Medical Master

v5 Chapter 176: Is there a bonus?

"I announced."

After talking with the latter person, He Xue directly stated in front of all foreign businessmen, “Allen International Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. obtained the global exclusive agent of Yanling Guben and Yishoudi Xianmao for a price of US$1,000. right."

This is the case.

All the foreign businessmen on the scene were suddenly dumbfounded.


This is the quote they didn't dare to think about when they talked to He Xue alone!

The duck that can see the mouth flies, this time,

But found this offer, they are not unacceptable.

In the heart, that remorse, the rushing up!

"From today, Allen International Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. is our partner of Renyi Group. If you want to act as an agent, you can talk to Allen International Pharmaceuticals."

He Xue said as he stretched his finger to the black man next to him.

The black man also smiled and nodded to everyone.

The foreign businessman who heard the news suddenly felt like a pot of cold water and was bitter.

This time it’s not a thousand dollars, it’s much higher than this.

Regret later!


China 1000 yuan a box, if the generation - purchase enough, then the difference in profits, oh ...

This is the time.

He Xue said with a smile, "Of course, everyone should not think about buying from China. Because of the particularity of these two drugs, we in China will restrict individuals from going abroad, so the generation-purchase is completely non-existent. ”

The demo is fighting with me!

He Xue proud of the dark road.

A cold water is poured in a moment.

The foreign merchants on the scene suddenly died.

"All right."

After that, He Xue turned around and said to the black people: "The details of the cooperation will be time for us to find time and discuss in detail."

"it is good."

The black man nodded.

Then stepped out of He Xue’s room.

The other agents immediately followed up, and when they went out to encircle the black man, they wanted to get the rights to the two drugs from his hands.

"Everyone is coming, everything is fine."

Being star-studded by the stars, the blacks did not humble and raised their hands, and went to their room while proudly speaking to everyone.

It seems now that the value of this thousand dollars is spent!

After everyone leaves.

He Xue took out his mobile phone and immediately dialed Fang Qiu’s phone.


When the phone was connected, Fangqiu’s voice came from the other side of the phone and asked, “Is it so fast?”


He Xue immediately responded, proudly said: "I really told you that these foreigners didn't bring any good thoughts. I immediately pressed the price with me at the beginning of the game. I even offered $100, and almost stunned me. ”

"The results of it?"

Fangqiu asked.

He knows that He Xue can certainly do this well, so he doesn't care about the process. The most concerned is the result. He just wants to know what the quotes from these foreign companies are.


He Xueton paused and said: "The dollar!"


When I heard this offer, Rao was the mood of Fangqiu, and I was a little shocked.

The domestic price is only 1,000 yuan, but the foreign agent is 1000 dollars?

"I didn't get it wrong?"

Fangqiu asked.

"You didn't get it wrong."

He Xue said with a smile: "It is $1,000."

"so tall?"

Fangqiu still can't believe it.

1000 dollars, that can be equivalent to more than 6,300 yuan, the domestic sales of 1,000 yuan of drugs, sold to the country actually turned out to be more than six times more.

This number is really terrible.

A box of 6300, 10,000 boxes is 63 million.

Of these 60 million, at least 55 million are profits, which sounds scary!

"of course."

He Xue smiled proudly: "Good things, there should be a good price."

"Do you have considered the issue of sales? If you want to enter the international market, sales volume is a very important data for us. If the sales volume is insufficient due to price problems, then it will not be worth the loss."

Fangqiu frowned.

"We are not doing fast sales."

He Xue immediately shook his head and replied: "It is a luxury!"


Fangqiu question.


He Xue nodded and said, "If the foreign rich are vampires, then we are the best blood sellers in the world, and only one has no semicolon!"


Fangqiu took a cold breath.

He understood it.

He Xue’s idea can’t be said to be bold. If this idea can really be done well, then Renyi Group will surely shine in the international market and become a top international brand in one fell swoop!

“Why are the luxury brands of international brands all foreign?”

He Xue said on the phone: "Because they have exquisite workmanship, they are ahead of the global trend, and can even say that they are driving the global trend, so the products they make are the trend, that is, they can attract people from all over the world. It can be sold at a high price."

"China Huaxia is still unable to catch up with foreign countries in the current various luxury goods industries, but in Chinese medicine, we are the top of the world in Chinese medicine. This is our advantage. Since we have this advantage, we have this advantage. It must be firmly grasped and done best."

“Compared to all the luxury goods in the world, medicine can also be considered a fast-moving consumer, so we don’t have to worry about sales at all.”

Speaking of it.

He Xuecai stopped and his voice filled with confidence and yearning. "We want to be the world's first brand-name drug, the first drug luxury!"


