Medical Master

v3 Chapter 101: Seeing a gift?


The incomparably smooth shouting sounds echoed between the heavens and the earth.

at the same time.

Just opened his eyes, Fang Qiu’s eyelids immediately burst into a slap in the face!

Reopen the meridians and become!

I felt the widened meridians in my body and felt that the meridians were widened. It was a completely different feeling from before. Fangqiu couldn’t help but be excited.

With the reopening of the hand and the lungs, he can clearly feel that his hand seems to be much lighter than before, empty and many, but enriched a lot.

That feeling is very wonderful.

As soon as the heart moves, the empty arm will immediately rush out of the endless internal strength, completely filling the feeling of emptyness.

The space is big, so it is empty. Less impurities, so light. The internal strength is strong, so it is full!

If we say that before the breakthrough, Fangqiu’s hand is too small, but now Fangqiu’s hand is too Yin and lung, which is the Yangtze River Yellow River!

A long shout fell.

Fangqiu is very fast.

Gently waving his arms and carefully savoring the feelings after this breakthrough, Fang Qiu was very excited and satisfied.

he knows.

This road is right!

If the whole body meridians are re-opened like the hands of the Taiyin lungs, then the time is not only the internal strength, the internal gas volume in the body will inevitably be extremely horrible, and now it is more than several times, even dozens of times. !

I miss this.

Fang Qiu’s heart immediately gave birth to a strong sense of expectation.

"If you can really reopen all the meridians, you will definitely be able to make three flowers, not only to see the father, but also to help the father!"

The heart whispered.

Fangqiu immediately closed his eyes and turned his head and looked at it.

I found that there was nothing unusual around me. It seemed that because of the lack of people around the area, the sound of the long whistle did not cause anyone's idea.

Look at the swamp pool in front of you.

at this time.

The lotus leaves covering the swamp pool have been reduced a lot, and it seems to be affected by the depths of the swamp pool, and the mud is still slowly flowing down.

I want to come.

It should be that big cockroach, can not stand the sound of the square whistle, was scared to drill deep into it.

Lightly smiled and smiled.

Fangqiu moved his arms and suddenly thought of Longbai An.

"Dragon claws!"

He remembers very clearly that Long Bai'an's dragon claws are very strong, and even in the four products Wuying can be recognized as the first attack power.

The reason why Long Bai'an can get this kind of praise is because he has opened six meridians, and six of them are the meridians on the hand.

And now.

Fangqiu re-opened the hand of the Taiyin lung, the width of the meridian was extended to several times before, and the internal strength also rose again.

There is also gas!

Although only the internal gas in the palm of the hand is enhanced, this enhancement has been very obvious to make Fangqiu feel different.

Then, how much improvement has this breakthrough?

"Breaking your hands!"


Fangqiu's palm waved, and the air of the heavens and the earth immediately swarmed and gathered, and immediately in front of his palm, condensed into an energy palm of about the size of a basketball.

Although it can't be seen, Fangqiu can clearly sense that this can only measure the existence of the palm.


At the moment when the energy palm condensed, Fang Qiu changed his face.

He remembers.

When I first used the big hand to break the hand, when I first learned it, I did not use the full force in the cave, but directly gathered a very large palm.

That time, the volume of the energy palm was several times this time.


Although the energy palm of this time has become smaller, the energy contained in it is much stronger than before.

Fangqiu can even feel it.

If this palm is taken out, I am afraid that it will hide at the bottom of the swamp pool, and the skin that is hardened by the whole body will be directly penetrated.

Not only that.

Fang Qiu also felt that he could control the growth of this energy palm to a greater extent than when it was first used, but it could not shrink this energy palm.

The smaller it seems, the stronger the power.

The stronger the strength, the smaller the energy palm that can be condensed.

Unfortunately, the smallest state that Fangqiu can control now is the current size of the basketball. If the energy palm can be reduced to the size of the bullet, the power is definitely several times more powerful than the present, even dozens of times!

"Try it!"

Mindful thoughts.

Fangqiu's palm waved.

I shot directly toward the swamp pool in front of me.


The moment of photographing.


A scream broke out.

Dagu suddenly jumped high from the edge of the swamp pool, just hiding the palm of the square.

next moment.


A soft noise came.

The energy palm enters the pool, directly in the center of the marsh, and makes a hole.



A thunderous sound suddenly came.

I saw it.

The surface of the originally calm swamp pool suddenly became like a crater. The mud mud began to burst wildly, and finally it was like a magma, which erupted directly.

The big cockroach that is going down from midair will rush into the air.

This scene.

Scared Fang Qiu’s eyes widened.

He did not expect that the power of this palm was so strong.

To know.

