Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 703: Conspiracy started

"Hey, I'm afraid of you, come with me." The maintenance worker surnamed Zhang silently glanced at Zheng Zhirong. Since getting in touch with Chen Feng and the others, these newly graduated students are less and less concerned about their identity. Difference.

When everyone came to the maintenance area, the maintenance worker surnamed Zhang pointed to the four neatly arranged mechas and said, "Hey, this is your mecha. I know that the second-generation mecha is not coming so soon. I will take someone to help you repair it. Up."

"Wow, all repaired? Really?" Zheng Zhirong left the repairman surnamed Zhang and rushed to the mecha's feet to look up and down, unable to believe that his mecha was completely repaired.

The repairman surnamed Zhang briefly explained the process of repairing their mechas, and wondered who could control the attack power of mechas so perfectly: "Yes, the people who defeated you are very measured, and the damage caused to the mechas will not It's not serious. It's mainly the repair of the cockpit defense and the replacement of some armors. It is not particularly troublesome work. So who is the one who defeated you? I heard people say that it was the female aircraft king of the Buddha Laye country?"

"Yes, she's super powerful. We couldn't hold up a few rounds together." Chen Feng answered his doubts. There is nothing to hide. It is not ashamed to lose to the machine emperor. They have fought dignifiedly. It is very Valuable experience.

After looking around his mecha, Chen Feng was sure that it had been completely repaired, and the squad’s ability was really leveraged. Now they can go out to perform tasks again. It is said that the people of the Creation Organization have not been in peace recently. I always wanted to go back to the Southwest Military Region to build another base. They had long wanted to take over the mission assigned by Guan Yuzhen.

Turning to look at the mechas of other partners, Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a heavy beam sniper rifle next to the Nangong Dream Butterfly mecha. The maintenance staff surnamed Zhang helped them prepare their weapons and arranged them very well.

Seeing this weapon, Chen Feng recalled that when Nangong Mengdie shot at Brahman Kaor, Brahman Kaor didn't even step back, so he directly chopped the super huge shot at her with the wonderful sound knife in his hand. Beam, he hasn't forgotten the heroine of that female machine emperor at that time.

"It is said that the most powerful heavy beam sniper rifle was easily blocked by Brahman Kaul. Is this the power of the weapon created by Huang Metal?" Thinking of Chen Feng, a problem suddenly appeared, and he made it with Huang Metal. How much better is the special plane than the ordinary mecha?

Although Chen Feng has seen several special planes, and saw them fighting at close range, and even fought against them, the difference in strength made him unable to see more details, except for knowing the special planes themselves. Can't compete at all, but I don't know how much the gap is.

The maintenanceman surnamed Zhang deals with mechas every day. He has extremely rich experience in this area and can answer Chen Feng’s question: “Huang Metal can transmit energy 100%, so it allows the pilot to perform 100% as he deserves. Its strength is more than twice that of the metal used in ordinary mechas. To leave scars on it, you have to spend at least twice as much strength as usual."

Then the repairman surnamed Zhang pointed to the heavy beam blocking gun next to the Nangong Dream Butterfly Mech and said: "It is like this heavy beam blocking gun. Although it is the most powerful of all conventional weapons, it is only more powerful than ordinary beams. The rifle is less than twice as powerful. As long as you don’t care about driving the special machine built by Huangjin, you won’t be hit in the deadly position. You want to rely on it to harm the machine emperor, that’s just a dream.”

"Understood, thank you, can we drive away the mecha? After spending so many days in the base, it seems to be going out to do a task." Chen Feng again thanked the maintenance man surnamed Zhang and asked if he could take the mecha directly away Now, what he was thinking about was driving the mecha out to fight with the enemy. It was too boring after holding back for so many days.

"Of course, you can sign the letter and go through the formalities." The maintenance worker surnamed Zhang handed over a portable computer and asked Chen Feng and the others to write that the mecha was taken away, and they pressed their fingerprints to let them drive the mecha away. There was no sluggishness during the whole journey.

Chen Feng and the others still don’t know that these four repaired first-generation mechas will bring them not blessings but disasters. If these four mechas are not repaired, then some of the following things will probably not happen. They will not regret it.

"This uncle is really efficient. It's a pity that Murong Nanbo doesn't use people, so he never got a promotion." When leaving the hangar, Nangong Mengdie felt worthless for the maintenance worker surnamed Zhang. He was obviously strong enough. His abilities, but unable to reach the position that can be used, can only do hard work in the front line of the preparation class.

Zheng Zhirong drove the mecha he hadn't touched for a long time, and he said in a comfortable mood: "Then overthrow Murong Nanbo's rule, so that people like him can get the opportunity to exert their strength."

"Try hard, we must not let the Southwest Military Region fall into the hands of Murong Nanbo!" Chen Feng also believes that this is the case. No matter whether it is public or private, Murong Nanbo cannot be allowed to take charge of the Southwest Military Region.

In this regard, everyone’s opinions are very unified. Murong Nanbo and them cannot coexist in the same way, and he also tried every means to promote his own people. It is simply lawless to allow the Murong family to infiltrate the Southwest Military Region. People with conscience will want to stop him.

Chen Feng happily drove the repaired mecha out to do the task. At the Azure Mecha Academy, a room in the teaching office building, a person answered the phone that kept ringing in front of him.

"Hello?" The man didn't say anything after answering the phone. He didn't speak again until after quietly listening to the instructions on the other end of the phone: "I understand, I will deal with it immediately, please wait for the message."

Putting down the phone in his hand, he looked in the direction of Langya Mecha Academy out of the window, with a strong hostility in his tone: "Huh, I dare to hinder the young master, this time I will definitely make you pay!"

Langya Mecha Academy won the championship of the Academy Tournament for two consecutive years. President Pan invited a large number of stars to celebrate, making Langya Mecha Academy a sea of ​​joy. All the teachers and students are intoxicated and want to open it every day. An awards ceremony.

Only the people from the Azure Mecha Academy didn't find it interesting at all. After the awards ceremony, they left dingy and did not participate in the subsequent carnival activities.

In order for the medical team to ensure the safety of the last student who participated in the battle, Principal An had to stay one more day. After enduring the celebration from Langya Mecha Academy, they finally embarked on their return journey. Back to his school.