Medical Master

v7 Chapter 104: These are appetizers

"This is the ratio of ancient to modern drugs that I have come from here."

At the same time as the notebook was lifted up, Niu Shengyi Zhangkou said: "The same disease, the same prescription, how many grams can be the same as ancient prescriptions."

When Fang Qiu heard it, he was shocked.

Ancient and modern drug dose ratio?

This is definitely a big project!

It should be noted that although the ancient prescriptions clearly recorded the dose, after thousands of years of development, there have been some changes in the quality and measurement rules of the medicines. This has led to the current practice of many prescriptions. The ancient prescription doses were matched and the results were not so good.

This is also a point where Chinese medicine has been attacked.

Fangqiu did not expect.

Niu Sheng doctor, because found that the quality of Chinese herbal medicines is insufficient, he began to write the dose ratio of ancient and modern medicines. This is the result that has to be tried after countless attempts. It is not the conversion of the measurement unit.

"Can you show me?"

In shock, Fang Qiu directly asked for a mouthful of the notebook, and it was shocking to see what was recorded in the thick notebook.

"Of course not."

Niu Sheng doctor smiled and shook his head and said: "However, as long as you can pass my assessment, this note can be given to you for free."


Fangqiu a trip.

"Because the content of the assessment is related to this note, you can't read it."

Niu Sheng doctor explained.

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded a bit, since it is related to the assessment, it is really not good, even if the cow doctor opened it for him to see, he would not see it.

"Now, can I take the exam questions?"

Fangqiu asked.

"I think so too."

Niu Sheng doctor said with a smile, then took out a piece of paper and handed it over to Fangqiu.

Fangqiu immediately reached out and took the paper.

Just got the hand, take a closer look, this paper is written with a thousand Chinese herbs.

"The paper has written thousands of Chinese herbal medicines. You can pick these Chinese herbs for me."

When Fangqiu was watching the text on the paper, Niu Sheng doctor said with a smile: "As a Chinese medicine practitioner, the basic knowledge should be solid, you are right?"

Fangqiu smiled bitterly.

Even in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", only 1892 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines were recorded. This paper has recorded more than one thousand kinds of materials, which is considered to be the first half of the Compendium of Materia Medica.

Although there was a bitter smile, Fangqiu did not hesitate. After quickly scanning the Chinese herbal medicine on the paper, he immediately started to work.

Anyway, the cow doctor did not say that it must be in order, and so many Chinese herbal medicines, if it is in order, how long does it take?


Fangqiu took the paper directly into the herb garden and began to pick it up in a hurry. Anyway, what he basically could see was almost on the paper list.

In this case, the picking speed of Fangqiu is very fast.

Outside the wooden house, at the tea table.

Looking at Fangqiu, who is picking Chinese herbal medicines quickly, Niu Sheng doctor nodded lightly. When Fangqiu went far, he even came up with a telescope that didn't know when to prepare.


Because there are too many herbs to be picked, Fangqiu must keep it fast enough. After all, thousands of kinds, one pick in one minute, is a thousand minutes.

It takes 720 minutes a day.

Therefore, Fangqiu must be as fast as possible.

About an hour later.

Fang Qiu was finally able to pick up more than a thousand kinds of Chinese herbal medicines.

Count it, pick one every three seconds.

This speed, if you change to an ordinary person, it is absolutely impossible, but under Fangqiu, it is not fast.


I saw that the square hill picking was completed.

Niu Sheng doctor was also scared. I wanted to pick up the lower mound by picking Chinese herbal medicine, but I didn't expect Fangqiu to be so fast.

More than a thousand herbs, it took only an hour?

This is too fast, right?


"Since the picking is over, let's move on to the next step."

Niu Sheng doctor looked at Fang Qiu and said: "Next, I said the medicine, you took out the medicine I said."


Niu Sheng doctor is unceremonious, directly began to say the name of the medicine.

Fangqiu immediately took the Sanqi out of the bamboo raft that he wanted.


After determining that the Chinese herbal medicine that Fangqiu took out was correct, Niu Shengyi said another medicine.

Fangqiu quickly took out the herbs.

"and many more."

The second medicinal herbs have just been put down, and Fangqiu said, "One thousand flavors of Chinese herbal medicine, such a kind of removal is too slow."

"Like this, I put all the more than a thousand kinds of herbs in the order of the paper, and you will check them."

Do it when you are finished.

Did not wait for the consent of the cow doctor.

Fangqiu immediately began to follow the order of the paper.

Just placing the herbs, the speed can be much faster than picking the herbs.

This is not.

Fangqiu walked quickly and took the herbs from the bamboo rafts and placed them on the hillside of the herb garden.

Less than fifteen minutes.

Fangqiu put more than a thousand kinds of herbs, all of them.

See this scene.

Niu Sheng doctor looked surprised.

After carefully observing it from beginning to end, he found that the Chinese herbal medicine placed in Fangqiu was not at all wrong, all right!

"Yes, Not Bad."

Niu Shengsheng nodded with satisfaction.

"My assessment, passed?"

Fangqiu asked with a smile.

"What passed?"

Niu Shengyi said, "This is just the beginning!"


Fang Qiu was speechless.

