Medical Master

v5 Chapter 118: One thing in the end!

Start shooting!

Guards and killers, put on the costumes, according to the demonstration just now, the whole story of the pursuit of killing, incomparably wonderful interpretation.

Coupled with the wonderful interpretation of Li Baoguo's teacher, all the staff were shown to be on the way, and Director Chen Xiaogang was completely shocked!

Who is he.

He is a famous and top director in China.

He prepared a movie, and it was necessary to prepare everything before it was officially started. Only two tracks were prepared on the ground, and the robotic arm was also prepared, so he could clearly clear it halfway. I saw this scene under three different shots.

A mirror in the end!

Without a pause, the three different lenses on the three monitors are perfect.

This made Chen Xiaogang not know what to do.

Because the pictures taken by the three cameras are particularly perfect, no matter which piece of the screen you choose is impeccable, the key is that Chen Xiaogang is reluctant, and where is he left to throw away such a good picture?

The only way is to choose the most perfect of the three screens to cut together, so that the whole section of the killing drama becomes even more impeccable!

the other side.

The deputy director and Zhao Rulong, as well as a large group of directors' staff, were all shocked.

"Look again, slow down the speed and see it again!"

Zhao Rulong shouted.

The deputy director hurried back, and then used twice as slow to watch the picture that was just taken. After a whole paragraph, everyone found that this series of killings was really nothing, and everyone’s performance was perfect. The guards and killers are particularly fierce, and the moves are unusually beautiful, eye-catching!

among them.

The acting of the teacher Li Baoguo who played Zhu Yuanzhang was even more amazing for everyone on the scene.

It’s an old trick, it’s not the same as an ordinary actor!


The shooting is still going on.

At the scene, silent, everyone is holding their breath.

Seeing the unusual performance of the previous episode, all the staff at the scene secretly clapped to the actors in the heart, applauding for those martial artists, because this group of people is really good!

Chen Xiaogang, who continues to stare at the monitor, secretly said in his heart: "If all the shooting is so smooth, maybe a month can really be finished."

at this time.

Follow the shooting group.

The lens on the monitor, along with Zhu Yuanzhang, who was chased all the way, came to a mountain.

Run halfway.

Zhu Yuanzhang gasped for a big mouth and looked at the mountainside.

As the lens turned, a hut appeared in the picture.

at this time.

Yang Yizhi, played by Fangqiu, is carrying a piggyback full of firewood, holding a hatchet and walking down the mountain.

I saw Zhu Yuanzhang.

Fangqiu was a meal, then quickly found a tree to hide.

Can be there.

Zhu Yuanzhang has already seen him.

In this uninhabited wild mountain, I saw my own guards being killed one by one. I saw that the huts thought that they had met the high-ranking people, and they seemed to see the hope of Zhu Yuanzhang, seeing the party. At the moment of Qiu's face, his face sank completely, as if he had completely lost hope.

Over there, the lens began to focus on Fangqiu's body.

Sitting in front of the monitor.

Director Chen Xiaogang, nervous and unconsciously clenched his fists, and some drums in his heart.

He is very afraid that Fangqiu will make a mistake.

After all, Fang Qiu is not a professional actor. To play the protagonist of a movie, it is necessary to have extraordinary acting skills to perform all the emotions of this person.

In addition to acting.

What Chen Xiaogang is most afraid of is Fangqi’s mistake.

Because in addition to acting, Fang Qiu also needs to remember all the lines, to remember all the martial arts movements, to remember to walk, to find the lens and so on.

Every point of this is very difficult for a newcomer in the film industry.

In the lens.

Fangqiu opened.

"who are you?"

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang had escaped all the way, there was still a wound on his body, and his expression was also problematic. Yang Yizhi, who played Fang Qiu, first avoided hiding the situation, and then stood up, his eyes and tone were in place.

I saw the look of Fangqiu and heard the tone of Fangqiu.

Director Chen Xiaogang, suddenly relieved a big breath!

Fang Qiu’s acting should be no problem.

"I am a businessman."

Zhu Yuanzhang said nervously to Fangqiu: "Someone wants to kill me, they are catching up. The bodyguards I hired are dead and killed."

Fangqiu Station came out.

Frowning and walking to the front of the hut, the back of the back filled with firewood was unloaded, then turned to look at Zhu Yuanzhang and looked into the distance.

The lens turned.

A group of black people, killing the last guard, and then all the way with a full **** smell, rushing up the mountain.

"Into the house, I will help you."

Fang Qiu said to Zhu Yuanzhang.

at this time.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart is full of miscellaneous.

But in order to survive, he had to push this young boy to a group of cruel killers.

Eventually he went into the house.

Fangqiu closed the door.

