Medical Master

v4 Chapter 196: One person fights forty!

"I heard that you are a squadron with 100 people."

As Fangqiu walked, he said: "Now I have put down thirty. If every ten people close, I have to wait seven more times to finish it?"

After thinking about it, Fangqiu shrugged and said, "It’s too much trouble, can't you come together?"

As a result, the words just finished.


A burst of standing sounds suddenly came.

I saw it.

The original empty four times, actually appeared a large group of people in an instant, these people are like bamboo shoots, suddenly appeared from all sides directly surrounded by Fangqiu, and each of them has a gun, muzzle They all point to Fangqiu.


Fangqiu was shocked.

He did not think that these special soldiers actually hid so well, so many people were next to him, he was completely unaware of it.

"You are surrounded!"

A voice came from the crowd, standing in front of Fangqiu, directly pointing forward to the head of Fangqiu with a gun.

at the same time.

There were a few noises from above.

Fangqiu looked up.

I saw, not only around, but even a few people hanging on the branches and pointing their guns at their heads, this is a comprehensive coverage of land and air!


The squadron leader appeared and walked into the crowd and said to Fangqiu.

Although it seems that this battle is quite big, but he is speechless in his heart.

They are special forces, special forces are the elite of the elite, special forces are born to be an enemy, and an enemy is the deepest pride in their hearts.


This time, not only can they not be an enemy, but they must also be together to bully a person, which makes him very speechless.

In the crowd.

I was aiming at countless guns.

Fangqiu did not feel the slightest tension. Instead, when he heard the words of the squadron commander, he smiled and said: "Do you think that this will make me shackle?"

"You have been surrounded, you can't escape..."

The squadron leader Zhangkou.

Can be the result.

I haven't finished talking yet.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and Fangqiu, standing in front of him, suddenly disappeared.

People are gone!

In this scene, the seventy people around them were all shocked.

How can this be?

Everyone is panicked.

This is a real network, in this case, how could Fangqiu escape?

However, he just fled!


"in the sky!"

A scream started.

Everyone looks up.

I saw that Fangqiu was quickly falling from the sky and rushing directly into the crowd. The whole person was like a ghost. He was moving fast in the crowd. Every time he moved to a place, someone would faint.


I am growing up in the middle.

Everyone panicked.

Even so, Fangqiu is still in the rapid movement, constantly stunned people.

Just one minute.

Seventy people, all fell to the ground!

At last.

Fang Qiu once again appeared in front of the squadron leader and said with a smile: "You are the last one."


The squadron leader did not even react, and he was stretched out by Fangqiu. His eyes were black and he was directly fainting.

clap hands.

Fangqiu turned his head and smiled at a camera mounted on the tree raft, and then continued to move forward.

Base command room.

Standing in front of the TV wall, Li Wei and the commander were all shocked and completely stunned by everything they saw.

The two of them looked at it so straight, and no one spoke.

After a long while.

"Too, it's amazing."

The commander stunned and said, then he was worried and turned to look at Li Wei and asked: "How many people are there in the country?"

"Not many."

Li Wei answered.


The command post was relieved.

Because Fangqiu’s strength is too strong, it’s just a humanoid nuclear bomb level. This kind of person is a little less okay. If there are many, it will pose a huge threat to national security.


Fangqiu soon came to the base.

Through the surveillance video to see the location of Fangqiu, the commander and Li Wei looked at each other and immediately walked out of the command room and greeted Fangqiu.

"Predecessors, you are finally here."

Seeing Fangqiu, Li Wei greeted and greeted him with a smile and applauded with the commander.

"It seems that my speed is not fast enough."

Fangqiu laughed back.

"no no……"

Li Xiao smiled and said quickly: "I don't mean this."

At this time.

"This comrade."

The commander came forward and asked, "I am the soldier, is it okay?"


Fangqiu nodded and said: "They will naturally wake up after ten minutes."


The commander was relieved.

That is a whole hundred people. If you have been fainting for a long time, I am afraid that there will be problems. Even if you call someone to bring all the people back, it will cost a lot of things.

"Predecessors, let's go ahead and talk."

Li Wei said.


Fangqiu nodded and walked into the base all the way under the leadership of Li Wei and the commander.

This is a green castle.