I thought that from the previous dialogue, the evaluation of Niu Sheng doctor should be this one. I did not expect that the words of the Niu Sheng doctor are not reliable, but it has just begun.

"If that's the case, then go ahead."

Fangqiu said with a smile.

"You should concentrate on the following assessments."

Niu Shengji nodded with a smile and said: "I will choose one hundred herbs in this thousand kinds of Chinese herbal medicines. I said that you will tell me a method of processing."

"it is good."

Fangqiu was unambiguous and immediately nodded.

"The first kind, Huang Wei."

Niu Sheng doctor said, mouth.

"Huang Wei has a method of cooking and cooking."

Fangqiu replied excuses: "The first type, the yellow peony tablets, take the original medicinal materials, remove the impurities, wash them, run through, cut thick slices, and dry."

"The second kind of honey jaundice: after adding honey and adding appropriate amount of boiling water to dilute, add the sassafras tablets and mix well, slightly stuffy, placed in the wok pan, heated with simmer, fry until deep yellow, do not stick to the hand, take out and let cool Each 100 kilograms of Huangqi tablets, 25 kilograms of refined honey."

Hear these.

Niu Sheng doctor nodded with a smile and said: "The second type, Tian Qi."

“The processing methods of Sanqi have rarely been collected in the past, but there are three modern methods of processing.”

Fangqiu Zhangkou said: "One: take the original medicinal materials, go out impurities, and smash them when you use them."

"Second and Sanqi powder: Take Sanqi, wash, dry, and grind fine powder."

"Three, cooked three seven: take the net three, break, separate the size, use the food to fry until the surface is brown, remove, drain the oil, let cool, then research the fine powder. Or take the Sanqi, wash, Remove after steaming, even if sliced, dry."

The cow doctor nodded as he listened.

After Fang Qiu finished speaking, Zhang mouth said: "The third type: Atractylodes."

"There are many methods of processing Atractylodes."

Fangqiu Zhangkou replied: "There were methods of simmering yellow and soil frying in the Tang Dynasty. There were cannons, fried yellow, rice bran in the Song Dynasty, bran fried in rice bran, vinegar soaked, simmered, baked, cooked, rice Stir-fry after soaking in water."

"The Yuan Dynasty used yellow scorpion, sarcophagus, oysters, and bran to slightly fry yellow. The only way to use the atractylodes is to use the atractylodes."

"In the Ming Dynasty, honey fried, boiled, mung bean fried, aconite, ginger, vinegar boiled, wine, milk, rice bran, yellow rice, nine steamed nine sun, salt water, fried noodles, fried coke, rice bran soaked After the soil steamed slices, honey water mix and stir fry, **** juice and other methods of preparation of auxiliary materials."

"In the Qing Dynasty, the simmered fried water stains were fried, the wine was steamed, the rice bran was soaked, the malt was mixed with stir fry, the fragrant fried water was fried, the perilla, the mint, the yellow sorghum, the cinnamon soup, the honey water steamed, and the burnt. Processing methods such as sex, metric, and tangerine juice."

Fangqiu confidently said everything in his head.


He continued to open his mouth and said: "At present, there are three modern methods of processing."

"The first type: take the original medicine, remove the impurities, separate the size, moisten with water, cut the pieces, dry, and sieve off the debris."

"The second type: earth frying atractylodes: first put the soil in the pot, heat it with medium heat, stir fry until the spit is in a flexible state, put it into the Atractylodes macros, fry until the surface of the Atractylodes sinensis is evenly hanged, remove the soil powder, remove the soil powder Let cool. Atractylodes tablets are 25 kilograms per 100 kilograms."

"The third type: bran frying atractylodes: first heat the pot and heat it, sprinkle it into the wheat bran. When it is smoked, put it into the atractylodes sinensis, stir fry, fry until the atractylodes is yellowish brown, take it out, sieve it to the wheat bran, put Cool. Atractylodes tablets use 10 kg of wheat bran per 100 kg."

I heard Fang Qiu’s answer.

Niu Sheng doctor looked at each other and looked at Fang Qiu with surprise.

He did not think that Fangqiu could say so in detail, even in what era, what kind of processing methods were clearly stated.

This made him very surprised.

"Yes, let's continue."

Niu Shengsheng nodded with satisfaction and continued to talk about medicine.


Fangqiu has no way to urge it, and it can only continue this way.

A whole hundred medicinal herbs, always said that at night, all finished.


The herbal garden is very cool.

In the night sky of southern Xinjiang, the stars are also very bright.


When Fang Fangqiu said the processing method of the hundredth medicinal material, Niu Sheng doctor nodded with satisfaction and looked at Fangqiu and said: "You can remember this memory."

Fangqiu smiles.

"Okay, come here today, rest first, let's continue tomorrow."

Niu Sheng doctor said.


When Fang Qiu heard it, he couldn’t help but ask a strange look: "And?"


Niu Sheng’s doctor smiled and said: “These are all appetizers.”

Fangqiu bitter.


The right to leave the subject is in the hands of the other party, and he has no choice but to do it.

at night.

The other three holy doctors also knew the content of the assessment.

When I learned that Fangqiu had just gone, I was engaged in a day, and the three holy doctors couldn’t help feeling. This old guy is really awkward!