Medical Master

v2 Chapter 12: Do something too late!

10 am.

"Someone is falling into the water! Someone is falling into the water!"

"Who can swim, hurry to save people!"


Anxious shouts came from all over the school.

Because the National Day holiday has not yet ended, there are not many people in the school, and no one answered for a long time.

I have been reading Fangqiu in the dormitory, but it is a move.

I heard the cry for help.

“Someone fell into the water?”

Did not hesitate to hesitate, he immediately got up and put on the exclusive line of mysterious people, and his body shape flew directly toward the central lake.

When I came to the center lake, Fangqiu stepped on the treetops and stood in the air.

Looked carefully at the lake.

Suddenly sneer.

There is a trace of anger in the cold!



Fangqiu's body shape moves and appears directly.

Flying down from the sky, stepping on the lake, and walking towards the lake where the water is constantly bubbling.

Go to the location.

Fangqiu is cold.

"Give me all out!"

Anger, bursting out of his throat.

The result was no one came out.

"Not coming out?"

Fangqiu face a cold, the right hand slammed a stretch, volley caught.

Suddenly the lake was surging.


In front, a water column suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake. Look carefully at the water column and have a figure.

This person.

It was actually caught by Fangqiu, so he grabbed it from the lake.


A wave of the right hand.

The person who was caught was immediately thrown to the shore by Fangqiu.


After throwing people to the shore.

Still standing in the square hill on the lake, slowly turned his head and glared at a grass beside the lake, saying: "Get out!"

This is the case.

Two figures, immediately stood up from the grass.

These two people.

It is Li Wei and Luo Shu.

"Predecessors, we have no intention of offending!"

As soon as he appeared, Li Wei knew that the mysterious man was angry and quickly apologized. "We really want to talk to our predecessors, but our predecessors have always been closed, but we have no choice but to make the best decision."

Speaking of it.

Li Yan stretched his finger to the man who was thrown to the shore by Fangqiu and disguised himself as a drowning man. He explained, "He is an armed policeman. It is something we have found to deliberately disguise as falling water. It is not a real accident."

"I still hope that my predecessors will not blame."

Luo Shu is also very embarrassed on the side, the idea is that he came out.

The mysterious man also came out.

But it looks a bit like the harmonious picture in the imagination!

“Predecessors, can you give us an opportunity and time for an interview?”


Fangqiu angered.

Few things can make him angry, but this time he is really angry!

It’s really too much for these two people!

"You haven't even been in elementary school?"

"The story of the wolf, don't you remember?"

"You lie to me this time, but if someone really falls into the water next time, but because this lesson has not appeared, then there may be someone who will die because of your scam!"

"As a soldier, do you have a brain?"

Fangqiu’s angry questioning.

He is angry that he is not being deceived by himself, but that these two people are doing things without thinking, and they do not consider the consequences of deception.


Li Wei and Luo Shu, face each other.

The faces of the two were very ugly and scared.

Fangqiu said yes.

This time, the scam is very likely to have terrible consequences. Maybe this time it will be fine, but next time, next time?

"Don't play these tricks again!"

Fangqiu stared coldly at two people. "Don't bother me again! I know your purpose, I will serve the motherland, but I will not join the army. You have your responsibilities and mission. I also have my own responsibilities and Mission, different roads, consistent goals!"

"Go back, don't do such a brainless thing next time!"

"A little bit of brain!"

Let me talk about it.

The figure flashed.

The disappearance disappeared without a trace.

On the shore of the lake.

Li Wei and Luo Shu looked at each other and the faces of the two were full of embarrassment, but more were scared.

They thought that this plan was perfect.

As a result, the mysterious people were brought out as they expected.


Before doing this, they did not think about the consequences.

Although it is a university here, it is an adult to study here, but who is sure that there will be no similar drowning incidents this time?

If in the future, someone really falls into the water, and the mysterious person is deceived by them, and they will not come out, what should I do?

Even if there is always someone in the school who can swim, who can guarantee that nothing will happen?

One incident is a human life!

"I am sorry."

Luo Shu whispered to Li Wei. "This method is what I came up with. It was also arranged by me. I only looked at the mysterious person, but did not consider the consequences. As a soldier, this is too bad. It’s my thoughts.”

"I am also a party."

Li Wei sighed and said, "If I didn't want to find a mysterious person, you wouldn't come to school with me, and it wouldn't happen."

"The source of this is in me."

Luoshu did not speak.

He knew that he was wrong, and Li Wei knew that he was wrong.

In this matter, both of them are wrong. Li Wei is trying to find a mysterious person in a stubborn heart. Luo Shu is wrong in thinking, using a method that should not be used.

"This is not the case today, but keep in mind!"

After a long silence, Luo Shu opened his mouth and said, "We are soldiers. We must take the responsibility of defending the country and defending the country. This kind of low-level mistakes can never be committed again. Let us supervise each other in the future."


Li Wei nodded and immediately asked, "What should I do next?"

"Play the report."

Luo Shu said, "With the strength of our two individuals, it is impossible to find out the identity of the mysterious person. The only way now is to report the above. In any case, you must find a way to find this person. ""

"His strength is really amazing."

"I have never seen such a very young person, he is the first."

"It is a pity that such a person does not serve the country!"

Li Wei nodded and approved what Luo Shu said.

The strength of the mysterious man is really powerful and makes people feel terrible.

Most importantly, he is still very young.

Also young and terrible!

They are not familiar with the mysterious people, only know that the mysterious people are martyrdom, but with this, can you ensure that the mysterious person suddenly changes his temperament?

Just because the mysterious person will serve the motherland, can he let him go?


"If you give a report on it, this time..."

Li Wei looked at Luoshu and hesitated.

"Same report!"

Luo Shu firmly said, "If you do something wrong, you should be punished accordingly. If you want to punish me, I will never escape!"

"Okay, then report it, I will not escape!"

Li Wei nodded very simply.

If you do something wrong, you must recognize it.

If you are wrong, change it!

This is a fine tradition of our army.


Luo Shu suddenly turned around and said, "That is called Chen Cong, although it is not a warrior, but the strength is still there, you can fight for it."


Li Wei nodded.

Soon, the two left with the armed police who were still in a coma.


Fangqiu returned to the dormitory.

Change your clothes and continue reading.

At 12 o'clock noon, I left the dormitory to go to the cafeteria to eat.

After dinner.

Fangqiu received WeChat information from Zhou Xiaotian

"Daddy, we are now returning to the school train and will definitely be able to return to school before dinner!"

See this message.

Fangqiu directly replies:

"Speak your purpose."

He can't believe that Zhou Xiaotian is a plain and unsolicited message.

"Hey, the brothers have been playing for so many days, they are all too tired, and everyone has not much money. It is not good to eat these days."

Soon, Zhou Xiaotian’s information came back. .

"and then?"

Fangqiu asked.

"I said, should you ask your brothers to have a good meal and make up the body?"

Zhou Xiaotian sent a smirk expression.

Then follow the expression of "seeking thighs".


Fangqiu made a classic expression of "snoring his nose" and said, "I am not letting you go out for a trip."

"Just, I have created a good opportunity for you, can you do it?"

Zhou Xiaotian replied to WeChat and said, "Don't forget, if I didn't call you at the time, you would never know that Jiang Miaoyu was hurt!"

"I don't know if Jiang Miaoyu is injured, and I can't go back to Jiang Xiaoyu all the way!"

"The ride is not short. There must have been something happening on the way. You have to drink the water. If you can’t help, you must forget this digging person? You must know how to report!"

Fangqiu is speechless.

Go back a bunch of ellipsis.

"say something!"

Seeing Fangqiu only returned the ellipsis for half a day, Zhou Xiaotian sent another message to harass.

"Don't talk, I agreed by default that year!"

"Good! I please!"

Fangqiu had no choice but to return to the information.

Anyway, I have money, and I can’t eat myself.

"The old man is enough! 3"

"What does 3 mean?" Fangqiu doubts.

"3 is the dormitory, your three brothers feel that you are enough."

Fangqiu: "..."

Silently shut down WeChat.

Continue reading.

Still "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics."

He has watched this book for dozens of times, but every time he reads it, his memory points are different, and he seems to be able to appreciate more things.

Of course, the most important thing is.

Every time, Fangqiu studied carefully and did not skip any words at all.

Time passed without knowing it.


Just when Fangqiu was fascinated, the ringtone in the trouser pocket suddenly rang.

Take a look at the phone.

It was called by Zhou Xiaotian.


Fangqiu a trip.

Looking at the time on the phone, it was already half past five.


Fangqiu connected the phone.

"Daddy, we are here."

Zhou Xiaotian said with a smile: "When we come out, we will not go back to the dormitory first, eat enough, go back, we are waiting for you at the school gate, you hurry!"

"What are you waiting for at the school gate?"

Fangqiu asked inexplicably.


Zhou Xiaotian angered: "Daddy, you won't refuse to accept the account. If you say that you want us to have a big meal, why are you swearing again?"

"You don't have to go outside to eat a big meal."

"Where is that going?"

Wen Yan, Zhu Benzheng, Zhou Xiaotian, Sun Hao, who had a suitcase, had an unpredictable feeling of, you can search for "", you can find this site the first time.