Then I grabbed the hatchet in my hand and turned to look at the group of black people who were flying toward it. The pair of eyes with ignorance and childlikeness suddenly became sharp and the whole person looked Abnormal tension and excitement, even the hands began to unconsciously tremble.

Photographed here.


Director Chen Xiaogang immediately got up and shouted with a big horn.

The first act, a mirror in the end, all the shooting ends.


Looking at the actor who retired, director Chen Xiaogang was particularly excited and excited to start taking the lead.

Not just him.

Everyone on the scene feels that every actor is acting online, strength is online, even Fang Qiu’s performance is not bad, has crossed the passing line.

To know.

The expressions and reactions in acting and peacetime are not the same. They need some exaggeration, but because the film is for people to see, it can't be too exaggerated. It needs to have a play inside, and there is a play in the eye.

Director Chen Xiaogang apparently did not expect that Fang Qiu would pass the first performance.

This strength is very powerful!

Other staff members and actors also applauded.

For all of them.

Today is really a real eye.

In the past, filming was a scene of a scene. Those pictures that were shorter than one minute would not stop NG, and repeated three or five times, even more than ten times.


This is almost too fast.

You know, the shooting of the first act of today, in the plan of these professional film and television staff team, should have taken several days to finish.

But now, it’s just a short time, it’s done directly.

How much time can a movie take at this speed?

The first act was finished.

The actors all gathered around, Chen Xiaogang transferred the picture on the monitor, and watched it with the actors and staff.

Looking over and over again, I didn’t find any points.

"it is good."

Chen Xiaogang’s more and more excited, the more appreciative applause he said: “It’s good to play, and it’s good!”

Everyone laughed.

Teacher Li Baoguo, who plays Zhu Yuanzhang, smiled with satisfaction.

He did not expect that this first act would produce such a good effect.

After fifteen minutes.

After the actors had rested almost, and the makeup was finished, the director Chen Xiaogang picked up the big speaker and shouted: "Everyone, ready for the second shot!"

The second game: Juvenile Yang Yizhi battled 18 killers, Zhu Yuanzhang took the opportunity to escape!

On the board.

Write the story of the second act very clearly, and everyone will understand it at a glance.

This time.

Live the scene, directly transferred to the front of the hut on the mountainside.

In fifteen minutes, the director group and all the instruments were all transferred.

This scene.

The main scenes are all on Fangqiu's body, so everyone pays special attention to them. Even the actors who don't have to participate in this performance have come over and are ready to take a look at Fangqiu. Show, see if Fangqiu can stand up!

And here.

On the scene, under the instructions of He Gaoming, Li Boqing came to Fangqiu and split all the actions of Yang Yizhi’s 18 killers, telling Fangqiu, and the points that need attention for each action, need to be done. All the degrees reached, Fang Qiu gave a detailed explanation.

Fangqiu also remembered very quickly.


Chen Xiaogang shouted and let everyone on the scene prepare.

Then walked to the front of Fangqiu.

"This scene is not easy to shoot."

Looking at Fangqiu, director Chen Xiaogang said: "There are some flying scenes. Although these stunt actors don't need to use WIA, you are different from them. You must have Wia, or else we will take a short shot. Try?"

Because of the fierce fighting, and the process of fighting is not short, Chen Xiaogang is afraid that Fangqiu can't remember so many moves.

"No need to."

Fangqiu shook his head confidently, and then pointed his finger and said: "I remember all the movements, my brain is so good!"

This is the case.

Immediately attracted everyone to vomit.

"What's the matter, is it great to learn?"

He Gaoming smiled and spit, and everyone laughed.


Chen Xiaogang took a deep breath and said: "Then we started directly?"

"come on."

Fangqiu nodded.


At the request of the director, everyone is in place right away.

The scene is restored to the screen at the end of the first act.

The second act.

Officially started shooting.

Everyone's eyes have always been on Fangqiu's body.


Once again, Fang Qiu completed quite well, whether it was the cooperation with WIA, the emotions in the eyes, and the fierce martial arts movements, etc., did not have a little bit of embarrassment.

A common hatchet is also played in its hands, no matter the close-up or the distant view, every picture is in place!


The second act was finished.

As the director’s “咔” sounded, everyone on the scene applauded and expressed their approval.

Before the monitor.

The big stone in Chen Xiaogang's heart finally fell a little.

Fang Qiu’s performance in this field has indeed passed. The most important thing is that Fang Qiu did not have a substitute in this scene. It’s quite rare and quite dedicated.


The next game can be different, although the next game does not require so many moves, but that kind of drama is a special test of acting, especially in the face of an old play bone, as a newcomer Fangqiu is very It will be easy to be crushed!