Medical Master

v4 Chapter 199: The power of terror!

(First chapter, update chapter 2 before 6 pm)


The knock on the door came.


Fangqiu asked.

"The commander asked me to come over to you."

Outside the door, there was a voice from a soldier.

Fangqiu got up and opened the door.

"What are you looking for?"

Fangqiu looked at the soldier standing in front of the door and asked.

"do not know."

The soldier shook his head and replied.

At this time.

Fangqiu saw the fire in the base, and there were many people around each fire.

"What are these people?"

Fangqiu pointed at those who were in front of the fire and asked.

"It is the second squadron."

The soldiers replied: "They just returned from the mission."


Fangqiu nodded.

Then, under the leadership of the soldiers, all the way to a fire not far away came over.


When I saw the commander of Fangqiu, I immediately greeted him with a smile.

"You ignited in the forest?"

Fangqiu pointed at the fire and said: "Even if there is no danger, but it is easy to attract the attention of others, will not expose the base?"

"This is the border."

The commander shook his head and said, "You are really not familiar with the border."

"How to say?"

Fangqiu asked curiously.

“The jungles on both sides of the border are very deep. Under normal circumstances, the smoke will not rise to a height that people can see unless it is within one kilometer.”

Speaking of this, the commander smiled and continued to add: "In addition, there are many "ghosts" hidden in this deep mountain forest. Some of them are hiding for ten days and a half, and the dry food on the body is not enough. It is only possible to hunt and kill animals and eat them on the spot. For a long time, although the fire in this forest will cause the vigilance of those criminals, it will not have much deterrent effect."

"The last and most important point is that the second squadron has just returned from the mission, so it can be guaranteed that no one is within ten kilometers tonight."


Fangqiu nodded.

So this is ah.

"Of course, ignition in this place does take a lot of risks, but this is just a temporary training base for us. We will leave in a few days, so in order to celebrate the success of the second squadron's mission, the fire was broken. ""

The commander explained.


Fangqiu nodded.

"What is terrible about ignition?"

Li Lan came over and said: "Our Chinese soldiers, we are upright, why do we need to be afraid?"

"well said."

The commander smiled and nodded.

Fangqiu also smiled.

With these soldiers, I feel pretty good.

"Right, what are you looking for?"

Fangqiu asked the commander.

"Is this not the second squadron back?"

The commander smiled and said: "On the contrary, their task has been carried out very satisfactorily. Even one person has not been injured. As a result, the arrogance in their hearts will naturally rise. I am afraid..."


Fangqiu a trip.


The commander wanted to let him press the second squadron again.

"Look, do you want to shoot again?"

The commander asked with a smile.

"No need."

Fangqiu shook his head and said: "I am not suitable for the shot. After all, they have just returned from triumph, to suppress their arrogance, of course, to let their comrades come."


The commander and Li Wei laughed at the same time.

"We think so too. Actually, I want you to come and listen to your opinions, and come over and see."

Li Wei said.

"Then let them start."

Fangqiu smiled and walked down to the fire where the two were sitting.

"Yes, let's get started."

Li Wei said one sentence, sitting next to Fang Qiu.

"it is good."

The commander laughed and walked straight.

"stand up!"


The densely packed people in front of several fires immediately stood up.

A full 200 people, surrounded by ten fires.

The moment everyone stands up.

The fire flashed.

"First of all, I would like to commend the second squadron, and successfully completed the instructions of the superiors in this mission and reached the goal."

Say, the commander clapped his hands.

Everyone is also applauding.


The commander raised his hand to stop.

"Below, in order to enhance everyone's enthusiasm, there is a good atmosphere. I decided to choose a team from the first squadron and the second squadron to try each other."


Some people in the whole place immediately shouted excitedly.

This kind of team test is a common thing in the base.

As the saying goes, it is better to improve in the competition.

Every time the contest is tested, the members of both teams will give 100% strength and play the best performance.

"First squadron leader, second squadron leader."

The commander shouted.


The two ran out.

"The squad of this comparison will be decided by both of you."

The commander said with a smile, and he retired.

all of a sudden.

It became a scene of two squadrons.

"Well, do you want to choose that team?"

Because the team member just returned satisfactorily, the second team leader was eager to ask.

"Or else, do you pick?"

The first team leader smiled and said: "Your team's own decision, our team also let your team decide, how?"

"Okay, then come to a strong showdown."

