Medical Master

v6 Chapter 163: 扛鼎!


Fang Qiu raised his head and looked at the water man in front.

However, after discovering that he had hit a flight, the water man turned into a stream of pure water, re-folded back, and returned to where it was at the beginning, suspended in midair.

Focus on the explosive power of the big hand and the big difference!

The water man disappeared.

Fang Qiu, who had no concerns, immediately began to try.

At the beginning.

It is really difficult to control.

Because the forces that can be motivated by these two moves are really too strong.


Since the water man can do it, Fangqiu believes that he can certainly do it. If he can't do it twice, he won't do it twice.

I don't know how many times I practiced.

at last.


A bang sounded.

In front of Fangqiu's palm, a group was forcibly squeezed together, just like forcing the two poles of the magnet to be soft together. With an extremely unstable and devastating energy, it is like a burst of energy at any time. The bombs were generally shot out in an instant.

"It is!"

When the body was shaken out by the large recoil, Fangqiu was shocked by the power that broke out.

In the words of modern science, it is.

The energy that he just shot out is a molecule that contains this very horrible energy but is extremely unstable.

It is like the most powerful explosive in the world. Once it bursts, the consequences are unimaginable!

Unfortunately, it is.

The energy ball that Fangqiu fired out was unbiased, and it happened to hit the group of water suspended in midair.

This fight.

The water group was suddenly blown up, and it turned into a sky full of water droplets that spattered out on all sides.

It can be just the next second of sputtering.

These water droplets turned out to be a slamming sound, and they all gathered together, condensed into a water mass, and then in the rapid surge and illusion, once again turned into the former water man.

"Come on, let me see, what tricks do you have?"

Fangqiu laughed.

He is very much ready to fight with this water man, and he really wants to learn more moves from the hands of the water man.

The water man is still breaking his hand and attacking Fangqiu directly.

Fangqiu responded with a big break.

The two sides offset each other.


It’s another trick that has no match.

After another time to offset each other, the water man once again launched a phaseless burst.

Fangqiu shot the same tricks for the current school.


The two forces collide against each other to offset.

Fight again.

The water man once again showed his big empty hand.

Then, in the scope of the big empty hand, the use of the phaseless destruction again, because the existence of the "virtual" of the large empty hand, so that the strength of the phaseless burst, has been upgraded to a grade.

Fangqiu has the same kind of learning and uses the same moves to deal with it.

Finally, I tied the water man.


The water man once again incarnates the water mass and returns to its original position.

"One defeat and one level, count it, or I am defeated."

Fangqiu’s heart moved, and some screamed: “Is there really no possibility of other combinations. Can I even beat the incarnation of a water?”

Think of it here.

Fangqiu touched the water mass for the third time.

The water man appeared again.


This time, the water man seems to be a little different.

Before, this water man seemed to be a machine no matter how it looked, but there was no feeling at all, but this time Fang Qiu felt the anger in the water man.

The most obvious thing is that this time the water man just finished the incarnation, he sent it directly.

After attacking, it seems that I can't wait to learn Fang Qiu's meal.

Fortunately, Fang Qiu's reaction speed is not bad, and immediately waved to resist the attack of the water man.


The two men were very fiercely twisted together.

Although he was beaten and beaten, he could not escape the "Man" three styles, but he was playing, and Fang Qiu discovered that the water man had handled the unusual perfection in various details.

Although it was suppressed not only when it was up, but it was beaten, because of the backwardness of the details, Fangqiu was gradually suppressed by the water man.

Although the "Man" between the three styles, in addition to the phaseless destruction, the water people did not use the other to get a combination of moves, but each move in the hands of the water people, there are many, very strange changes.

Fangqiu can only learn one by one.


After learning to learn, he was completely suppressed by the water man.

Seeing to lose.

Fang Qiu is very reluctant. He has learned all the moves and details of the water man’s moves. Can he still lose?

How does this make him reconciled?

"I still can't win you a bunch of water?"

In the heart of the anger, Fangqiu broke out in the full resentment.

this moment.

He doesn't care what details, but he doesn't want to change any changes. He only knows how to fight, and he wants to do everything he can to kill and win!

With this firm mind and determination, Fangqiu launched a mad attack.


Resist the suppression of the water man.

From being suppressed to leveling, then starting to suppress.

In just a few dozen tricks, Fangqiu suppressed the water man. No matter how many changes in the water man's moves, no matter how perfect the water man's battle details are, Fangqiu does not care at all, only knows the war!

Do not know why.

Under this circumstance, the water man who had occupied a great advantage at the beginning was defeated by Fangqiu and was quickly suppressed by Fangqiu.

