Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 768: You Jia arrives

Under Murong Fan’s introduction, Hongshui Bin learned that the inner strength method used by the "War God" is called the Bufan Heart Sutra, which can greatly strengthen physical fitness and exert the power of regret, and Murong Fan is proficient in the use of all weapons. After painstaking research, they gathered into a set of universal martial arts moves, which he called the ever-changing martial arts moves.

Subsequently, Murong Fan passed on his two lifelong efforts to Hongshui Bin. During the teaching process, Murong Fan found that Hongshui Bin unexpectedly fits with the ever-changing changes, even surpassing his own creator.

Hung Hung Bin naturally felt this too. With his own unconstrained fighting style and extremely keen combat intuition, the use of kaleidoscopic skills that combined all weapon use skills was just like a tiger. He could use every part of his body as a weapon and burst out. More powerful power.

After Murong Fan taught the Extraordinary Heart Sutra and the ever-changing changes to Hongshui Bin, he practiced it several times with Hongshui Bin himself. Seeing that Hongshui Bin became more and more proficient in his mastery, he almost couldn't take it after several attacks. Extremely perfect.

"Let's do it for today, and you will have a good understanding when you go back. The ever-changing things are so suitable for you, which is a bit beyond my expectations."

After blocking the full blow of Hongshui Bin, Murong Fan ended the teaching, and he was very satisfied with the excellent performance of Hongshui Bin.

Originally, Murong Fan decided to accept him as an apprentice only because Hongshui Bin realized his regret. Now he has discovered that Hongshui Bin closely matches his martial arts, and this apprentice is more satisfied than expected.

Hongshuibin reluctantly left Murongfan's room. After learning the extraordinary Heart Sutra and the ever-changing changes, he finally had the opportunity to fight against Pan Yuguo. During his teaching, Murongfan told him that as long as he mastered these two skills, Pan Yuguo would be ahead. The advantage will be completely offset, and the rest will only depend on who can play better.

On the same level as Pan Yuguo, which is regarded by everyone, Hongshui Bin was not overly arrogant when he was overjoyed. After experiencing this incident, he completely abandoned his anxiety and pride, leaving only a down-to-earth step forward.

Chen Feng's treatment is still continuing. According to the doctor's guess, he woke up within these few days. Therefore, in addition to going to Murong Fan's room to study every day, Hongshui Bin will stay in the infirmary to wait for him to wake up.

On the fourth day after Chen Feng was rescued, adequate nutrient supply had restored Chen Feng's body functions to normal, and the wounds on his head that had been split by the impact began to heal, and everything was moving in the right direction.

Shui Bin put his hands on his head and dozed off next to Chen Feng’s bed. Although he didn’t have much practice time with Murong Fan every day, Murong Fan tried his best every time, forcing him to play to the extreme. Supported, so he often took the time to accompany Chen Feng as a rest to restore his exhausted spirit.

Hung Hung Bin’s head was little by little, almost about to fall asleep. Suddenly a hand appeared behind him and patted Hung Hung Bin’s shoulder. He was keenly aware of it, and quickly awoke from his doze, and grabbed his backhand. The wrist of the hand coming over.

Looking at the owner of his wrist, Hong Hung Bin was stunned and unable to move. The touch from his palm was as soft as jade, while the person on the other side was looking at him with a smile on his face.

That person is You Jia. After her application was approved, she entrusted her affairs to others as quickly as possible and rushed to the Southwest Military Region, but because she is currently involved in more projects, she was delayed a lot of time.

Realizing that it’s not suitable for him to hold You Jia’s hand, Hongshui Bin quickly let go, hiding his hands behind him in shame: "You Jia, when did you come?! Why don’t you tell me, I’ll pass Pick you up."

"I've just arrived, too, so I troubled that big brother to take me to the infirmary first." You Jia pointed to a person at the door.

Honghong Bin hurried up to thank you: "Thank you."

"It doesn't have to be this way. I heard that Chen Feng was rescued. It happened that I had to come over to get him. It's okay. You said he was such a good child. How could he become like this." The person who brought You Jia here was the one who helped. After Chen Feng has been busy with the maintenance staff surnamed Zhang several times, he told Hongshuibin not to thank him, because he had to drop by anyway.

The maintenance staff surnamed Zhang didn't know that he was standing in front of him for making Chen Feng such a culprit, and he was still sighing that Chen Feng should not be treated unfairly.

Hearing embarrassed, Hongshui Bin raised his hand to interrupt the maintenance staff surnamed Zhang's broken thoughts: "Uh...that, sorry, I blew the mecha on impulse to make Chen Feng like this."

"You are Hongshuibin? Chen Feng's best friend?" The maintenance worker surnamed Zhang backed away two steps, widening his eyes and looking at the strange young man in front of him.

The more I look at the maintenance staff surnamed Zhang, the more I feel that this young man is a talented person. Several years of pilot training and the occurrence of the Chen Feng incident have made Hong Hung Bin a bit more mature and stable than his peers. He is learning the merits taught by Murong Fan. After the Fa, it has a reborn effect, and anyone who sees him will praise him from the heart.

Hongshuibin scratched his head in embarrassment, and reconfirmed that he was the murderer: "It is me, I am Hongshuibin, and I am ashamed of Chen Feng."

The maintenance staff surnamed Zhang did not show his disgust with Hongbin. He was twice as old as Hongbin. He had long looked down on many things. He also comforted Hongbin not to blame himself too much: "After all, he is young It is excusable, and it was you who found Chen Feng, which shows that you are indeed Chen Feng's best friend. It is good to clear up the misunderstanding after he wakes up."

"I will definitely!" Honghong Bin nodded his head, no matter what, he would apologize to Chen Feng and strive for Chen Feng's forgiveness.

The maintenance staff surnamed Zhang walked to Chen Feng's bed and took a few glances. After confirming that he was in good health, he patted Hongshuibin on the shoulder and left first.

After he left, it was You Jia's turn to learn about Chen Feng from Hongshuibin: "When will Chen Feng wake up?"

Hongshuibin quickly showed You Jia the medical report next to Chen Feng's bed: "Alright, the doctor said that he is recovering well. In the past two days, you can see that there are records on it."

"That's good, you will accompany him?" The words on the medical report are densely packed. You Jia is not a professional and can't understand at all, so he asked Hongshui Bin whether he would accompany Chen Feng.

Hongshuibin is not clear, so he scratched his head and didn't know what You Jia meant: "Of course I will. I will stay with him until he gets better."