What he just used was only the internal gas stored in the **** and lungs of the hand, and the air of the heavens and the earth around him. He only attracted a little bit.

If you do your best, you will be attracted to the atmosphere of the world.

The power of this palm will be even stronger!


At the same time of shock, Fangqiu could not conceal the excitement and excitement.

With the re-opening of the meridian, coupled with the powerful destruction of this move, the future can be expected!

Watching the big **** fall from the air, once again into the swamp pool.

Fangqiu just laughed and turned and left with satisfaction.


Cried out of grievances.

in the afternoon.

Fangqiu returned to school.

Put on normal clothes and return to the dormitory.

Three days have passed, and the people in the school have gone almost the same. The whole school is empty, and sometimes even one person does not.

back to dorm.

Fangqiu packed up the goods and booked a high-speed train ticket to go home at noon tomorrow.

"I am going to celebrate the New Year. Before I leave, I have to go to Teacher Xu for a year."

Finished up.

Fangqiu walked out of school, circled the pedestrian street next to the school, bought a bottle of good wine and a box of fruit, and returned to the school to go to the library.

At the time of the exam.

Fang Qiu knew that Xu Miaolin would not be on vacation for a while. Although the students were on holiday, the school did not know how many students would stay in the school. Therefore, the library was asked to open a few more days for students who did not leave to study. .

In the library, the silence is surprising.

Come to the front of the borrowing room.

Fangqiu probe looks.

Found that Xu Miaolin is sleeping.

After all, it’s a cold day, and the little sun at the foot is so warm, it’s inevitable that it will be sleepy.


Although the door was open, Fangqiu knocked on the door politely.


Xu Miaolin’s eyes were nothing, lazy and asked: "What book?"

"Mr. Xu, it is me."

Fangqiu said with a smile.


Xu Miaolin opened his eyes, glared at Fangqiu, licked his mouth and asked, "How have you not returned yet?"

"I have done something in these two days, and I will leave tomorrow."

Fangqiu opened his mouth and said: "I will celebrate the New Year soon. I will come to you for a year in advance. These new year's goods are also bought nearby, and the price is not low. You will collect it."


Xu Miaolin woke up to wake up, then glanced at the new year sent by Fangqiu, and nodded with satisfaction, saying: "Not bad."


"What happened to the doctor's examination?"

Xu Mulin asked.

"The qualification certificate has arrived."

Fangqiu directly took out the doctor's card and said.


Xu Miaolin seems to have no surprises. Instead, she seems to take it for granted. She nodded and said: "In the first half of next year, your task is to be a doctor. Even if you have annual leave, don't forget to study. Time can wait."


Fangqiu nodded.

Later, after a few more chats, Fang Qiu returned to the dormitory to read books and train his mind.

The next day, morning.

Fangqiu went to buy some new year's goods and then walked toward the affiliated hospital.

Because the order is for the noon ticket, time is still too late.

Moreover, Shen Yu took care of himself and did not give him some new year's money. Fang Qiu always had some disappointment.


The 7th floor orthopedics.

Fangqiu carried the new year's goods directly into the intensive clinic.

"Hey, how come you?"

When I saw Fangqiu, Shen was very surprised.

"I will come to you for an early age."

Fangqiu smiled and handed the new year to Shen, and said: "In addition, thank you for your help before me."

"Get it."

Shen Yan did not quit, and directly accepted the gift, said: "Okay, you can go back quickly, I have a lot of patients, don't delay."

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded and turned away.


The patients outside the door saw Fangqiu carrying a lot of things into the clinic, and then walked out with empty hands, and suddenly began to talk about it.

"What's the matter, now I have to give a gift to see a disease?"

"This guy is too shameless, and he will go to the back door at a young age!"

"I see, this young man is not wrong. After all, the world is like this. The doctor who is really wrong is dare to accept the gift in front of so many patients. After returning, I will not report him."


Just when everyone talks about it.

A middle-aged man who had just come out of the elevator and supported an old woman just saw Fangqiu coming out of the intensive clinic. Immediately, he immediately shouted: "Little doctor."

Fangqiu turned his head and looked.

It turned out to be a taxi driver who was looking for a doctor before.

Fangqiu did not stop, nodded to the other side and smiled, ready to leave.

"Hey, doctor, you can't go."

The driver stepped forward and said: "Little doctor, this hasn't seen you for a long time. It's hard to meet once. You can't just go. I am sick of this old mother-in-law. You can help me to see it. ""

"This one……"

Fangqiu hesitated and asked: "What is this disease?"


The driver opened his mouth and said: "The film was taken. The doctor said that there was a problem with the cervical spine and it was oppressive."

Hearing the words, Fangqiu nodded a little, but when he was trying to help heal the treatment, he seemed to suddenly think of something and hesitated.