The second squadron leader smiled and said: "We are going to send the first team, and everyone in your first team will give it to me!"


The members of the first team of the two sides stood up.

Ten people on one side.

The ten members of the first squad of the second squadron, all of them are gearing up and confident.

The ten members of the first squad of the first squadron looked at each other and laughed one by one.


Start with the test.

Twenty people, one-on-one collided together.


This kind of comparison is to ask the two sides to fight when only the last person is standing.

Can be the result.

This time the game is completely different.

Just three minutes.

The first squad of the second squadron was all dumped to the ground.

The ten people of the first squad of the first squadron, not only did not fall one by one, but still stood in a row, looking at the ten people who fell to the ground with a look of play.

See this scene.

Someone was surprised at the place.

All members, including the first squadron, did not think that the strength of their team had reached this level.

To know.

Prior to this, they were completely inseparable from the strength of the second squadron, but now they can easily defeat the second squad directly.

This kind of improvement is really too strong.

For a time.

All members of the first squadron did not look at Fangqiu with full respect.

And the other side.

The squadron leader of the second squadron was also shocked and wide-eyed, and could not believe the scene in front of him.

"What's happening here?"

"Do you all have guns, so fierce?"


The squadron leader of the first squadron suddenly laughed and the other people in the first squadron laughed.

"Not counting, come back!"

The second squadron leader said.

"it is good."

The first squadron nodded in no fear.

This time, the second squadron leader chose the squad of both sides.


Same as the first competition.

After a while, the second squadron was dried up again.


The second squadron was even more surprised.

At this time.

The first squadron leader came out and said with a smug look at the second squadron leader: "All of your squadrons will be together, and our three teams will be able to turn you over!"


The second squad leader was angry.

He was angry, and his soldiers were even more angry.

In the previous competition, they won more and lost less, and they have received such anger.

"Do not believe, try?"

The first squadron leader said.

"You don't regret it."

The second squadron leader said.

"Reassured, certainly not regretting."

The first squad leader laughed.

"it is good."

The second squad leader, Zhangkou, said: "Brothers, come together!"


Actually, I really started the group.

On the side, the commander and the instructor did not pull, but looked at it with interest.

"You just let them do this?"

Fangqiu asked.

"If there is competition, there will be improvement. It will be promoted in competition and coexist in promotion."

The commander smiled.

"But, this is too inconspicuous?"

Fangqiu looked at the scene of one hundred and thirty people in front of the group. Although it was very cool, it always felt that it was not suitable.

"Afraid of anything, anyway, others can't see it."

The commander shook his head.

"I understand that why the retired soldiers are so powerful in society."

Fangqiu shook his head and smiled.

"That can have nothing to do with us."

The commander rushed to Qing Dao: "We are special forces. This is training. The deeper their friendship, the deeper their friendship. After my soldiers retired, they will never do this."

Fangqiu shook his head and chuckled.


The battle is nearing the end.

Take a closer look.

The 30 people of the first squadron actually turned down the 100 people in the second middle pile.

This scene.

The instructor who has been sitting on the side is scared enough.

Thirty one hundred!

This strength is equivalent to more than three times the increase!

The instructor glanced at the battlefield, and then turned his head in shock and looked at Fangqiu, and there was an unspeakable shock in his eyes.


The soldiers of the first squadron all stepped forward and pulled the second squadron one by one.

"I am not right."

The second squadron reached out and grabbed the shoulder of the first squadron leader and asked: "This is a slap in the face. Haven't you been okay before, how can you become so fierce in a blink of an eye?"

The result is this question.

The soldiers of the second squadron knew that it was a high man from the base.

Do not say anything.

The captain of the second squadron immediately took everyone, and ran to Fangqiu, asking Fangqiu to help them improve.

See you.

Fangqiu looked at the commander on the side, but saw the commander smiled at himself.

"I go."

The heart snorted and Fangqiu found that he was falling again.


He really thought that the commander invited him to come over. He simply looked at the two teams and tried it. As a result, he finally put him in the ring of training the second squadron.

In fact, Fang Qiu wants to refuse.

But I didn't want to go.

Without any choice.

It can only take too late, go early tomorrow morning, and no time to train as an excuse to push back to the house.


The next morning, when Fangqiu got up and prepared for morning exercise, he found that all the soldiers of the second squadron were standing in front of their own doors.

In this case, Fang Qiu was stunned.