Medical Master

v4 Chapter 213: Where is the public opinion cited?

“Health products?”

Fangqiu raised his brow and stared at each other.


The person immediately nodded with a smile.

"Dare to love, are you going to fake drugs?"

Fangqiu's face became a bit ugly.

"No, no, how can it be a fake medicine?"

The hurried man shook his head and said: "I don't mean this. We are doing health care products. We are not responsible for any curative effect. The brands and slogans that are played out at the time are also health care products."

"Your company's abacus is playing very well."

Fangqiu sneered and said: "In my name, do health products to deceive consumers, let consumers think that this is a good medicine for treatment, let them spend a lot of money to buy back, but there is no effect, can only spend money? ”

Speaking of it.

Fangqiu’s standing up, asked with anger at the other side: “Do you know that every dime you cheated is likely to have a big impact on one’s life? ”

"You roll me, roll right away!"

Fang Qiu was angry.


The people still want to continue to persuade.

But before he could open his mouth, Zhu Benzheng, Zhou Xiaotian and Sun Hao were three people. They did not say that they directly pulled people out of the dormitory and drove them away.

"What is this?"

After driving away the person, Fangqiu grinned dissatisfiedly and said: "What are the monsters and gods!"


Just entering the door, Zhou Xiaotian looked at Fangqiu with his eyes wide open and said: "Daddy, if you have any secret recipes, you can really open a company yourself. That benefit is definitely a lever."

"I have no secret recipe."

Fangqiu was not as good as Bai Xiaotian.

"I have done it."

Zhu Benzhen came in and looked at Fangqiu and asked: "Daddy, to be honest, how are you treated, and then, when are you going to be open?"

"I am also worried about this matter."

Fangqiu smiled and said: "The treatment method I have mastered is really amazing. I don't know how to say it for the time being."

"Why are there such a shameless face on your face?"

Zhou Xiaotian muttered.


Fang Qidun was speechless, and he did not answer the three more, but he meditated with his own distress.


He still decided to make it public!

Of course, Fang Qiu is also very clear, the internal gas and the power of mind for the average person, it is too difficult to practice.

Don't say anything else.

Even Fangqiu, when practicing the power of thought, suffered so much pain before he cultivated to the present level.

To know.

He is a master, and he has the tolerance of a master. Even in that case, he still suffers so much pain. If he is an ordinary person, how can he endure the pain?

As for the internal air, it is even harder to practice.

Fortunately, everyone has some preparations in mind. After all, they have accepted the existence of Qi. It is not difficult to accept such things as internal gas.

Compared with the two, the mind is still too far-sighted.

Fangqiu is very worried.

After he announced the treatment method, he was really worried that everyone would guide the treatment method in a mysterious direction and treat the traditional Chinese method as a mysterious thing.

This will inevitably hinder the revival of Chinese medicine!


Not announced and not.

Therefore, after thinking hard, Fangqiu finally decided to open up, and after publicity, must be guided, and must not let everyone think of Chinese medicine as a mysterious thing!

At this time.


The phone ringing suddenly sounded.

When I took out my mobile phone, it was Jiang Miaoyu.


Fangqiu quickly answered.

"you arrived?"

The words of Jiang Miaoyu came.


Fangqiu nodded and said, "Where are you, I am going to find you."

"I am at the library."

Jiang Miaoyu responded.

"I will come right away."

After a cry, Fangqiu left the dormitory and rushed to the library.

After all, it has disappeared for a few days, and the first time you come back, you must have a good time with Jiang Miaoyu.

Come to the library.

Fangqiu found Jiang Miaoyu and sat chatting for a while.

Later, in order not to disturb Jiang Miao language learning, Fang Qiu went directly into the borrowing room and discussed with Xu Mulin a little about the treatment.

After coming out of the library.

Fangqiu went directly to the airport and took a plane to Kyoto.

Before getting on the plane.

Fangqiu called Li Huawen in advance.

Come to Kyoto.

Fangqiu rushed directly to the CCTV building and walked into the "Young Chinese Medicine" studio.

Because of the phone call in advance, Li Huawen was waiting for Fangqiu in the studio, and even the staff members were called.

"Are you really ready to be public?"

When I saw Fangqiu, Li Huawen came up and asked.


Fangqiu nodded, then Zhang said: "But this treatment is generally difficult for people to understand. I am worried now. Once it is announced, it is likely to cause very bad effects."


Director Li Huawen gave a glimpse and asked: "How difficult is it to understand?"

"You still have to look directly."

Fangqiu thought about it and stretched his finger to a water-filled cup at the foot of a machine next to it.

The director looked at the water glass and looked confused.

It is at this time.

The cup suddenly floated and then fell again.