"Give me a burst!"

In the end, after completely suppressing the water man, Fang Qiu once again displayed the "domain" of the illusory hand, and then cooperated with the annihilation, directly blasted and blasted again on the water man.


A loud noise.

At the moment when the water man was hit, he was immediately blown up by Mercury.

Surrounded by space.

Also began to shake the inexplicable.

Visible to the naked eye, the Mercury, which was blown out, was once again gathered together.

However, this time there was no reunion of water and no avatars.

It is in a quick boiling.

The illusion becomes a tripod!

A huge tripod.


It also changed from water to bronze.

Everything has not changed around. The copper tripod appeared when Fang Qiugang came here, stepping on the colorful gems and the place where the patterns were engraved.

"How did you become a tripod?"

"What is this going to do?"


Fangqiu went to this Ding, and went up.

Just arrived next to the tripod.

Fangqiu clearly saw that in the air beside the Ding, there were several ancient characters that were condensed by water.

"Through one pass, you can master it."

See this line of words.

Fangqiu slightly stunned.

"Don't the water man just be the first pass?"

"Can only summon the water man to defeat this copper tripod?"

"Take him up and you can master it. Is it possible that this copper tripod is not an artifact?"

After thinking for a while, I went to the front of the copper tripod and extended my hands to hug the bottom of the copper tripod. Then I tried hard to resist the copper tripod.

Can be the result.

No matter how hard the visit is, this copper trip is not a move.

Moreover, as long as the hands start to work hard, the mind will

There will be a variety of distracting scenes, it seems that deep inside tells him: this is impossible, he can't do it.

For the other side, this is just a distraction.

Before, when there were countless thoughts in the brain, he was completely relieved, let alone just this complicated thought?

Fangqiu calmed his heart.

Directly throw away this distracting thought of the mind and staff, and then immediately raise your hands and start to exert force.

In the case of empty mind and quiet mind.

Fangqiu exerted a force.


The copper has moved.

Under the support of Fangqiu's great strength, slowly leave the ground.

Then Fangqiu pushed the tripod up, and then the whole man took the opportunity to bow down and directly put the whole tripod on his shoulder.

In the end, stand up straight!

Just the moment to keep the body straight.

This huge copper tripod suddenly began to shrink.

On the shoulders of Fangqiu, it is getting smaller and smaller.

Not a while.

It’s the size of the thumb.

This is a three-legged tripod that looks particularly beautiful.


Putting the copper tripod to the palm of his hand, he took a look at it. Fangqiu discovered that this tripod was one of the famous Zhouzhao Jiuding.

When the horror.

On this tripod, suddenly a glimmer of light flashed past.


Fangqiu trembled.

With the flash of light on the tripod, there was a message in his mind.

This tripod.

It turned out to be the key to this ruin.

Do not.

It is something more magical than the key.

As long as you have this tripod, it is equivalent to having the entire ruins. Fang Qiu even believes that this ruin is in this copper tripod.

Because he clearly felt that this trip is now his, and with the line of words that appeared on the side of Ding, it is that this trip has been controlled by him.

The first advantage of controlling this tripod is to let Fangqiu discover that he can enter and leave the ruins freely. If he wants to go out, he can go out and want to come in and come in.

Similar to the general function of moving instantly.

This discovery.

Let Fangqiu be shocked.

This tripod is probably the biggest treasure in this ruin!

In shock.

Fangqiu also thought of the two levels that he had just said.

Although the first pass was a fight, but the first defeat, the second tie, the third time in the case of defeat, the counterattack finally won, the reason is undoubtedly the tenacious determination of his own.

That determination, in the view of Fangqiu, is an enhancement of the goal and the thoughts of one's heart!

And the second level.

In fact, it is not difficult.

You only need to overcome your own thoughts and you can easily smash it.

One is to strengthen thoughts, one is to overcome distractions!



These two words suddenly appear in the square thalamus.

When I think of it.

Fangqiu involuntarily pinched his right hand.

The sword that could never be summoned, even at this moment, was summoned to appear in his hands.

He did not move.

But the whole body is up and down, but it has already been stunned.

Incomparably sharp swordsmanship, bursting out from the sword, with a sharp sword, breathe in the air.



A wave of the right hand.

Spoken a word in the mouth of the square.

The Excalibur, immediately waving under the arm, pulled out a fierce sword in front.

Above the blade, an instant burst of sharpness almost to tear the space of the sword, instantly burst out, wherever, even the space is shaking!


Genius one second to remember the address of this station:. Sogou: