Medical Master

v1 Chapter 12: School flowers send love letters!

The top four, it really is these four.

Moreover, the index of these four people is higher than that of the "senior" column, which is second only to the "big three" column.

Less than a week after school, the hot index reached this point, definitely the first time since the Jiangzhong Chinese Medicine Forum was launched.

What they don't know is that the righteous man and Fangqiu in their eyes are the same person, and the one who wants to challenge Chen Congkou.

And tonight, both topics are directly or indirectly caused by Fangqiu.

However, these have nothing to do with Fangqiu.

After the party, he and the three people in the dormitory returned directly to the dormitory.

Just returned to the dormitory, the boss, the third, the fourth is excited about the study and the girl dormitory to go, and Fangqiu directly opened the computer, bought a ponytail dust on the Internet, and bought a few copper coins.

Horsetail plus copper coins.

"Take a ponytail to hang copper coins in the windless place, to see the money, and the money to move, it is said to be small."

This is the training method for entering the artistic conception written in The Orthopedic Theory.

Although it is required to reach the friendship in the training of the artistic conception, Fangqiu is not prepared to wait for himself to go to the friendship and start training again. He has to do both in a synchronized manner, which saves time.

As for why the ancients had to arrange that way, he suspected that it might be feared that future generations would be upside down without training.

But his situation is special, he did not want to rely on this treatment to live, how naturally how to come.

After buying, read the book, Fang Qiu will wash and rest.

It is still starting at 3 am.

However, before he went out, he noticed Chen Cong standing behind the tree at the exit of the dormitory.

Chen Cong, seems to be waiting for him.

Fangqiu smiled slightly, but did not give the other party a chance, went directly to the top of the building, jumped from other places, and then a black shadow flashed and disappeared into the jungle.

Once again, I came to the place where I practiced yesterday, the small island in the middle of the lake, practicing cross-legged.

Last night, the flute performance accidentally entered the sect of the sect, so that he had a good income, and today is a good time to officially improve...

At five o'clock in the morning, Fang Qiu was refreshed and walked back to the dormitory. At this time, Chen Cong was no longer there.

Fangqiu returned to the dormitory to wake up the three people who had bed, folded the quilt to arrange the bed, and then went to dinner together.

In the morning, the military training was carried out as usual, and the team made a positive move. In the afternoon, they entered the line-up drill directly.

Because tomorrow is the last day of military training, and the day after tomorrow will be a military parade.

Time is tight, tasks are heavy, and military training is naturally increased.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the hot sun took the lead. With the password of the instructor "resting", all the students in the three classes collectively rushed to the shade, which was too tired and too hot.

This is really life!

It is almost time for the inspectors to test the results of military training. The instructors are all eager to get a lot of strength. They want to get advanced company and the training is increased.

This bitter bitter white student.

It’s hard to be able to raise the wind in high school for three years, and this can be sinned.

But there is no way, all the students in the three classes can only hold their teeth.

This training amount, Chen Cong is also tolerable, and only Fangqiu looks as usual.

Several times, secretly observing Fangqiu, Chen Cong increasingly felt that Fangqiu was unusual, and he could not bear the heat and training volume. The other party could fully withstand it, and even seemed to have spare capacity.

This made him more convinced of his own judgment.

I am also looking forward to the battle tonight.

Tonight, it depends on whether the other party does not appear.

The gauntlet has been down.

Whether the other party appears or not, he waits for the other party to arrive at twelve o'clock in the evening!

In addition to Chen Cong's observation of Fangqiu, the three classes of girls are also secretly discussing and even looking at Fangqiu from time to time.

After the performance last night, the girls who opened the sinus were obviously full of good feelings, and they were secretly observing him.

Sun Hao found this situation and then squinted at Fangqiu.

Fangqiu just smiled.

At this time, the squares around the rest of the team brushed their heads and looked in one direction.

The three classes of boys also noticed this situation. Looking at the direction of observation, it turned out to be Jiang Miaoyu.

After a party last night, Jiang School’s popularity was even more crazy.

It rises directly from the perfect goddess in the eyes of boys to the point of beautiful fairy.

The direction of Jiang Miaoyu is exactly three shifts.

The three classes of boys were completely excited, but in order to show a good side in front of Jiang School, they were reluctant to be excited and their performance was quite calm.

Under the gaze of everyone, Jiang Miaoyu came to Fangqiu and smiled and pulled out a letter from his pocket.


The three classes of boys have collectively started.

What is the letter?

The letter is a letter!

But in the beginning of the year, SMS has been written, and the letter is not a letter! This letter represents only one!

That is love letter!

Love letter!

Jiang Xiaohua sent a love letter to Fangqiu!

A terrible event!

Compared with the boys, the fear of the world is not chaotic, the face of the three classes of girls becomes somewhat difficult to look.

"this is?"

Fangqiu stood up and looked at the doubts of Jiang Miaoyu's letter.

Jiang Miaoyu smiled and asked some naughty: "Love letter, don't know if the classmates dare to pick up?"

Although I know that it is impossible, Fangqiu still can't help but jump, but on the surface it still does not move.


