Medical Master

v7 Chapter 123: The opening of the conference!

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at night.

Fangqiu plate sat on the bed, released the knowledge, quietly swept the entire room, and determined that there was no problem, then took out the phone and called Li Wei.

The phone was connected and Li’s words came.

Fangqiu asked.

At the end of the day, there is no need to continue to hide.

Because he had to arrive at the venue in advance, he could not take the initiative to contact the father, so he could only help Li Wei to help observe and inquire about the news of the father.

When I heard Fang Qiu’s inquiry, Li Wei at the other end of the phone shook his head and added: “But you can rest assured that the above has been said. If the father appears, I will notify me at the first time, and I will definitely notify you at the first time. you."

Fangqiu nodded and asked: "So, what do you think about this time?"

Li Wei responded.

Fangqiu nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I will wait at the Chinese medicine conference."

the next day.

Media from all over the country have already arrived outside the hotel to wait.

The Huaying Chinese Medicine City Hall was specially constructed in order to commemorate the medical doctor Huayu. It is used to do some municipal-level cultural and artistic activities on weekdays.

The address of the City Hall is very close to the Holiday Inn and is just across the street.

There are many media and self-media waiting.

All the doctors and doctors who participated in the TCM Medical Exchange Conference have stepped out of the hotel and walked toward the town hall not far away.

For the doctors who are particularly low-key on weekdays, this kind of ceremony is really grand.


Made the same as the star.

The holding of this Chinese medicine conference is not a gathering of private Chinese medicine practitioners. The title merchants and sponsors are the local government. The purpose is to develop the hometown of Chinese medicine in Cangzhou, improve the understanding and recognition of the Chinese people's culture of Chinese medicine, and lay down the development of local Chinese medicine. A wide road.

"The Chinese Medicine Medical Exchange Conference will be officially held in our Huaying Chinese Medicine Hall. The first thing that comes to us is the Zhuge Sheng doctor who is famous all over the world."

An off-site host, when the four holy doctors came over, actually began to introduce them.

Zhuge Sheng doctor gave a slight glimpse, and then did not go a little comfortable, and took a look around the crowd and the live broadcast of various media.

And behind.

When I arrived at Xu Miaolin, the introduction of the host was much more active. After all, Xu Miaolin was also the judge of the second season of "Young Chinese Medicine."

After the four doctors entered the venue, they introduced 50 doctors, including Xu Miaolin’s daughter, Chu Sheng’s daughter, and Chu Yun’s doctor.

In addition to the regular media reporters, there are still many netizens and live media from the admission.

Because the TCM medical exchange conference has been rendered for a long time, netizens are all looking forward to it. With the beginning of the live broadcast, everyone has started watching the live broadcast.

"Holy doctor? There are only four in the country?"

"Wow, these Chinese medicine practitioners are very good. Have we not heard of it before?"

While watching the live broadcast, netizens have heated discussions.

of course.

There are also countless Chinese medicine practitioners, who are also watching the live broadcast of this Chinese medicine medical exchange conference.


The last one to become a doctor, and the fifty-first big doctor Fang Qiu, finally came to the entrance of the Huaying Chinese Medicine Hall.

In the webcast room.

I saw it.

"Where is the square trough, is Fangqiu so handsome?"

"What axis is pressed? Didn't you see that this is ranked according to the ranking? Fangqiu has just become a big doctor, and it is the smallest one among all the people who participated in the Chinese medicine conference, so it is only at the end."

With the entry of Fangqiu.

The leaders of Ganzhou have already waited on the sidelines.

The internal meeting in the field officially began.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ma Renmin."

He stood on the stage and said to everyone: "Today is the day when the new Chinese Medicine Medical Exchange Conference is held. Since the beginning of two years ago, the state has attached great importance to the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional medicine culture, and clearly put forward the "strength" The plan to promote the revitalization of Chinese medicine has pointed out the direction and provided follow-up to promote the development of Chinese medicine."

"Chinese medicine, condensed with profound philosophical wisdom and the healthy health concept and practical experience of the Chinese nation for thousands of years."

Ma Renmin’s leadership paused a bit and continued to add: “Before, the revitalization and development of Chinese medicine has ushered in a good opportunity for time, location and people. I hope that the majority of Chinese medicine practitioners will enhance national self-confidence, climb the medical peak and explore it in depth. The essence of the treasure house of medicine, give full play to the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, promote the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, promote the Chinese medicine to the world, and effectively inherit the good wealth of Chinese medicine, which is the ancestor of Chinese medicine, inherit well, develop well, make good use, and build health. Huaxia, in the great journey of realizing the Chinese dream, write a new chapter!"

Ma Renmin’s leadership looked at the big guys in the Chinese medicine industry. Zhang Kou added: “We don’t say anything about the official language. Let’s say something true that everyone loves to hear: the state supports the development of Chinese medicine!”

All the people who participated in the TCM Medical Exchange Conference all over the place were all excited and applauded with a smile.

The first leader finished, and the second leader came on stage.

In this way, the internal meeting opened a morning.

Under the arrangement of the leaders, everyone went to the hotel next door for lunch.

prior to.

Mind and this.

"Mr. Xu, Zhuge predecessors, Chu predecessors, cattle predecessors."

"what's up?"


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