Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 295: Suspect

Although the four avatars secretly communicated with each other and reached an agreement, they did not have the slightest softness in the battle. Several avatars fought inwardly and returned to internal fighting, and they would still unite in unison when fighting foreign enemies.

The appearance of the AT force field weakened the strength of the patrol sentry that was already at a disadvantage by nearly two layers, directly dominating the outcome of this battle.

The four mechanical clones finally defeated the eight patrol sentries unscathed.

After defeating the enemy, the atmosphere between the avatars became dignified again. In the face of the strong One, the remaining four mechanical avatars decisively chose to join forces.

"Number One, since you are here, why do you want to hide? If we are killed by the patrol sentry, what benefit can you get?" Number Four asked in a deep voice.

"I just arrived, and I didn't have any bad intentions." Number One said slowly without being annoyed.

"However, you shouldn't yell at my whereabouts."

Seeing the noncommittal attitudes of several clones, Number One continued:

"Don't you think about how these eight patrol sentries came together?"

Number Four glanced at Qin Yi's wreckage.

"Although there are not many patrol sentries here, it is not impossible to gather eight."

Number One shook his head.

"If you want to gather eight patrol sentries with your strength, it is still possible, but with Qin Yi's strength, even if he only encounters a group of patrol sentries, he should not be able to run away. Why does he gather so many patrol sentries?"

Number Four's eyes sank.

"You mean these patrol sentries were deliberately attracted by Qin Yi?"

Another clone number seven said immediately: "Impossible, this behavior is equivalent to betrayal! With Qin Yi's strength, he can't break through the underlying logic planted by the Supreme Master! He can't betray!"

"Why not?" Number One asked rhetorically.

"Did you forget the tooth of despair?"

No. 7 was silent for a moment. If it weren't for the accidental betrayal of the Fangs of Despair, the No. 9 War Fortress would not be destroyed at all, and the body would not be forced to disintegrate and venture into this mechanical ruin.

Before this, no one thought that the teeth of despair would betray, and the underlying logic implanted by the Supreme Master could not be violated. It has long become the iron law of the mechanical king, and they have also given absolute trust.

However, Fang of Despair still betrayed the Mechanical King Court, betrayed the Supreme Master, and dealt himself a heavy blow.

Since the tooth of despair can betray, Qin Yi can naturally betray too.

The battle just broke out too suddenly, they didn't have time to think about the reason. Now that they were broken by No. 1, they realized that something was wrong.

As No.1 guessed, if it weren't for Qin Yi's initiative to attract, he would definitely not be able to gather eight patrol sentries.

"Neither Fang of Despair nor Qin Yi can actively break through the underlying logic implanted by the Supreme Master. It must have been the intervention of other forces that led to their betrayal." One said.

"Is it Duanmu Dragon Elephant?" Number Four said in a deep voice.

Seven shook his head.

"Although the Duanmu Dragon Elephant is very powerful, he is not a mechanic. He is just a seventh-order elemental domain capable person, and it is impossible to break through the underlying logic implanted by the supreme controller."

"It's not the Duanmu dragon elephant, the black hand that caused the tooth of despair and Qin Yi's betrayal is someone else." Number One said slowly.

Number Four took a deep look at Number One.

"Do you doubt that Qi Yuan?"

"Yes, it's him!" Number One said.

"Although Qi Yuan is not high in rank, his strength is not weak, and his attainments in the mechanical and energy fields are extremely astonishing. He has broken our plan many times. If someone in the frontline base can really break through the implants of the supreme masters. The bottom logic is possible only by him!"

Seven is still a little skeptical.

"Qin Yi is the ninth batch of explorers. He has never contacted Qi Yuan at all. How did Qi Yuan help him break through the bottom logic of the supreme master and make him betray?"

"Although Qi Yuan has not been in contact with Qin Yi outside, if they are in contact among the mechanical ruins, can they do this too?" No.1 asked rhetorically.

Seven was suddenly surprised.

"You mean, Qi Yuan has also entered the mechanical ruins?"

The mechanical ruins are one of the top secrets of the mechanical ruins. No human has ever set foot, not only because the mechanical ruins blocked relevant news, but also because the defense mechanism of the mechanical ruins does not allow flesh and blood to enter.

There have been experiments with mechanics in other mechanical ruins, and they tried to bring flesh and blood life into it many times, but in the end, no flesh and blood life can survive through the passage of entry, whether it is a capable person or a beast, even a high-level apocalyptic ability. High-level panic beasts will die suddenly in the passage through the passage, without any exception.

One nodded.

"The reason I hid and didn't show up was to find Qi Yuan. Such a dangerous enemy hiding in the dark is a huge threat to us!"

"I believe that the intervention of external forces has led to the betrayal of Fang of Despair and Qin Yi, but I don't believe that this external force is Qi Yuan!" Number Four shook his head and said.

"Qi Yuan is a flesh and blood being. He can't live through the passage of entry, and I don't believe that an intermediate-level ability person can break through the underlying logic of the implantation of the supreme master."

Not only No. 4, but the other three clones are also skeptical about No. 1's guess. In this new era where strength is respected, Qi Yuan's rank is the biggest weakness.

Although Qi Yuan defeated Tianyu and Death Furnace, he was considered the top in the sixth rank, but after all, he did not enter the high rank, and he was far away from the supreme master, and there was still a great moat that was difficult to cross.

They don't believe that a person with intermediate ability can do this step, even if it is Duanmu Dragon Elephant, the possibility is higher than Qi Yuan.

Seeing the suspicions of several people, Number One also guessed their thoughts, and her eyes suddenly became gloomy.

He can accept other clones to squeeze him out, but he will never allow other clones to ignore certain truths in order to exclude himself. Once these things are ignored, they are likely to threaten his life.

"If you are not a clone of your body, I would really like to see you pay for your stupidity. At this time, Qi Yuan may be hiding nearby, watching our jokes. If you don’t find him out, he Will always hide in the darkness, looking for a chance to give you a fatal blow, just like he used Qin Yi to attract eight patrol sentries to besiege you!"

No. 4 looked at No. 1 without fear.

"It's not that we don't believe you, but that your speculation is unbelievable. I think what we really need to worry about is this mechanical ruin, not the Qi Yuan you imagined."

In the distance, Qi Yuan, who is hidden in the dark by UU reading, has quietly distanced himself from being discovered. Although he can't hear what they are saying, Qi Yuan vaguely feels that this number is very May have been skeptical.

The battle just broke out too suddenly, so several mechanical clones did not have time to think deeply. At this moment, the crisis has been resolved, and the slaughter must be aware of the problem.

Moreover, No.1 deliberately hid in the dark, probably just trying to get him out.

Exposing himself so quickly is not good news for Qi Yuan. Fortunately, the other party should only be suspicious, and there seems to be a faint tendency to split between the clones of the butcher.

Since these clones of the slaughter also have internal contradictions, if they can control a clone of the slaughter, it may be able to provoke a civil war between them!

Qi Yuan's thoughts turned sharply. There were ten clones of the slaughterers. Five of them have gathered here, and five of them are wandering among the mechanical ruins. Even if a few were unfortunately besieged by patrol sentries, there must be some who are alone. Maybe you can find the trouble of those who are alone, otherwise, it will not be easy to wait until these clones are all gathered together!