Medical Master

v4 Chapter 190: The ratings are falling!

(I didn’t update yesterday, I’m sorry here again, the two chapters that are owed will be filled in next week, everyone can rest assured)

A group of seven people, led by the president of the Chinese Medicine Association, quickly came to a residential area in a prime location in the city.

Under the leadership of a young woman under the age of 30, take the elevator to the 23rd floor of one of the buildings.

This woman is the mother of the child.

"First talk about the child's situation."

In the elevator, Fang Qiu said.

"For me."

President Zhangkou said: "The child's illness is not too serious, because it was discovered early, before the Chinese medicine treatment, but there has not been much improvement. Now the main symptoms of the child are turbid eyes, often drooling, crying , don't laugh, etc."

"How old is the child now?"

Fangqiu asked.

"just after the first birthday."

The woman replied.


Fangqiu nodded.


The elevator door opens.

The woman hurried out and took everyone into the room.

Just entered the door.

Fangqiu saw a man under 30 years old, who was half-squatting in the living room, kneeling in front of his baby bed and looking at the children in the crib.

"Not afraid, not afraid, my mother will go to the doctor for you, and Xiaoxing's illness will soon be good."

Perhaps because of too much investment, this man actually did not find someone to enter the door.

"How is the child?"

The woman ran forward.


The man turned his head and looked at Fangqiu and others, then quickly stood up and asked the president of the Chinese Medicine Association: "Da Bo, what are these?"

"This is the doctor I invited to see Xiaoxing."

The president pointed to Fangqiu and smiled and said: "His name is Fangqiu. Not only is it very powerful, but it is still very hot recently."


The man glanced at Fangqiu and then opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t say it. Instead, he turned a little stiff and took the hand of Fangqiu.

in fact.

From his eyes, Fangqiu can see that he has some doubts.

After all, Fangqiu’s age is too young.

Coupled with this year, I have been worrying about my child's illness. I have no intention to pay attention to what TV news, network microblogging or something, so I don't know Fangqiu at all.


Because it was recommended by the president of the Chinese Medicine Association, he was not very difficult to question, so he was slightly stiff.

"You can call me a small party."

Holding the hand of Fang Qiu, this man has nothing to say, only to come out with such a sentence.

"The same sect."

Fangqiu smiled and said, "I will look at the children first."


Xiaofang quickly took Fangqiu to the crib in front of the sofa in the living room.

The child's mother also quickly went aside and gave Fangqiu plenty of positions.

When I came to the crib, Fang Qiu carefully checked the child's situation.

"How can I cure?"

The president asked.

"no problem."

Fangqiu Yingsheng.

"Can, can cure?"

The child’s mother heard Fang Qiu’s answer, and her eyes were red.

"Really, can my child's illness really be cured?"

Xiaofang is also red-eyed.

In order to cure the child's illness, they have been running around for half a year. If they spend money, the child has not been cured. Looking at such a lovely child all day, it is so boring, the couple are uncomfortable!


After visiting countless famous doctors, I have been unable to cure the children in countless large hospitals, and finally saved?

this moment.

Both husband and wife are extremely excited, and in the eyes of the children, almost all tears are coming.

"What are you crying?"

The president of the Chinese Medicine Association glanced at the two people and screamed: "Cry, wait until the child is cured and cry!"


The two quickly wiped their eyes.

"Doctor, you save my child, be sure to save my child."

The woman came forward and said excitedly to Fangqiu.

"Do not worry."

Fangqiu nodded gently.

He can see that the couple really love their children very much. This love and persistence made Fang Qiu deeply touched.

After all, not every family can stick to a child with a child's cerebral palsy, and the time is still early.

"Start treatment."

The president said to the other side.

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded.


The president took out all the tools brought from the medical hall and laid the silver needle on the coffee table.

Fangqiu carefully took the child out and put it on the sofa to keep the mother of the child aside.


Fangqiu took a needle and started acupuncture directly.

"Children's cerebral palsy is a very serious brain disabling disease. At present, the child's condition is not too serious, so I will choose the treatment method of Jiannao Yicong and Huatan Tongluo."


The five Ming doctors and the president of the Chinese Medicine Association agreed to nod.


Fangqiu directly down the needle.

The main point selection, Baihui, Sishencong, Jiaji, Hangzhong, Zusanli, Hegu.

Because in the previous examination, I found out that the child was careful about the spleen and two spleen. Fang Qiuyi chose Xinshu and Pishu on the matching points.

Into the needle.

Fangqiu uses a needle-filling method to penetrate.

At the same time as the needle, the internal air is directly mobilized.

Although the internal air is like a hairspring.

However, under the control of Fangqiu, all the way, such as bamboo, stimulated the acupuncture points to maximize the effect.

After three minutes, take the needle.

"All right."

