Medical Master

v8 Chapter 133: The way of saints, self-sufficiency!

"There is no natural gas."

Fangqiu was suspicious: "Is the address recorded incorrectly?"

On the way to Longchang Town.

Fangqiu spent a long time searching, and finally found Wang Yangming's enlightenment, just at the top of this mountain, so I will come here the first time after I arrive.

With full of doubts.

Fangqiu immediately changed position and went to another hill to explore.

In this way, Fangqiu walked all the hills around the Longchang Town all the time. A mountain and a hill to explore and feel, quickly found a place full of the heavens and the earth around Longchang Town.

There is a platform on the mountainside.

After the exploration of the gods, Fang Qiu clearly found that on the platform halfway up the mountain, there is a little bit of heaven and earth than other places.

Feel this.

Fangqiu immediately flew in the past to explore.


Exploring for a long time, I found that this is an ordinary place, only because of the attraction of the surrounding mountains, only a small amount of heaven and earth is gathered here.

Not to mention the natural gas, even the mysterious jade has no one.

"Is it wrong, wrong?"

Fangqiu smiled bitterly.

Think about it, these days, in addition to looking for clues in the library, he is thinking about what is possible in the brain, and going to that place, there is no substantial evidence that what he thinks is true. .

I figured this out.

The feeling of loss in Fang Qiu’s heart suddenly eased a lot.

After all, this world's things can't be understood by common sense, or else, if you still get him to explore?

Sitting on the stone bench halfway up the mountain, I sensed it for a while.

Fangqiu still has the slightest clue to find out.

This time.

Fangqiu didn't want to wait as before, but directly controlled the gods to infiltrate into the ground. He almost probed the 360-degree of the entire Longchang town and found that there was no clue in the surrounding mountains and rivers. And there are no strange things to exist.

Without any choice.

Fangqiu can only give up and turn back to Xiuwen County.

In the county town, Fangqiu found it for a while before he found the county library, and then went to check the county records of Xiuwen County.

According to the record.

In the first year of Ming Wuzong's whole year, Wang Yangming was opposed to the **** Liu Wei and was taken to the forecourt by the forty.

Since it is an official in the Dragon Field, there should be records in the county records.

Maybe you can find any clues from it.

as predicted.

After getting the county records, Fang Qiu saw the records. Wang Yangming was in a quiet and difficult environment. The book did not indicate whether the description was written by Longchang Town itself or the place where Wang Yangming was.


With this alone, it is of course impossible to find the exact location.

Fangqiu continued to watch, and finally found that the restrictions were recorded on the top of the mountain that he had been looking for on the Internet for a long time.

At that time, I had already been there once. I didn’t feel anything at all, and I also used my knowledge to probe. It’s still a little clue.

However, in addition to this, after reading the records of Wang Zhiming in the county, Fangqiu never found a second place with special records.

With full of doubts.

Fangqiu returned to Longchang Town and returned to the high mountain top of Wang Yangming's enlightenment and explored again.

I thought.

This place will be the same as other places that have been explored before, only at certain times.

There will be some unexpected changes.

However, the result of another rigorous investigation still has no clues. Fangqiu still does not sense any strange points, even the air of the heavens and the earth in the air is no longer normal.

under these circumstances.

Fangqiu can only enter Longchang Town, ready to rest for one night, and then wait and see.

In the town, Fangqiu walked into a quaint bookstore, and the bookstore contained a variety of contemporary popular romances, as well as some literary books that looked quaint.

It seems that reading has become a recent habit. After Fangqiu entered the bookstore, he immediately went to the bookcase where the quaint books were placed.

Looking around the circle, Fang Qiu's gaze finally fell on a book called "Biography".

"Biography" is a philosophical work, the author is Wang Yangming!

Looked for a while.

Fangqiu directly paid for the book and bought it back to the hotel to continue watching.

Because this book contains Wang Yangming's quotations and academic letters, the contents of the book are not many. When Fang Qiu is finished, it will all be read.

At night.

Fangqiu re-entered the periphery of Longchang Town. On the top of the mountain where Wang Yangming enlightened, he was ready to explore whether there would be anything happening at night and whether he could find any clues.

But the result is still the same as before, nothing.

With the "Biography", Fangqiu sat down on the site and prepared to watch it for a night. If there was no movement, he was ready to leave.

Open the book.

Because I had already read it again, Fang Qiu began to calm down, trying to make myself close to the mood of Wang Yangming at that time, and then unconsciously began to mourn the contents of the book.