After listening to it, Fang Qiu immediately gave a thumbs up and expressed his feelings.

"Don't worry, everything is under control."

He Xue smiled smugly and then asked: "The chairman of the board, I helped the company talk about such a big business, is there any bonus?"


Fangqiu nodded immediately and said, "You can fix it yourself."


This business is too big.

Fangqiu didn't know how much bonus it should be.

"You said it."

He Xue immediately said, "I want you to give me a better effect, I want you to give it to me."

"no problem."

Fang Qiu nodded immediately.

This little thing, it’s a little effort.


Yang Ningyuan and Li Qihua, who have been paying attention to the progress of this international investment conference, also quickly learned the news from the group's employees and knew the final price.


Li Qihua’s villa in Beijing, Yang Ningyuan, who received the news, was shocked by this horrible price.

"I am!"

Even Li Qihua, who is self-cultivating on weekdays, was shocked by this price.

“The hard life is six times.”

Yang Ningyuan exclaimed: "This He Xue is a personal talent!"

"No, no, Fang Qiu really found a good talent, there is this He Xue management, we can rest assured to wait for the money."

Li Qihua laughed.

"You don't know, this He Xue is still introduced to Fangqiu."

Yang Ningyuan smiled bitterly: "At the time, why didn't I go and dig her up?"

"You have to be able to dig, the price that Fangqiu can give her. You can't give it, but now, isn't it your own?"

Li Qihua should have a sentence.

The two men smiled at each other.

They are very clear.

Although their net worth is so large that it is unimaginable to ordinary people, the risks associated with it are also great. Maybe one is careless and nothing is gone.


Now, with this business, they can be completely relieved. Even if they are doing their main business now, they will not be able to do it any day. They also have this retreat.

"Old Yang, you are sick and sick."

Li Qihua looked at Yang Ningyuan and said: "When you know what is difficult, you will have a blessing?"

"What is this saying?"

Yang Ningyuan smiled and said: "Would you like to have a terminal illness?"

"Don't stop."

Li Qihua quickly shook his head and said: "In the past few years, my energy has been on self-cultivation and health. The money is a bunch of numbers for many. I don't need any blessings. Good body is the greatest blessing!"

Both of them laughed and continued to chat, digesting Fang Qiu and He Xue to bring them shock.


After other agents have negotiated.

He Xuecai officially handed over to the general agent and continued to discuss a series of issues that need to be faced next, such as how much shipments are needed, how to package, how to build the drugs, and so on.

at the same time.


Many media reporters who have been waiting at the Shenghua Hotel have started to cover the report after they learned that the China Merchants Conference ended.

It was not long before the news was released.

“After a day of negotiations, Renyi Group officially entered into an in-depth cooperation agreement with Allen International Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., and will officially sell Yanling Gudan and Yishoudi Xianmao in all countries of the world!”

The news came out.

Netizens, suddenly could not help but excited and excited.

"Global sale, it's mad!"

"I heard that this Allen International Pharmaceutical Company is the world's top pharmaceutical company. Even if it is international, it is a first-class existence. I didn't expect Renyi Group to cooperate with them."

"The important thing is not to cooperate with anyone. The important thing is that our Chinese medicine has gone abroad!"

"The Renyi Group is arrogant, and there are not many drugs that can be sold globally!"


“I have read two papers published by Fang Qiu in the journal Medicine and Human. The two papers are written by Yanling Guben and Yishou Dixian Pills. This time, Renyi Group can enter the international market. The two papers of Fangqiu definitely play a big role."

“Fangqiu published a paper again?”

“Fangqiu wrote a paper on Yanling Guben and Yishou Dixian Pills?”

"Whoever has a paper, come out and have a look."

Hot discussion.

Think about it carefully.

The reason why Yanling Guben and Yishoudi Xianmao are so hot in foreign countries may be related to the papers written by Fangqiu. After all, Fangqiu’s influence in the world is not big, but it is still a little bit.

For a time.

Netizens have turned over the wall to check the comments of foreign netizens and find Fangqiu's papers to view.

At first glance, it was discovered that the fire of Yanling Guben and Yishou Dixian Pills was caused by two papers by Fangqiu.

After reading the two papers, everyone couldn't help but admire them.

"It’s a great god, it’s amazing!"

"Haha, Fangqiu Dashen wrote two papers at random, and it helped us to enter the international market for Chinese medicine in China. This influence is really too strong."

"The influence of Fangqiu Great God is unquestionable. What I am most concerned about now is how to translate the two drugs, Yanling Gudan and Yishoudi Xianmao, in foreign countries!"

"Haha, it's not good to translate."

"I really don't know how to translate it. The key is to translate the word in the past, but the foreigner can't understand it."

During the hot discussion, netizens laughed.