Fang Qiu took a breath and put the needle back.

Everyone stares at it.

I saw it.

On the sofa, the child actually moved.

Not only did it move, but it didn't drool, and the eyes that had been turbid had become brighter at this time. The most rare thing was that the child who had never laughed, waving a small hand and laughing.

See this.

The children's parents are staying.


The president of the Chinese Medicine Association, and the five Ming doctors, were also shocked!

Do you add up to ten minutes before and after this?


At this point, I just cured my child?

How can this be?

Six people are far from thinking that Fangqiu is so powerful, the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion is so good!

"This is this..."

The president of the Chinese Medicine Association pointed at the child with shock and said excitedly: "This, what week is this, depending on your level, I will give you a medical qualification tomorrow!"


The five Ming doctors not only did not object, but instead nodded in agreement.

They are really shocked.

Who can think of it, Fangqiu can be strong enough to this extent?

With the strength of Fangqiu, it is absolutely qualified to become a Ming doctor!

At this time.


The child suddenly called.

Hearing the call, looking at the child lying on the sofa, dancing with his hands and feet, and even turning over and crawling, the couple couldn't stand it anymore, and the tears broke down in an instant.

Tears are flowing.

Both of them rushed to the child at the same time.

Looking at this scene, Fang Qiu smiled comfortably.


After the couple calmed down, they turned around with gratitude and gave Fangqiu a head.

Fangqiu quickly helped.

The two couples want to give Fangqiu money, Fangqiu does not accept.

In the end, the couple could only keep everyone down, and then went shopping for one person, cooking at home, and busy until 8 pm, only to get a good meal at the big table.

Everyone is happy to eat together.

At the dinner table, the couple kept thanking Fangqiu.

Fang Qiu was also very happy to see the child return to normal.

After all, this little guy is also a surname!


Fang Qiu and others who are eating rice, I do not know that the fifth phase of the young Chinese medicine has already started broadcasting.

As before.

Before the broadcast, there were a lot of viewers waiting in front of the TV, and there were more people watching the live broadcast on the Internet.

The fifth period, cooking!

Everyone looks forward to watching the show.

After watching it for five minutes, I found it quite interesting. When I saw it for ten minutes, some people were not happy.

"What about Fangqiu?"

"How come there is no square?"

"Chu Cao, this director is brain-destroyed. It’s been more than ten minutes. Does Fang Qiu even have a shot?"

"No square hills, don't look."

"This Nima let us see you?"

Online, buzzing.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The name of Fangqiu covers the entire webcast room, and all the barrage is about Fangqiu.

But even so.

Everyone did not mean to look at it, but continued to watch.


After reading the one-and-a-half-hour program.

Everyone found that Fangqiu's lens is actually few!

Although I knew that Fangqiu had already advanced through the program, but I didn't see Fangqiu doing things, everyone was very disappointed.

Because, everyone is still looking forward to Fangqiu to make some moths.

after all.

The explosion of this program relies entirely on Fangqiu.

Except for Fangqiu, other people haven't watched it at all. In the entertainment-oriented program, even if there are a few beautiful women who can eat and drink, it is difficult to support the whole program.

Although Jiang Miaoyu a cold Wen Zhuo satisfied many people appreciate the beauty of the appeal, but there are beautiful women without entertainment, we still have a hard time watching.

The show is finished.

The extremely disappointed netizens rushed to the "Young Chinese Medicine" microblog to comment on the message.

"What kind of ghosts are broadcast in this issue, there is nothing to watch!"

"Strongly demanding more Fangqiu lenses, what do you see without Fangqiu?"

"Fangqiu is a traffic force. Do you want to do this well?"

"In order to see Fangqiu, the result is only a few shots, and it’s still a few seconds. It’s really speechless."

"Strongly ask the program group to keep the lens of Fangqiu, it is best to use the same lens as the period of the drug collection."

"All the shots are not necessarily square, but it's just a few of them. It's so much better. The show group is really too eye-catching."

For a time.

The microblog of the young Chinese doctor is on fire.

A microblog that promoted the fifth program, which was issued three days ago, had only a few thousand comments and forwarded microblogs. In just 10 minutes, it accumulated nearly 100,000 comments.

The speed of this horrible commentary has made it impossible for those who are red and fresh.

In the face of this situation, the program group is also very helpless!

In this issue, there is really no way to put a shot of Fangqiu, instead they don't want to put it.


Under the slogan of the netizens, the program group can only stand still.

That night.

The ratings have come out.

The average viewing rate of the whole program dropped to 4.1, and the highest viewing period was 4.5 at the beginning. Then the audience rating has been decreasing, and it has been falling. At the end, it will directly reach 3.3.

at the same time.

When other variety shows on other TV channels saw the ratings statistics, they couldn’t help but have some schadenfreude, but more of them were bitter!