Medical Master

v7 Chapter 213: Huaxia has a book called "Book of Change

"Come to our England."

"We also have a lot of military bases in England, and you can kill them all without name!"

For a time, almost all the people of England who knew this matter began to appeal to the English name to go to the English base.


Not the same as most of these people think.

When the high-ranking country of England heard that it had gone to the Federal Republic of Germany to destroy the base of the military base, it was shocked. I was afraid that I would go to my own country without name.

After all, the Kingdom of England is also one of the more than 30 countries currently targeting China, and like the rice country, it is equivalent to the leader.

Unnamed to the Kingdom of England to destroy the base of the military, they are of course very happy, but they are also very afraid, afraid that the nameless will destroy colleagues in the military base of the military, to their own military base.

Under the leadership of this mood.

The high-level leaders of England are very entangled. They want to let the nameless help to eliminate the Mi army, and they don’t want to hurt their country without name, and even begin to regret it. Why do they want to provoke China and provoke no name.

And here.

After the German Federal State killed 14 military bases of the Mi Army overnight, Fangqiu concealed himself.

His first phase goals have all been completed.

Although the country’s overseas military bases have reached nearly 400, Fangqiu’s destruction is the most important for the country.

I want to come, 18 military bases, should allow the country to think about it, and it is right for China.

In the next few days.

No name has never been moving.

In the world, except for the military base, there is no movement in any other country. The military bases of any other country have not encountered any spiritual events. No abnormal events have occurred in a few days.

In this case, it is very doubtful for those countries that have no hatred with Huaxia and no name. Is it because the rice country secretly made a deal with China? Why did it suddenly stop moving?

Is it a nameless accident?

In more than 30 countries that have joined forces with the four major countries to exert pressure on China and impose economic sanctions on China, they have been tense in these days, fearing that no name will suddenly appear in their own country.

But a few days passed.

After the countries found that there was no name and no movement, the heart was relieved.

Rice country, capital.

In the secure conference room on the basement level.

"The various military bases that have been destroyed by namelessness have already begun to rebuild. Given that there is no movement in the near future, we believe that his actions are over."

A general reported to a group of high-level members in the conference room.


A high-level face of a rice country sank, an angry slap on the conference table, and then stood up and screamed: "He said that the end is over? He is over, we are not finished!"

Other high-level personnel also nodded.

This time, the nameless made them very miserable, and they must report this.

"What do you think?"

A normal high-level, looking at Nash Wilson.

"Although the nameless fierceness is very famous, according to my experience with several times, his namelessness is not the kind of person who will go crazy."

Nash Wilson carefully analyzed: "Before, we arranged a lot of plans to kill him for the nameless, and he did not show a particularly crazy side. This time, we destroyed 16 of our military bases. It is already his work. The craziest thing."

"Although it can't be 100% certain, we can believe that the nameless revenge is very likely to be over!"

Speaking of this, Nash Wilson raised his eyebrows slightly and continued to add: "I think, since we don't need to worry about the harm that namelessness may bring us, it means that we will have enough next. Time, planning and arrangement to prevent the next revenge arrangement of nameless."

"Of course, while preventing the next revenge of the nameless, we should also give China a little more color to look at."


The top of the rice country in the entire conference room nodded.

Everyone’s eyes are slowly chilling.

From that point of view, it seems that Huaxia will not be able to swallow this breath.

"Huaxia, you are waiting for me!"


Just in this group of people, began to formulate how to increase the suppression of China, in order to retaliate against China and the nameless, the mobile phone of the top of the Ministry of Defense of the country suddenly rang.


In front of everyone, the top of the Defense Department immediately took out the phone and pressed the handsfree button.


At the other end of the line, there was a very alarming voice saying: "The Guam base had an accident. All the facilities and equipment bureaus were destroyed and they were destroyed. There were no casualties."

When the report came out from the phone, all the high-level countries, including Nash Wilson, were dumbfounded in the entire security conference room.


The location of the Guam base is in Japan, and the strategic location of the Guam base is very important. It is the core of the second-line base of the Mi-Pacific in the entire Pacific region.

