Medical Master

v7 Chapter 144: Gastrointestinal wounds...

"How can a person who is born in a rich family and loves to study, choose to study medicine?"

Fangqiu raised a question in front of the camera. After a short pause, he replied: "It turned out that when Li Dongyu was in his 20s, his mother was sick. Even if the family was rich, many doctors were invited. The treatment was ineffective, and eventually it was sick and dead."

"This incident has a great impact on Li Dongxuan. It was from that time that Li Dongxuan was determined to study medicine."

"At the time, Li Dongxuan heard that the Zhang element of Yizhou had a great reputation. He had to go to the school to learn the art with heavy money. Because he has a deep writing background, he has learned very quickly and has learned very well in just a few years. It is."

"Afterwards, because of the war in the world, the people lived in hunger, panic, and sorrow. Most of the living and eating were irregular, so it was easy to hurt the spleen and stomach. Therefore, Li Dongzhen believes that reading the ancients is not enough, and must face the new social reality. The characteristics of the patient to study the prescription."

"After years of research, Li Dongxuan's unique theory reflects the characteristics of the times, and also reflects his meticulous study of the works of Neijing. His book "Spleen and Stomach" treats the spleen and stomach diseases and the spleen and stomach mainly. The method has important influence and plays a great guiding role."

Said here.

Fangqiu stopped.

Regarding Li Dongsheng's life experience, he has already spoken almost. From what he said, the audience watching this video should have a clear understanding of Li Donghao.

Regarding the more detailed things, Fang Qiu did not talk much, but summarized the answer.

"After understanding the whole person of Li Dongwei, let us talk about his "Spleen and Stomach Theory"."

After giving the viewers watching the video a little reaction time, Fang Qiu controlled the recording rhythm of the whole program while continuing to open his mouth and said: "As we all know, the theme of "Spleen and Stomach" is to abandon the old and accept the new one."

"I believe that those who have read this book must know clearly that the "Spleen and Stomach" quotes a large number of the original texts of "Nei Jing", "Difficult" and "Typhoid fever".

"From this point of view, it can be determined that Li Dongxuan's argument is not based on imagination, but on the basis."

"But, knowing this is still useless, because it seems to be a fog, because most of the people who graduated from the Chinese medicine hospital today are based on the syndrome system of the five internal organs. This system actually did not exist before. It has not been long since the opening of modern Chinese medicine education."

"That is to say, to read the spleen and stomach theory of Li Dongyu, the first thing to do is to abandon the rules and regulations in the previous textbooks."

"Here, I will give you an example."

Said, Fang Qiu paused a little, after the exploration of Zhangkou said: "In the "Spleen and Stomach Theory - Diet Spleen Theory" article, recorded such a sentence: eating fatigue and hurt the spleen. Diet is self-doubling, the stomach is hurt. The bowel is awkward."

"The meaning of this sentence is to explain that the root cause of the spleen and stomach problems is caused by eating and drinking and fatigue, and later said that after the stomach injury, diarrhea will be diarrhea."

"The acne in the textbooks of Chinese medicine surgery lists a variety of syndrome types, which are treated from hot and humid bets, and are treated from stagnation of stagnation and spleen.

"If you leave the textbook aside and accept the theory of Li Dongyu, it will be wonderful to go to clinical verification and it will work very well."

"Li Dongxuan said that it is a gastrointestinal injury, so he has to be awkward. So when you encounter every acne patient, you have to ask carefully if there are any symptoms in the stomach. If you ask, you will basically not be disappointed, almost all of your stomach. problem."

"With theoretical guidance, there is a direction of treatment."

Said here, Fangqiu smiled and said: "Since it is eaten and drunk too much, tired and hard work, first of all, it is necessary to eat and have a diet, not to eat too much too much, not too tired, and then to drink soup to solve the problem ""

"So, patients with acne sufferers, before they can't stand the hemorrhoids, they should quickly adjust their diet first, and the effect will often be very good."

When the words came out, the atmosphere was a lot easier.

"After finishing the hemorrhoids, I will give you an example."

"People who know Li Dongyu know that Li Dongyu is good at using private medicine."

"And this so-called wind medicine is the medicine that Chinese medicine says is a medicine that rises and falls and has a divergent rising effect. Common ones are: Cimicifuga, Bupleurum, Alfalfa, Alive, Wind, and Vitex."

“A careful look at Li Dong’s spleen and stomach theory, almost all the recipes have the flavors I have listed.”

"So, why does Li Dongyu like to use wind medicine?"

Fang Qiu Dunton, continued to add: "I understand this, Li Dongyu in the "spleen and stomach ups and downs", the husband and the spleen and stomach are inadequate, are blood diseases, lack of yang, more than yin."

