Medical Master

v8 Chapter 12: Whether it is the idea


The cold drink of Sen suddenly shocked in this piece of heaven and earth.

Along with the spread of cold drinking, more than a dozen sharp energy chains above the sky burst into bursts, just like having a life, straight from the sky, and squatting toward the side. The chest of the mound came and came.

Almost in an instant.

More than a dozen energy chains have already hit the front of Fangqiu.

Lying on the ground, Fangqiu's eyes are round and round, and a horrifying and desperate color in his eyes suddenly bursts out.

Fangqiu did not think of it at all.

When I ran all the way and finally saw a little hope, this hope was completely annihilated by the Nirvana Lord in an instant.

He can't escape.

Because all the internal gas in his body, even the energy that was previously obtained and stored in the body, has been completely consumed.

Now Fangqiu can't even open the field, let alone get up and run away.

"Is it going to die here?"


Suddenly, Fang Qiu was somewhat relieved.

Because he thought of it, before he called the old man, even if he died unconsciously, everyone would know his own cause of death. There are fathers and family members and friends who should be able to live well.

Thinking room.

The dozens of energy chains that came out of the explosion suddenly magnified in the eyelids!

next moment.


A loud bang came and Fang Qiu’s eyes shook.

I thought that when I was about to die, there was a sudden white snow in front of me, which looked like a sword!

The white color seems to come from nine days, with a look that looks very smooth, but the ripples of water flowing through the water ripples, and the black magic in front of Fangqiu's eyes is instantly swept away.

The dark color that oppressed in the sky also faded at this moment.

The blue sky once again caught in the eyes.

"Not a mysterious trip!"

In front of the water, the white snow energy has not dissipated, and Fang Qiu’s ear has heard some gloomy words from the Lord.

Who is Xuan Ding?

Fangqiu is suspicious.

He knows that it must be the person who is called non-silence, helping himself to resist the attack of the Lord and save his life.

The one who can save people under the Holy Master is inevitably a top-level master, but Fangqiu has never heard of the name of Xuanting before!


The white energy in front of me is slowly dissipating.

A figure has finally come to the front of Fangqiu.

"Old man?"

Fangqiu was surprised and stood up immediately.


When the old man looked at Fangqiu and determined that Fangqiu had nothing to do, he turned his head and stared coldly at the Nirvana Lord who was outside the border line of China.

"It seems that he is the apprentice you have cultivated in these decades?"

I didn’t look at Fangqiu’s eyes. The Lord’s face stared indifferently at the old man. He sneered: “It’s so, no wonder he can get the recognition of the Excalibur. No wonder he can do so much damage to my Nirvana!”


Father is cold.

"We haven't seen it for decades. I haven't seen you with a sword for decades. I don't know if this sword is used, can you still handle it?"

The Lord asked with a deep smile.

"You can try it."

The old man squeezed the sword in his right hand and slowly stroked it in front of him. With a finger crossing, a long white sword like a jade appeared quietly.


At the moment when the snow jade sword appeared, he immediately screamed in the sky and burst into the sky, as if the wild horse was dislocated. After rushing to the height of 100 meters, he suddenly turned sharply and with a sharp energy. Re-fly back to the old man, around the father's body, very cheerful to swim.


Seeing this scene, the face of the Lord was obviously gloomy, but his mouth was happily laughing and praised: "No loss is a descendant of Juggernaut, even if it is seriously injured for several decades, there are still some points. The ancestors' style, but your apprentice is not the same as you."

This is the case.

Fangqiu looked at the old man with amazement.

Father, is the descendant of Juggernaut?

As long as people who have gone to school know that in the historical records of China, the Tang Dynasty has three musts: Li Bai's poems, Zhang Xu's words and the sly sword.

It is rumored that the poet Li Bai also learned the swordsmanship from the shackles. Because of the superb swordsmanship, he was called the Juggernaut by the world!

According to the consultant's record.

裴旻 throwing a sword into the cloud, a high number of ten feet, if the electric light shoots down, 旻 旻 执 执 执 执 , , , , 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑

As such, there are still many in the ancient texts.

Although there are many unclear places in the historical records in the ancient texts, the identity of the swordsman is recognized by all!

of course.

Fangqiu was not surprised by the origin of the father.

But I was amazed that the old man turned out to be using a sword.

From the day of his father's father, he has never seen a father with a sword, this is the first time!


think carefully.

How many people in China’s warriors do not use swords.

It can be said that as long as it is the warrior of China, more or less will use the sword, and most of the warriors are armed with swords.