Completely hidden in the castle in the forest.

Even in his presence, Fangqiu still feels in the jungle.

Because this place is a forest, all kinds of trees and vines are scattered, there are many bushes, and there are also a large camouflage tent that is covered by a creeper.

In the innermost, under a very large canopy, there is a two-story building.

This building, from the inside out, is covered with camouflage.

Under the leadership of Li Wei, the commander, Fang Qiu quickly came to the building, entered the first room, sat down and talked.

ten minutes later.


A footstep came.


A shout, sounded outside the door.

"Time is just right."

The commander looked at the time, just ten minutes, immediately immediately raised a thumbs at Fangqiu, and then got up and went out.

Looking at the open space in front of me, the one hundred people who are dingy.

The commander's face sank.


A cold voice expressed his dissatisfaction.

These one hundred people, each one of them has a low head and an ugly face.

This is the first time they have seen the power of inhuman beings. This kind of power is so terrible that Fangqiu looks like Superman.

Let them, they can't cope at all.

"Is it now?"

Walking in front of the square formed by a hundred people, the commander sullenly said: "I know someone outside the world, is there a day outside?"

"Don't always think that you are a special soldier!"

"I tell you, in this world, there are a lot of people who are better than you!"

"After completing a few tasks and taking a few times, I feel that I am invincible in the world. I admit that when you face ordinary enemies, you perform very well, but in the face of special enemies?"

"Today, your performance has made me very disappointed!"

"Very disappointed!"

"Although you are not facing ordinary people, but you have worked so hard for so many years, is there really no chance for it, is the hard training of these years all ruined?"

One hundred people did not speak.

One by one, even if the heart is very painful, he raises his head and listens to the instructions.

"I tell you, the reason why you are so ugly is because of your conceit!"

The commander continued to reprimand: "Conceited that you are faced with an ordinary person who believes that no matter what kind of enemy you have to face, you can easily win!"

"Now, have you won?"

"Your conceit? Come out and show it to me!"


Everyone is silent.


The commanders are right, they are too conceited, otherwise they can arrange more elaborate plans and still do better.

Really done, maybe you can change the battle!

See everyone's look and change.


The commander snorted and said: "Go and train, give me a good reflection!"


The squadron leader stood up and walked away with a hundred people.

After the training.

The commander returned to the house.


Li Xiaoxiao asked.

"This group of stinky boys should train them."

The commander nodded and said: "Otherwise, they really thought they were standing on the loess slope."

"Well, since everyone is back, it is time to talk about our business."

Li Wei opened his mouth.


The commander nodded and looked at Fangqiu and said: "I know that you are specifically going to learn the techniques of lurking, reconnaissance and tracking of special forces. This is not an emergency, I will send someone to explain to you."

Fangqiu nodded.

"However, I have a request before you start learning."

The commander said.


Fangqiu a trip.


The commander nodded very positively and said, "I want to ask you to help improve the strength of our squadron."

Speaking of it.

The commander smiled and continued to add: "I don't care. You have been the youngest and the most powerful person I have seen for decades. If you can train yourself so strong, then there are sure ways to help me. Train these kids."

"Actually, they are already strong."

Fangqiu snorted and said: "As far as their current situation is concerned, even the six martial arts are hard to stand up, and as far as the current situation is concerned, there are only a thousand people in the six martial arts. In the absence of martial arts, this hundred people can achieve this level is very good, and they are special forces, they have to face a variety of criminals, not martial arts, against the martial arts, the country must have Special people or departments, so I feel that they do not need to accept my training at all."


Li Yan said, "You should not quit. You see that we are all helping you so much. Do you want to show it?"

Fangqiu smiled bitterly.

Although the time is rushed, however, it is a special commander. It is also very good for the country to train. And the qualifications of these soldiers are not bad. Besides, he is here to learn from it. Since he wants to learn from here, Things go out, then you have to leave something to be fair here.

Think of it here.

"okay then."

Fangqiu nodded lightly and promised to come down at the same time, directly asked Zhang: "How many people in this hundred people have practiced martial arts?"

"I have practiced."

When Li Wei’s eyes lit up, he immediately replied: “Just, there is no internal strength, not a military.”


Fangqiu shook his head and smiled.