The Guam Naval Military Base is an important strategic fulcrum of the Western Pacific Combat System and an important hub for connecting the mainland with East Asia. It is also one of the key areas for the future development and garrison of the country.

The main military bases include the Apra Naval Base and the Anderson Air Force Base.

According to media reports a few years ago, the last time the Mi Jun invested heavily in military facilities and functions in Guam, it was only to clear the navigation channel and correct the terminal. It lost $40 million in China and even prepared to build the Guam Naval Base into the mother port of the aircraft carrier.

up until now.

The funds invested by the country in Guam are already very large.

But now.

The Guam base, still under construction, was destroyed again.

It’s not just a base, but all the military bases in the entire Guam area have been destroyed.

This is definitely a heavy hammer for the country!

Just heard this news.

All the high-ranking countries of the country are bleeding, and they are all angry and mad.

"No name, no name!"

"Who is saying that the nameless retaliatory action is over? Who is it?"

"Guam, did he actually go to Guam?"

"It's too shameless, the nameless person is too shameless, too shameless!"

At the top of the country, the collective lost wisdom.


The international news channel of Japan immediately reported the news that the rice army Guam base was destroyed.

When I saw this news.

The people of the world are shocked.

Prior to this, people from all over the world who did not understand the reasons for this were all thought that the rice country had suffered from a powerful reason and suffered a natural punishment. Therefore, the spiritual events of the military base will continue to appear.

At the beginning, the emergence of splendid events in four military bases has already made people around the world feel very shocked.

Later, when the 14-military bases of the Federal Republic of Germany were in trouble, people from all over the world felt that something was wrong.

Nowadays, when the base of the Gujun Guam is heard again, the people of various countries can't help but start to talk about it.

I feel that this should have been separated from the scope of the spiritual events, and they have begun to speculate that the innocent situation will occur in the country.

of course.

Most of them think that the spiritual events of these military bases are likely to be related to China, but there is no evidence to prove this.

Under this circumstance, people from all over the world can only feel the power of China in private.

I want to compare with these ordinary people.

The abilities of all countries in the world are more aware of the ins and outs of the entire event. Countries that are not involved in it are watching the drama.

I can't help this scene to be more beautiful.

The high-level officials of more than 30 countries behind the country have just relaxed their spirits and are again tightened.

As one of the countries, the top officials of the English country could not help but sigh and smile.


"Why don't you name us in England?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't name us in England."

the other side.

The top officials of the Japanese are happy.

Because Guam’s location is overseas of their Japanese country, although Guam is an overseas land of the country, the existence of the rice base on Guam has to whisper when the Japanese country is in the face of the country, because the distance between the two sides is really Very close, once the country of Mexico initiates a fire, it is difficult for the Japanese to cope.

Now that the base of Guam has been destroyed, the Japanese nation can be assured that the big ones will start to develop themselves, and no longer need to accept the containment of the military base!

This is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

Just when countries all over the world were caught in various discussions, the namelessness of the trip to Guam was just finished, but they quickly logged into the forum in the basement.

After these few days of observation, the country has a little bit of softness, so he chose Guam to start.

Looks like.

The country is still very hard.

The harder they are, the more Fangqiu can predict, after the end of the incident, how violent they will be against China.

Since it has already been predicted here, how can Fangqiu see the revenge of this rice country?

He went abroad this time.

The purpose is to give these countries a conviction, fear!

How can Fangqiu stop when they are not afraid enough and still want to retaliate?

Click to post.

"The inheritance of China's five thousand years, there is a great book called "Book of Changes", which has the saying of Zhouyi gossip. Recently, I looked up at the sky and counted for the country. I feel that the next base of the country is a strange event. It is very likely that Pearl Harbor, the country should be careful!"

After the editing is completed, Fangqiu directly clicks to send and sends this post to the underground power forum.

From the registration of the unnamed account, it has been tested by people from all over the world. Every time this account is launched, they will immediately analyze the location of the account and try to find the real name of the nameless.

It is precisely because of this that these countries and forces can see the posts posted by nameless in the first time.

Fengyun reading network m.