Director Li Huawen immediately looked at it.

The eyes kept on the water cup and Fangqiu's body to return!

"What's happening here?"

Li Huawen looked awkward.

"This is the treatment."

Fangqiu smiled and said: "This is the power of mind. The treatment I use is the combination of the power of mind and the gas phase of Chinese medicine. It is because this method is hard to believe, so I will not ask for treatment. Let others see it, and now it will be distressed. What should I do if I am confused and questioned after I announce it?"


Director Li Huawen gave a sigh of relief and looked at the water glass again. This was a little calmer.

Think about it carefully.


Regardless of the above requirements, the program of young Chinese doctors is held in the signboard of Chinese medicine science and science Chinese medicine.

The treatment method used by Fangqiu is really not understandable by ordinary people. Even if the explanation is more and more chaotic, it will easily lead to mysticism.

In this way, it is completely contrary to the signs of young Chinese medicine practitioners.

"what do you mean?"

Director Li Huawen asked.

"Now the pressure on the Internet and the society is too great. I have no choice but to publish this method. However, after the announcement, we must immediately guide the public. We must not let Chinese medicine connect with mysticism. Together."

Fangqiu said.


Director Li Huawen nodded in agreement and asked: "Have you ever thought about which direction to introduce?"

"I think about it."

Fangqiu nodded and said: "I am going to introduce the basic blood of Chinese medicine, which proves that Qi is indeed one of the foundations of human life, and the gas in the body also has a strong self-healing ability."

Li Huawen nodded.


The two men conspired for a while and decided on a series of operations to be done next.

of course.

All this is carrying all the staff.

At the same time, Director Li Huawen, in the spirit of thinking for Chinese medicine, also specifically requested that he must see with his own eyes that Fangqiu can really cure people in this way.

In this regard, Fang Qiu naturally promised!


Director Li Huawen began to contact a former moderator.

This is a woman.

The original presiding work was done well because of suffering from stomach cancer, so I left.


The phone is connected.

Director Li Huawen did not have much politeness. She directly asked her if she would like to accept the treatment of Fangqiu and clearly explained the reasons for everything.

Everything is voluntary.

After thinking about it, the hostess agreed.

After all, she is already like this now, and through the program of the young Chinese doctor, he saw that Fangqiu really has the hope of curing cancer, and it is still very large, and more importantly, he believes in Fangqiu. Can make a miracle.

Even though she may just be an experimental body, she is willing to believe in Fangqiu.

After the hostess agreed.

Director Li Huawen asked him to go to the hospital for a detailed examination, so that after the treatment of Fangqiu, a clear contrast was made.

In the end, the hostess agreed and made an appointment with director Li Huawen and went to her house in the afternoon.

Four p.m.

Under the leadership of Director Li Huawen.

Fangqiu came to this hostess.

Through Li Huawen's introduction, Fang Qiu learned that the female host named Yang Qing was about forty years old.


Came to Yang Qing’s home.

It’s a woman who looks particularly thin.

Although she has been afflicted with illness, her color looks good and people are very cheerful.

"Lee guide."

Seeing director Li Huawen, Yang Qing immediately shouted with a smile, then nodded to Fangqiu: "Hello."

"Hello there."

Fangqiu smiled back with a smile.

"There is not much to say, let's start directly."

Director Li Huawen said.

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded.


Yang Qing also nodded, asked the two to sit down on the sofa in the living room, and then picked up a lot of inspection reports, X-ray shell meal inspections, and CT scans from the coffee table.

From these films, the dark shadow of her stomach can be clearly seen.

The report also clearly stated the condition.

“Can you start directly?”

Director Li Huawen asked Fang Qiu to ask.


Fangqiu nodded, then went straight to Yang Qing to diagnose the pulse.

In diagnosis.

Fangqiu found that Yang Qing’s body was weak.

"its not right."

Fangqiu frowned and asked: "Are you having a big bleeding in addition to the moon?"

"Big bleeding?"

Yang Qing thought about it and asked: "Is the surgery counted?"


Fangqiu nodded.

"I have had surgery for this disease before, and the result is now recurring."

Yang Qing said.

"It turned out to be."

Fangqiu nodded.


It was because of surgery and chemotherapy that Yang Qing’s body was so weak.

From the current situation.

Fang Qiu felt that it is necessary to help to adjust the body first.

"Let's lie down first."

Fangqiu said.

Yang Qing did not hesitate to lie down on the sofa.

Fang Qiu reached out and gently placed it in the stomach of Yang Qing, preparing to use Yang Qi to raise the body with internal gas.


Just when Fangqiu secretly imported the gas into Yang Qing, a strange scene suddenly appeared.