One is a love letter, and there is a buzz around it, especially the dormitory old three grandchildren.


Fang Qiu looked at Jiang Miaoyu as usual.

"It's Mine!"

Jiang Miaoyu said with a hint of play in his eyes.

"Get it back, can't afford it."

Fangqiu showed a sincere and fearful look.

"Oh, lie to you!"

Jiang Miaoyu said with a smile: "This is my classmate, let me help her to give it to you."

After talking about Fangqiu, I asked: "Receive it?"

When I heard that it wasn’t Jiang’s, but the classmate’s, the boys’ sigh of relief came back.

Everyone also looked at Fangqiu to see how he answered.

Accept or not?

Fangqiu is also somewhat entangled.

Accept it, not suitable.

Do not accept it, too ruthless.

Just then, a student with two bottles of mineral water in his hand in sunglasses took a leisurely walk from the three classes.

The good play immediately staged a crucial moment, and someone was bothered!

The three classes of people "squatted" and turned to look at him, his eyes were not good.

The student was shocked and looked at the three classes with some puzzles.

When I saw the square mound in the crowd, my face suddenly changed.

The student hurriedly took two steps and the result slowed down.

Fangqiu was also curious to see the student, although the other side with sunglasses, but also recognized each other.

It was the rich second generation who came down from the luxury car when it rained the day before.

The rich second generation is now full of infinite entanglements,

Shouldn't he say hello in the end?

He remembered his old man's words, saying that he can make a good deal with this person. Since he has run into it, it doesn't seem to be good to say no.

To be honest, his opponent Qiu is still full of curiosity.

A person can scare his two old bodyguards without a shot.

But when I thought about the words of the bodyguards the day before yesterday, this person was terrible and terrible.

The whole person suddenly became entangled, and his feet stopped. Some feared and feared that he would not know whether to leave or not.

The rich second generation has been entangled for a while, and finally a bite is still in the position of three shifts.

When I saw someone coming over, the three classes were very curious.

Jiang Miaoyu is also curious to see the people.

Going to the three classes, the second generation of the rich saw Jiang Miaoyu first, and suddenly became a man of heaven, staying directly in the same place.

Then he resisted his heart, and he did not forget that there was a powerful guy next to him.

And this fairy-tale female classmate is giving something to God.

It’s not normal to see this relationship!

Will not be a relationship between men and women?

The rich second generation walked to Fangqiu's side, and under the gaze of Fangqiu's strange eyes, some hobbies said to him: "Brother, don't you drink water?"

Fangqiu stunned.

He and the other party seem to be not so familiar with it?

The second generation of the rich turned to Jiang Miaoyu, ready to shoot a square fare, and the result was photographed on the horseshoe. He asked diligently, "This is a blind man, blind, do you drink water?"

Three classes of petrochemicals.

Fangqiu, this younger brother is a little tiger!

The brain circuit of the other party is a bit different from ordinary people.

Where do you see that this is a relationship between men and women?

Jiang Miaoyu also looked at the people in front of him, and some did not respond to the word "scorpion".

Fangqiu was ridiculed by the rich second generation. In order to avoid misunderstanding and expansion, he quickly took two bottles of water and said: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, brother, my name is Tang Heng. I will have the opportunity to invite you and my nephew next time! Then I will go first!"

Seeing Fangqiu accepting his own water, the rich second generation is very happy to leave.

Since he is willing to accept his own water, it means that the other party did not think of the day before yesterday.

Tang Heng is happy, Fang Qiu and Jiang Miaoyu are directly paralyzed.

One holds the water, one holds the letter, you look at me, I look at you.

In the end, Fang Qiu broke the embarrassing situation and said: "This letter, thank you for your classmates, I can't accept it."

"You don't look at the photos inside and the other person's words, but the other person is a beautiful woman, be careful and regret it!"

Jiang Miaoyu also slowed down, and said with a smile.

"Is you beautiful?"

Fangqiu asked with a smile.

"Beyond me."

Jiang Miaoyu said with certainty.

"Then I can't accept it, it will become a public enemy."

Fangqiu said with a smile.

"You are too courageous?" Jiang Miaoyu complained, then looked at Fangqiu's eyes and asked, "I really don't accept?"

Fangqiu nodded sincerely.

"Well, then someone is going to be sad."

Jiang Miaoyu sighed and accepted the letter.

For Fangqiu to confiscate the love letter, the boys in the class face each other.

Someone rushed to send a love letter and did not accept it!

Still sent by school flowers!

They want no one to send!

This is really no match for anyone, it’s mad at one!

The girls in the three classes were relieved.

When things came to an end, Jiang Miaoyu was about to say goodbye. Fangqiu handed one of Tang Heng’s bottles of water to him: “If someone else gave it to you, accept it.”

Jiang Miaoyu looked at the water in the hands of Fangqiu and didn't know whether to accept it or not.

This is for the "scorpion", she is not the other person's nephew.

Received, will not be equal to the default?

She couldn't help thinking.

Suddenly an idea came to my mind. She smiled and said, "If you accept the letter, I will accept the water."


There was another buzz in the class.

Look at what you do, receive or not.