Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 806: Herbal Bone Refining

Chen Feng pointed to himself in surprise. The kitchen is related to the food safety of everyone in the main base. Even if it is not a military powerhouse, the idlers and others will generally not go in. It is too strange that he promised to let him in now: "The kitchen? Can I go directly in?"

"What you are afraid of, just go in and get it. I have agreed with them. Just put the things on the table and take them out." Xu promised that he never cared about the rules and regulations and asked Chen Feng to go in and take out the things he wanted.

"Okay." Chen Feng said no more, turned around and entered the kitchen. No one in it only saw a black plastic bag on the table. It should be the bag he wanted to hold. , Easily picked it up and returned to the promise: "Master, I got it."

He promised to reluctantly put away the wine gourd, got up and led the way: "Very well, take it and follow me."

The two of them walked all the way to the training ground. Chen Feng became more and more surprised as they walked. What the **** master wants to do. If he wants to train, he will not call himself in the afternoon, but he will go there at night, and he is carrying a bag of inexplicable things. .

But the promise did not go directly to the training ground, but turned around and walked into a bathroom next to it. The people in the base need to wash after sweating on the training ground, so there are many bathrooms next to it, promise Just walked into one of them.

Chen Feng followed in, feeling the warm temperature as soon as he entered the door and smelled a strong smell of herbs.

In the same way, there is no one in this bathroom, and they are all cleared off the scene like the kitchen, which makes Chen Feng even more curious about what Master wants to do.

The bathroom is not deep, just take a few more steps to the end. What appeared in front of Chen Feng was a huge wooden barrel, which was basically the same height as himself, and there was an electric heating device underneath to keep it warm. The herbal smell comes from inside.

"Pour the contents of the plastic bag you took." Xu promised to walk around the barrel, seemingly satisfied, and then asked Chen Feng to put the contents of the black plastic bag into the barrel.

Chen Feng stepped forward and took a look. Inside the wooden barrel was half of the dark green liquid. It should be a mixture of various herbs and heated by electric heating equipment, just like boiling Chinese medicine. The difference is that the wooden barrel is relatively huge.

Chen Feng opened the black plastic bag and found that all the herbs in it were also herbs. After a little glance, he couldn't call them all, let alone what they did.

Next to him, he promised to drink with the wine gourd again, and saw Chen Feng move slowly and urged: "Hurry up and put things in, and then wait a while for you to drag your clothes in."

"Ah? I want to go in too? This water is about to boil?" After seeing the height of the wooden barrel, Chen Feng had a vague premonition. As a result, he promised to actually want him in too. Do you cook it yourself?

He promised to give Chen Feng a big eye, if he could have kicked Chen Feng in: "What are you afraid of, you put the herbs in first, and when they are boiled, I will lower the temperature. I am your master and I won't harm you."

"Oh..." Chen Feng still didn't understand what he promised to do, but the objects in front of him should have been prepared by Master for him, and would only be good for him.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng poured all the herbs in the black plastic bag into the wooden barrel. The herbs were quickly mixed into the original herbal soup. He promised to take a stick and put it into the wooden barrel and stir to mix the old and new herbs evenly.

While promising to stir, Chen Feng went to the side and took off his clothes. Seeing that the herbal soup in the wooden barrel was plopping and bubbling, he couldn't help but hesitate: "Master, should I go in now?"

"Are you kid crazy? Are you going to be cooked now when you go in? When the herbs are cooked, I will lower the temperature and then you can go in." Xu promised to point Chen Feng's head directly. This apprentice is learning martial arts When I understood so quickly, why did he look so sluggish about other things? Have I ever said that I would let him jump directly into the hot herbal soup.

Chen Feng hugged his head and dodged, but promised to shoot quickly and allow himself to be completely unable to avoid him, begging for mercy, "Master, I know I was wrong, please forgive me."

"Huh, don't be too rigid to be my disciple, don't you know?" He promised to let Chen Feng go. Seeing that the newly added herbal medicine was almost cooked, he reached out and lowered the power of the electric heating device: "You can go in, remember to Hold your breath and soak your whole body in."

"Understood!" The master would definitely not harm him. Chen Feng turned his heart over the barrel, took a deep breath and jumped into the hot herbal soup.

As soon as he jumped into the herbal soup, Chen Feng felt countless hot currents wandering outside his body. Although the output of the electric heating device had been lowered, the original temperature of the herbal soup was still very high. He surrounded Chen Feng, an uninvited guest, and gave him Brings a burst of heat.

Chen Feng’s skin quickly burned red, and Chen Feng almost suspected that he would be scalded to death in a wooden barrel, but after the initial pain, Chen Feng’s body gradually adapted to the high temperature, although it was still uncomfortable. It's not too much.

Soon Chen Feng exhausted the breath he had inhaled, stood up straight under his feet, stretched out his head to breathe, and used the opportunity to breathe to radiate the heat in his body.

Chen Feng took a few breaths, and promised to stretch the stick and press it down on Chen Feng's head: "It's almost done. Give me back quickly. These herbs are difficult to collect. Don't waste it!"

It seems that this bucket of herbal soup is definitely effective for his body. Chen Feng did not have the power to resist the promise. He took advantage of the opportunity to re-immerse himself in the herbal soup, and continued to accept the high temperature attack, and this time he felt as if something was moving. His body got in, but when he opened his eyes and looked for it, he saw nothing.

Constantly feeling strange sensations in his body, Chen Feng came out again, this time with a short time interval from the last time, which was obviously affected by this strange feeling.

He promised that as the leader of this matter, he knew exactly what kind of situation Chen Feng was going through. He pressed Chen Feng’s shoulder with a stick, forcing him to return to the herbal soup, and reminded him: “Don’t be afraid, this It is the effect of herbal medicine entering your body. Go back and soak your whole body in it, so that your whole body can be improved."

Upon hearing these words, Chen Feng no longer resisted that strange feeling completely, and returned to the herbal soup with his breath holding his breath. Since the master said that it is good for his body, he must not waste it. Maybe next time. There is such an opportunity.