"What is yin?"

"In many places where Li Dongyu's loss, the word was mentioned, yin and yin, and later generations of doctors did not explain what is yin, and I think the so-called yin is moisture."

"This also complements the spleen and stomach's triumphant function, the main transport, like dryness and dampness, once the function is limited, or the transport is unfavorable, it is easy to get wet."

"The Theory of the Prosperity and Decline of the Spleen and Stomach" and the following chapters have repeatedly mentioned that all the wind medicines are wind energy and wet, and the sweet medicines can also be used."


On the stage, Fangqiu with expressions, body movements, etc., with this explanation, I want to bring every viewer who watches the video into my own rhythm as much as possible to understand the book and learn Knowledge of Chinese medicine.

And the stage.

The team members who were assigned by Ningyuan and specially shot and produced videos for Fangqi, when they saw Fangqiu talking on the stage, were all surprised.

This kind of program is similar to the forum, they have also produced a lot.

Although many master-level characters, on TV, they are all very good and confident, but in the process of recording, they clearly know that the so-called masters will also make mistakes when speaking. Some of them are even a little older, and when they say a few words, they have to stop and flip through the books.

What's more, just speak on the stage with a book.

The self-confidence shown on TV shows, in fact, are some of their photography production teams, which are edited little by little behind the scenes.

Before the filming, every staff member of the team was ready, not only reserved enough time, but also brought a special word board, in order to use the word board in the recording process. Some tips for the mound.

But now.

All the preparations they made were actually useless.

The performance of Fangqiu made all the staff of the entire shooting team on the scene very surprised. They all admire Fangqiu in their hearts.

Because from the moment of coming to power, Fang Qiu did not even look at the book, he has been talking about it, and his body has a feeling of extreme self-confidence.


Even the members of this photography production team, who did not need help, were idle under the stage. They were brought into the pulpit of Fangqiu with the rhythm of Fangqiu. They began to understand and unconsciously. I have learned Chinese medicine.

This effect, Fangqiu is very satisfied.

Since even these hearts should always remember this work, and can not let any unexpected staff on the scene be brought into their own rhythm, once the video is online, most people who watch the video will certainly be brought into their own hands. The rhythm.

"I have two examples for you, and I will make a small summary first."

Speaking and speaking, Fang Qiu did not seem to be talking about the recording lens, but to the staff who were caught in the rhythm of the scene.

"Through the two examples I have just mentioned and the interpretation of the relevant theories of "Spleen and Stomach", I want to explain that if you want to read Li Dongyu, you must abandon the textbook-style syndrome differentiation and treatment of the past, and read more about internal medicine and typhoid fever. From the theoretical system of internal and typhoid to understand the essence of Li Dongsun's thoughts."

“At the same time, I would like to emphasize one sentence: clinical efficacy is the only criterion for testing theory!”


Fangqiu stopped.

Under the watchful eyes of all the staff on the scene, it was the first time that I picked up the book on the podium.

Open the first page of the book.

Fangqiu directly recorded the lens and lifted the book so that the lens could be recorded to the first page of the book. Zhangkou said: "Now, we officially began to explain the contents of the first episode of "Spleen and Stomach"."

"In this episode, we will put "Spleen and Stomach" on the volume, the first section: the theory of spleen and stomach deficiency."

"The Five Immortals" says: stomach, large intestine, small intestine, triple burner, bladder, these five, the weather is also born..."

Fang Qiu began to speak.


Finish the first quarter.

After a little rest, after drinking a few mouthfuls of water, Fang Qiu continued to explain the second quarter.

From the second section of the "dirty gas method, lifting up and down, replenishing and diarrhea," to the third section of "spleen and stomach ups and downs", the fourth section of "spleen and stomach diarrhea, yin and yang yang soup", the fifth section of the "lung "Spleen and stomach deficiency", the sixth section of "Shengyang Yiwei Tang" and so on.

A full hundred and four quarters.

Each section of Fangqiu was especially careful. With the full cooperation of the photography production team, this hundred and four sections were made into thirty-six episodes. Fangqiu only spent three days and all finished. .

In the previous thirty-three episodes, the contents of the whole book have been finished. The last three episodes are about the application, and how to use the theory in this book to treat the actual operation of the disease.

Not to mention a normal audience.

Even the staff of the on-site shooting team learned a lot of methods and techniques for treating spleen and stomach diseases from the teaching of Fangqiu after all the 36 episodes were recorded.

In this case, all the staff on the scene were particularly shocked and admire Fangqiu.

After the recording is complete.

Because it didn't need to do anything late, the production team spent only one night, and all the production was completed. The finished product was all out the next day.
