponent's cockpit.