Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 19: Conceited

   The roar of the hydraulic press signaled the beginning of a new day.

After washing, Qi Yuan looked at himself in the mirror. He was obviously thinner than before, but his eyes were much more energetic. The lines on his cheeks were not soft, but rather clever, plus a circle of fine shredded scum. The face is full of male hormones.

   If it were placed in the old age, the face value is quite good!

   Unfortunately, now is a new era.

   "The hunt has begun!"

   Qi Yuan said to himself in the mirror.

   After checking the belongings with him, Qi Yuan opened the door of the room and went to the scheduled meeting point.

   Three trucks covered with gray-green canvas formed a triangle and parked at the gate of Blackstone Town at random.

   Xu Kui stood in the center, waiting for the arrival of the personnel.

   More than a dozen wilderness hunters armed with various weapons have been waiting near the truck, and some of Xu Kui's henchmen are waiting together.

   Lu Han was squatting on the ground and smoking a cigarette, with two flying eagle-Ⅱ revolvers hanging from the left and the right around his waist. He exuded an aura that no one would enter.

   The burly Luo Kui, wearing a pair of sunglasses, stood about one meter behind Xu Kui, standing with his hands behind him.

   There are also more than a dozen warriors wearing helmets and uniform combat uniforms, all elite fighters from Xu Kui's lineage.

   Compared with this group of meticulous, elite soldiers, the wild hunters scattered around the periphery are like the difference between bandits and regular troops.

   With Qi Yuan's arrival, several wilderness hunters moved their eyes slightly and moved closer.

   Although Qi Yuan didn't have much interaction with them, the scene in the tavern had already made him famous.

   A black-clothed wilderness hunter with a dagger hanging around his waist greeted him actively.

   "Qi Yuan, I am Viper. These two are the butcher and Scarface respectively. We have decided to join forces this time to clear the mine. Are you interested in joining together!"

   The butcher and Scarface looked at them at the same time, with a trace of kindness and a trace of scrutiny in their eyes. Although not too enthusiastic, kindness was originally a luxury for the wilderness hunters who walked in the wilderness all year round.

   If it weren't for Qi Yuan's strong defensive ability, this trace of kindness might become a defensive.

   There are a variety of powerful insects and beasts hidden in the mine. A strong defensive meat shield can work together to reduce many unnecessary dangers.

   Qi Yuan's eyes swept across the three of them, the viper man as the name suggests, although there was a smile on his face, Qi Yuan still felt a hint of coldness from him.

Scarface is equipped with the most complete equipment. Not only does he wear an old green helmet, but he also wears heavier clothes than others. He seems to be wearing a bulletproof vest. Judging from the posture of holding the gun, the rifle in his hand is definitely not a piece. Furnishings.

The last one is the butcher. Among the three, the thin butcher is the most inconspicuous, but the large-caliber revolver that he wears on the holster around his waist is very conspicuous. The thick barrel is from the gun. Stretching out of the sleeve, it looked terrifying.

  The caliber of the flying eagle in Qi Yuan's hand is 12.1mm, which is already considered a large-caliber pistol. The butcher's revolver is even a bit larger than the caliber of the flying eagle, and it is at least 16mm in sight, which is comparable to a shotgun.

   Although the caliber does not necessarily represent a powerful force, in this new era of justice, the caliber of this revolver can definitely scare off a group of people who have bad intentions.

   "Of course!" Qi Yuan smiled at the corners of his mouth and agreed to the invitation.

Viper was obviously relieved. If it hadn’t been for Xu Kui’s price to be too tempting, and Xu Kui’s reputation for a long time was not bad, he would never take over the business. The danger of abandoned mines would have long been known, if not. The insects and beasts inside were too powerful, and the mine would not have been abandoned until now.

   The four gathered together, and after a brief introduction, the Viper said in a low voice:

   "Xu Kui's direct descendants don't look down on us wild hunters at all. This time we are likely to be treated as cannon fodder when we enter. Together, the four of us can increase the chance of survival by at least 50%."

   "Why don't you win more?"

   Qi Yuan glanced at another group of people. In addition to Xu Kui's heavily armed direct descendants, there was also a group of wilderness hunters, who were obviously also the helpers who were attracted by Xu Kui to clear the mine.

   The butcher glanced at the group of people and shook his head slightly.

   "Some guys who are struggling to fight the black tooth mouse, no matter how much they win, it is a waste! These people enter the mine, the only purpose is to help us share some attacks, even if we can complete the collection, few can come back alive."

The Viper nodded, the emergence of extraordinary abilities has widened the gap in individual combat power infinitely. The simple accumulation of numbers makes it difficult to cause a qualitative change. Even if there are 100 more cannon fodder of this level, it is impossible to win. The mine is nothing more than allowing the insects and beasts in the mine to eat more full.

Among a group of sparse wilderness hunters, Qi Yuan saw a woman wandering outside the crowd. She was wrapped tightly, with a black veil on her face. If it weren't for the fullness of her chest, Qi Yuan almost No woman was found in the team.

   The woman ignores her surroundings or veiled or directly coveted her eyes, and puts on an attitude of repelling others thousands of miles away.

   "Who is she?" Qi Yuan asked casually.

   Viper also glanced at the woman, and whispered: "She is an outsider, no one knows her name, but I heard Xu Kui call her-you!"


   Qi Yuan recalled for a while, and found that there was indeed no relevant memory of her in the memory.

   "This woman should not be weak, why not invite her?"

   Viper gave a wry smile, "I invited her, but she was rejected."

   "This woman is dangerous!" Scarface, who had not spoken, said suddenly.

   "Do you know her?" Viper asked.

   "I don't know, but I know she's not easy to mess with." Scarface glanced at you secretly, a little jealous in the depths of his eyes.

"She came to Heishi Town two days ago. Someone watched her at UU Reading that night, and three wilderness hunters sneaked into her room. As a result, those people never walked out of the room again. It's like disappearing out of thin air, even the corpse is not left behind!"

   The bodies of three people are gone!

   Viper looked at Scarface with some suspicion. This didn't sound like the real thing, it was more like a horror story.

   "What I said is true." Scarface explained.

   "When I live next door to her, I also know the three wilderness hunters. They are not weak and have weapons in their hands. One of them has awakened and strengthened."

Scarface swallowed, and said with some fear: "They also invited me to join me, but I refused. I watched them enter the room with my own eyes. As a result, there was no sound of asking for help or fighting in the room. I I thought they succeeded, but the next morning, the woman walked out of the room intact, but the three people disappeared. I later went into the room to check. There was no sign of fighting in the room. The three people were like It just disappeared out of thin air."

   Scarface’s eyes were a little horrified: "I suspect she may be a polluter, and those people may have been eaten by her! I heard that polluters can eat people and can eat meat several times their body size in one breath!"

   Viper suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning. If Scarface said it was true, then this woman might be more dangerous than insects.

   "Impossible! She can't be a polluter!" The butcher said decisively: "I have seen a polluter before. Their eyes have no pupils. Her eyes are like us, without any depraved features."

   Qi Yuan glanced at Xu Kui not far away.

  Does he know the details of this woman?

   Or maybe this woman is the reinforcement he called for?