Including Fangqiu himself, although he has never taken the initiative to learn the swordsmanship, but now, his accomplishments in swordsmanship have surpassed many people who have mastered swordsmanship.

"He doesn't need a sword, but he can leave it safely from your hand."

In the face of the joy of the Lord's play, the old man responded with a sigh of fear.


The face of the lord sank and immediately snorted. Zhang mouth said: "You have been very troublesome for decades. I have found such a good disciple unconsciously, but I also received an apprentice. Today I am going around you. The apprentice has a life, come see the apprentice and my apprentice, who is even better!"

After that, Sensen’s sneer, and then turned away without hesitation.

See you.

Fangqiu has a slight glimpse.

Nirvana Lord, even received an apprentice?


His apprentice is definitely not a small lord, not even those who Fang Qiu once encountered.

It seems that the next day I am afraid there will be new enemies to deal with!

Fangqiu secretly smiled.

Look at the old man.

I saw it.

Father and his right hand waved.

The long white sword that lingered and regained his body, suddenly turned into a white smoke, dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

I can tell.

The long white sword of the handle is completely condensed by energy, but because the purity of the energy is too high, after condensing into a sword, it is like a jade, giving an illusion that it seems to be real.


The long sword dissipated, and the old man couldn’t help but sigh a long breath.

I can tell.

From the moment of appearance to the present, the look of the old man has been very serious and tense, after all, facing the Lord of Nirvana!

"Don't he, why is he really not taking a step in China because of a vow?"

Fangqiu asked questions.

"For the repairer, each of his choices is a thought that can affect oneself. There is no obvious influence in the early stage of cultivation, but in the later stage, every thought will have a very big impact on itself."

Father Zhangkou said: "For him, he is already touching the peak of the world, so he pays more attention to his own thoughts and pays more attention to the effects. Once he violates his vows, he will think. If you don’t know, your thoughts will not be accessible, and the confidence and momentum that belong to him will be frustrated!"

"As the strongest person in the world and the realm of the realm, he will never let his own momentum and heart appear paralyzed, not to mention that he is only one step away from the legendary realm. At this time he can not suffer more. Influence, because of a very subtle influence, it is likely to become his biggest stumbling block on the road to breakthrough, will become his nightmare!"

Wen Yan, Fang Qiu nodded.

"But I did not encounter such problems when I was practicing."

Fangqiu asked again.

"This is to see people's hearts."

The old man laughed and said: "The longer you live, the more misunderstandings you have in your heart. It will be more susceptible. You have been sensible for many years. He is an old monster who has lived for a hundred years. How can you let him know? ratio?"

"Don't worry, you won't encounter this kind of problem until you are fifty."

Fangqiu nodded with a smile.


Father Zhangkou said: "Everyone is very worried about you, are waiting for your news, don't let everyone wait too long."


Turn around and take a step.

Fangqiu followed.

Although there is still no way, but in the case of full force, Fangqiu is still able to barely keep up with the speed of the father.

While returning to the place of the gas source, Fangqiu told his father about his experience in Egypt.

Listen to the experience of Fangqiu.

Father was very surprised and asked: "You mean, you not only from the Holy Lord's hands, forcibly sucked away half of the essence of the gas source, still on the way to pursue, eat nine fruit?"


Fangqiu nodded affirmatively.

"It's no wonder that in his identity as a saint, he will chase you so far."

Father smiled and nodded and said: "This is because you let him feel the real threat, not the threat of strength, but the speed of your growth and the gas you have, so that he feels very A strong threat, he is afraid that you will surpass him!"

Speaking of this, the old man turned his head and said with a serious look: "Next, you have to be more cautious and careful. He will never let the threat grow."

"Yes, I know."

Fangqiu nodded.


During the chat, the two returned to the source of the air.

Seeing that the father succeeded in picking up the nameless, everyone in the source of the air, suddenly relaxed a big breath, and greeted them.

Fangqiu is holding fists at everyone.

This time, the experience of nine deaths and one life really made him feel particularly thrilling.


Everyone did not ask the nameless to elaborate on this experience. Instead, after asking for the nameless security, they asked about the situation in the country.

Fangqiu also began to report to everyone.

"I have seized half of the gas source in Egypt, and I also used the gas source to kill most of Nirvana. The great Nirvana was also seriously wounded."

"However, on the way to the Nirvana in Egypt, I found a very terrible phenomenon."

"Nirvana can still control the people who practice the speedy success method, whether it is to close the hearing or use the sedatives to get the control of Nirvana!"