This thought.


In the mountains, the wind swelled.

Fangqiu did not feel that there was anything wrong with it and continued to mourn.

After all, the wind in the mountains at night is also a very normal and natural thing.


With the mourning of Fangqiu.

This piece of heaven and earth between the heavens and the earth has gradually become richer, just as the mourning of Fangqiu, the air of heaven and earth in all directions, are gathered invisibly towards this side.

This situation makes Fangqiu very surprised.

Although I was fully devoted to the mourning of the contents of the book, Fang Qiu still clearly sensed the surging of the heavens and the earth because the gods were spread out early.

However, it is only the gas of heaven and earth that does not attract the attention of Fangqiu. For Fangqiu, the gas of heaven and earth has not played much role.

When the atmosphere of the day became rich, the appearance of a natural gas raised the interest of Fangqiu.

After exploration.

He did not detect the existence of a natural gas in the vicinity of this.

So, where is this natural gas coming from?

Mindful thoughts.

Fangqiu continued to mourn.

Just a trace of natural gas is obviously not enough for him.

However, after the entire "Biography" was completely mourned, this sudden natural gas has only increased a little.

Re-reading, can no longer have better results.

In the end, Fangqiu could only put together the book on his hand and put the book next to him. At this time in his mind, he suddenly thought of the four sentences that Wang Yangming said in his later years.

"There is no good and no disgusting body, there are good and evil sent, knowing good and knowing evil is conscience, and being good for evil is a thing."

Mind and this.

By the enthusiasm of the essays, Fang Qiu could not help but open his mouth and mourn.

Mourning voice exports.

It seems to have magical power. With the spread of Fangqiu's voice, the heaven and earth between this heaven and earth is actually a bit richer.

Just mourning the natural gas that didn't grow much in the whole book, it gradually became rich.

Feel this situation.

Fang Qiu was happy when he was, and he kept repeating these four words.

Every time I read it, the atmosphere and nature of the heavens and the earth will be more intense. The original natural gas is also constantly accumulating, becoming more and more intense. In the end, even a natural one is formed. The vortex formed by the gathering of the air circling over the top of Fangqiu.

Bathed in the air of nature, Fangqiu unconsciously entered the state of absorption and cultivation.

Although its own realm still exists.

However, in the case of being completely immersed in cultivation, Fangqiu can clearly understand that there are three flowers in his body that extend upward from Xia Dantian, pulling Zhongdantian, and finally merged to form a brand new golden lotus. .


Everything is in the water, and I have not received any obstruction.

With the breakthrough.

The previous strength, back again.


Before the square hills were finely sensed to restore the power of the ground, there was a scene suddenly appearing in front of them.

That is a person.

Standing on the top of the mountain, from frustration to correctness, from desolation to solemnity, from distress to complete understanding.

He was standing on the top of the mountain at the beginning.

It looks so bad, as if it has lost its soul.


He gradually got up.

The murky eyelids suddenly appeared a trace of clarity, and then he stood up, the body that looked completely powerless, straight and straight, looking straight into the sky, his face looked cloudy.

So, I don’t know how long it lasts.

"Ha ha..."

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and laughed loudly.

While laughing, he said: "I understand, I understand, the way of saints, self-sufficiency, and the reason for arguing about things."

This sentence is said, his turbid eyelids suddenly become extremely clear, and it looks like it has become another person.

next moment.

The air of heaven and earth gathered in all directions, surrounded by the whole person, and a powerful natural gas filled out from the body.

With the appearance of the rich heaven and earth, the dark night sky, there is a light, a thin white moonlight, falling from the sky, blessing his body!

See this scene.

Fangqiu is very admired, facing the people in the scene, bowing hands and salute.

It is at this time.

The place that attracted the heavens and added himself seemed to have sensed something. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Fangqiu’s side. A pair of bright eyes seemed to have been worn for hundreds of years, then facing the direction of Fangqiu. Arched, mysterious smile.

next moment.

The scene in front of Fangqiu changes instantly.

In his mind, he saw himself walking on the golden boulevard, and his body was shaped like a wind. He took a step forward and went out for another 10,000 miles!

When this step falls.

Fang Qiu was finally awake from the cultivation and recovery.

It seems that I was aware of something behind me, and Fang Qiu turned around and looked at it.

Just turned around.

I saw a back that had already gone down the mountain, and it was full of disappearance in the darkness.

Amazed in my heart.

Fangqiu quickly stood up and marched in the direction of the disappearance of his back. He thanked him with his fists.